The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *kneels down next to the reformed body and shakes her head* Hrmph, strong illusions that you had, Jenova. Lasting even beyond death. I never would have guessed that much of you. *Shakes her head and continues to poke the body* Still, there is no way you could have given birth to this Sephiroth… How did you do it.. *narrows her eyes in thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the lifeless corpse of Jenova is unable to give an answer*

    *one of the other guards whimpers at her* Please p-put her back…


    Jenna: *Glances at the guard then snorts* Very well. I am done here. She straightens up. She then spreads open her wings. Soon enough, she casts a spell to seal Jenova back into her grave. She doesn’t bother to restore the creature’s human visage as she does this. Then, she turns to leave the area* Perhaps I should make this planet itself give answers…

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova leg: *is still rolling down the mountain, gathering speed*

    *with Jenna gone from the area, the guards head back down the mountain themselves, intending to return to the town*


    Jenna: Hrmph, might as well… This planet is most certainly not what it seems… It can’t be. *she shakes her head. She then begins to sense out the strongest channeling point for speaking to the planet, which leads her back to the church’s area* Hrmph, figures.

    Kat Aclysm

    *unfortunately (or not so… whatever) for Jenna, the church doors are now shut and barred closed with rather large wooden planks that are several inches thick. If the church was opening and welcome before, it certainly isn’t now*


    Jenna: *yawns with boredom, as she finds the doors are locked. Shaking her head, she mutters under her breath* Hrmph, what foolishness. I keep on telling him that I am not here to harm his church. *Shaking her head at the thoughts of what St. Sefy is doing, she decides to simply cast a spell to teleport herself to the location which she sensed out*

    Kat Aclysm

    *several of the churchgoers that were praying around the mako well at the front of the congregation scatter in fear*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at the people who are running in fear* Stupid idiots… *flaps her wings in irritation. She then moves closer to the well so that she can examine it*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the mako well doesn’t give much indication of being important. It just sits in the middle of the church front, silent and fairly inactive. If there were people praying to it before, it has made no difference. When Jenna approaches the mako well, it sends the occaisonal flicker of light upwards, but doesn’t react otherwise*


    Jenna: Hrmph.. well, time to see if this works. *she spreads open her wings. She then begins to channel up the spirits in the mako, trying to find any of them that would be able to answer her questions about this planet. She’d definitely be interested if she found anyone of direct descent of Sefiros*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the souls in the mako well bounce up to see what this new creature is, finding her interesting and different. A small strand of energy soon curls up from the well and tries to snake up towards her, speaking directly to her mind* “You’re the strange one. Not the first. Not the other. But you are from the ones that everyone talks about.” *it giggles* “Trouble makers.”


    Jenna: *coldly speaks* I know of what I am and what I carry. It matters not that I carry what is left of the creature chosen as the destroyer. I am not here for that. *shakes her head* And we are not “trouble-makers” by definition. We are life. *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the tendril snakes towards her, sending telepathic expressions of gentle playful laughter to her mind* “You are trouble makers. The one who thinks he is in charge does not like what you are doing and has seeked our council a few times now. We do nothing. He becomes frustrated and tries to take matters into his own hands. He is losing his touch.”


    Jenna: Ah, I see.. Hrmph, I thought you meant that I carry that which directly spawned from chaos itself. Most mortals call those creatures “trouble-makers”, falsely. *snorts* I do not come to discuss whether I am a trouble-maker or not. The one you speak of, his parents, were they not Lucrecia and Hojo. How was he created?

    Kat Aclysm

    *the tendril rises upwards further, trying to get in her face* “They were, they were. He was born of a mediocre human and another mediocre human. His blessing is not natural. I’m almost inclined to say that it was a lie. So why is he in a position of power? It is because the calamity from the skies made it so.”


    Jenna: So, he does share that much with my Sephiroth. I thought so. Would he listen to you even if you presented his true heritage to him? He refused to listen to my questions and inquiries. *Shakes her head* Also, how was he created? This planet is so… unsophisticated, technology-wise.

    Kat Aclysm

    *the tendril releases another giggle, telepathically emanating of happiness and pride now. It is most excited that somebody has approached it who isn’t prejudiced or biased* “He has never listened. He’s done everything within his power to remove such records. He forges them as well. He tries to capture spirits and feed them with false truths, in the hopes that these will spread through the planet’s core and become common knowledge.” *the tendril rises up to float at Jenna’s eye level now* “You will have to travel north for all the answers you seek.”


    Jenna: *Grumbles* Quite honestly, I don’t plan to be here that long. I was just curious as to the make-up of this planet. My mate and myself were only here to get away for a bit. I do not want to get involved with this planet’s affairs that deeply. *Shakes her head. She then grumbles* Speaking of Seph… where the hell is that man?

    Kat Aclysm

    *the tendril begins to shrink back down into the pool from where it came* “If you don’t want to bring about change, we shall have to find another….” *the tendril expresses dissapointment now* “The other? Somewhere in the kale field beyond the border. Near the mountain. He is quite inactive. Not an injury, but sort of.”


    Jenna: *flaps her wings* It is not my place to interfere with this planet. I am simply a visitor. I have no obligations nor should I have obligations to change things here. *she shakes her head* Hmm… Can you make “the other” come here?

    Kat Aclysm

    *the tendril sinks back down into the well* “I cannot do anything like that. It is beyond my capabilities. There is one manner in which to move the other… but it is not regularly done.”


    Jenna: *Shakes her head* Never mind then. I shall retrieve him of my own abilities. *She closes her eyes and concentrates on Sephiroth. Soon enough, she casts a spell which would lock onto his life-energy. This spell attempts to teleport Sephiroth to her location*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is teleported fairly easily to the location, and appears at Jenna’s feet, still fairly inert and knocked out cold. He doesn’t make much movement aside from the occaisonal muscle twitch and eyebrow scowl, indicating that he’s trying to wake up*


    Jenna: *shakes her head. She then kneels down next to Seph and gently rubs the side of his face* Seph? Are you alright? *Deeply frowns then glances at the tendril* If you have the ability to tell me what happened to him, do such.

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