The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard bows his head and tries to usher her out of the church* Follow me. It will be a small hike, and will take about an hour. But the journey is worth it. Every year on the eve of her death, St. Sefiros holds a candlelight vigil, and we traverse up the mountainside to her place of burial and we pray until the dawn.


    Jenna: Mmm-hmm.. *flaps her wings, trying to reposition them* Lead the way then, idiot. *begins to follow behind the guard. She doesn’t much care if any of the others go off to tell St. Sefy of what is going on. She also only half-listens to the guard as he tells her of Jenova’s burial spot*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard bows his head and sets off, leading the way out of the town and into the mountains nearby, walking along at a fairly brisk pace, eager to reach Jenova’s burial site and show it to the angel*

    *meanwhile, some of the other church guards follow, while some others run off and alert the situation and the arrival of the angel to St. Sefiros*

    St. Sefiros: *is quick to abandon what he was doing after being informed of the situation, and heads off after Jenna, narrowing his eyes in suspicion* I don’t know what is going on… *teleports out of the area, appearing within three feet of Jenna* Stop at once.


    Jenna: *is already half-way to the mountains by the time that St. Sefy appears in front of her. She frowns at him and spreads out her wings a bit* What is it? Certainly exploration is not illegal on this world. I am breaking no rules or laws. *narrows her eyes* So, get out of my way.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *blinks at her words, then shakes his head* I am certainly doing nothing to stop you. I’ve no idea where such an accusation came from. *grins in amusement* By all means, continue to follow Sir Isuro off in some random direction.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes* You are either retarded or stupid. “Stop at once” is most certainly a phrase used in order to stop someone. So, what do you want?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *motions to the space between them* I said it. However, I am doing nothing to stop you. The statement stands. *smirks* As to what I want, I came to see whether the discussion on the ‘angel’ was true. So what is this – *pokes at one of her wings* – some cheap parlour trick? Some plot designed to overthrow me? *narrows his eyes* You’re one of those disrupting folk from the north, aren’t you? Why do you want to go up the mountainside? What do you hope to find there?


    Jenna: *ruffles her feathers then spreads them out* Some parlour trick? *Snorts and glares at him* Do they look fake to you, fool? These are not a simple illusion or trick. You may test them out all your want. *Smirks* Not to mention, you never answered my question as to whether your planet was scared of myself or Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: It’s not scared of you or your accomplice, no. Why would it be? The planet is not scared of anything. You did not answer my questions either. *flicks her wings, then moves back from her, not seeming terribly impressed* Anyone can do that with some clever riggings and mechanics.


    Jenna: Heh, why should the planet be afraid indeed. Does your planet have a black materia? *flaps her wings once more* And you are free to try to remove them, if you truly don’t believe that these are flesh, blood, and feathers. *crosses her arms* Go ahead, be my guest. Even ask your planet to identify what my source of power is. *grins* I’d find that amusing.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *growls slightly* Are you trying to threaten me? I’ve already done this, in great detail. The planet doesn’t know what you are. I said in the beginning that you are not of this world and I have investigated it. Nothing useful has returned to me. *narrows his eyes* You’re still not answering my question.


    Jenna: What questions? You are only throwing out accusations that I am from the north and that my wings are false. *stretches her left wing out to brush it against St. Sephy’s cheek* See, real. Now, what are your questions. *glances at the guard that was leading her* And may I continue on my way, or do we have to stand and go no where?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *glares at her, pushing her wing away* You’re certainly not here to befriend the people here. You’ve come to cause friction and to stir things up. You’ve done nothing to defer such accusations either. You are not welcome in this land. Now go away before I send you on your way.


    Jenna: *blandly states out* I am neither friend nor foe. I am here as an outsider. I simply wish to explore and learn. And as an outsider, I can see that you simply do not want to consider my statements on your heritage. *moves toward Jenova’s grave* I honor chaos, not you.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *tries to grab at Jenna’s wings and yank her down* I am not going to idly stand by as you cause problems and ruin the harmony here!


    Jenna: *grunts as St. Sefy pulls on her wings, causing her discomfort. She then tries to shake him off* I didn’t say that I was here to cause chaos. *snorts* I honor chaos. Chaos is life. You can’t deny that much. *shakes her head at him* Now, let go of me. That hurts.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *growls and lets go of her wings, shaking his head* Get out of here! You are not wanted! Leave this place!

    *St Sefiros’s followers are just staring at him now, silent and alarmed at the situation, but unwilling to help or assist him in getting rid of the ‘angel’*


    Jenna: Hmm.. No, not until I fulfil my curiosities. Anyway, Seph is out somewhere, undoubtedly pouting. *Shrugs then turns to enter the area where Jenova is buried. Soon enough, she begins looking around for Jenova’s body*

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *growls at her and turns away, heading back towards the church* You won’t find anything there… What do you hope to find there? *spits at the ground in disgust and continues on his way*

    *Jenova’s body is laid to rest about eight feet down on the top of the mountainside, a small golden rod is nailed into the ground to mark the site*


    Jenna: ~Hrmph, you do realize that you have yet to ask the questions that I am not answering. My, I wonder how I can’t be not answering unasked questions.~ *shakes her head* ~You and Seph are much alike. Too much ego for your own good.~ *tilts her head as she spots the rod. She then narrows her eyes and tries to cast a spell to exhume the body of Jenova*

    Kat Aclysm

    *some of the guards that had followed Jenna up the mountain stumble back in horror at what she’s doing, not liking the idea at all* What are you doing? You’re defiling the grave site of our queen!

    *the body of Jenova is fairly uninteresting looking. To the average eye, she would look like just another regular shrivelled dead human corpse suffering from serious degredation from being in the ground so long. Jenova was in her human form when she died, and the only clue that she looks any different from a human is some wing bud bones on her shoulder blades, and different teeth in her mouth*


    Jenna: *ignores the words of the guards. She then moves closer to the body. She pokes at it, soon noticing the wing buds. She feels them out then mutters* Well, this definitely was Jenova.. Hrmph, didn’t think her species could just die like this. *Shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    *one of the guards whimpers at her* Why wouldn’t she die? She wasn’t immortal. Nobody knows how old she was, but once she bred, she began to get sick, and died when her son was in his teens. *buries his face in his hands* Why did you defile her resting place…? Why did you do that?


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at the guard* Stop whining. There are for worse things I could do. *senses out the body. She then begins to cast a spell to try to make it return to its natural form, still curious*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the body shifts about, creeking slightly as it moves. One of the legs breaks off and rolls down the mountainside, while the rest of the body shifts and moves, forming itself into a rather twisted version of Jenova-Synthesis, though it is missing it’s tentacles and part of it’s back*

    *the guard whimpers and rushes away to be sick in the bushes*

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