The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *Scowls at Sephiroth* I wanted to settle things without the children bothering us every five minutes for attention. I wanted to be alone with you. I wanted to have a vacation. Even normal humans get away for short trips just to be with their significant others. *growls* Learn something about romance for once, Seph! *turns around, intending to leave him to resume exploring the place*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at her and heads away, intending to head back to the inn. He kicks the door when he discovers that he has been barred from reentering, then glares and moves to the edge of the town, sitting down nearby in some wilderness, glaring*


    Jenna: *Shoves past the members of the congregation here, not caring that St. Sefy had wanted her to leave. She then searches for the records room in the church*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard in the archival room yelps as he sees Jenna come in, then moves towards her* Hey, what are you doing? You can’t come in here. Only church administrators and helpers are allowed in this room. You’re going to have to leave, I’m sorry.


    Jenna: *coldly states out* Do I look like I care? *snorts. She then flings her hand out toward the guard, slamming him against the wall on the far side of the hall. Then, she strolls into the archive room*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard crashes into the wall on the opposite side of the hall, then collapses in a heap, quite knocked out from the force of the blow*


    Jenna: *makes her way into the room. She then begins to examine the available books. She is interested in knowing about the past of the Sephiroth of this world. She’s also curious over all*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the actual books St. Sefiros stores in the archival room would be not much more than older religious works, older editions of his ‘holy book’, and perhaps some other printed documents of what was around before he was born, particularly texts on Jenova’s religion. Text in those books would describe her as a being sent from the ‘heavens and beyond’ to bring light to the heathens on the planet.
    Stored nearby them however, would be written documents and pre-published writings St. Sefiros has done himself before adding onto Jenova’s works, and before he made her works and turned her religion into his own*


    Jenna: *After a few hours of exploring the archives, she scowls at the lack of an actual past in the archives. She then loudly snorts and growls* What sort of idiot only documents the last thirty years of a planet’s time line? *snorts and continues searching, hoping to find something. By now, she’d be making quite a ruckus*

    Kat Aclysm

    *If Jenna were to go through the filing cabinets, she would find several decades worth of town citizenship birth records and so on. Some of the other cabinets contain false documents that Jenova’s ‘mother’ made, and her parents also*

    *by now the archives guard has woken up and has alerted Jenna’s activities to the others. As the time passes they stealthily crowd around the room, and one kicks the door open, weilding a curved katana-like blade* Come out of there peacefully! We don’t want to hurt you!


    Jenna: *finally locates the town records. She then begins to go through them, still curious. She hisses as the guards barge into the area. However, she soon allows herself a mischievious smirk* Oh, the superstitious is going to injure me? *chuckles as she pulls out her wings*

    Kat Aclysm

    *most of the guards seem horrified at Jenna’s wing appearance, and some begin saying she’s an angel. They are quick to put the katanas down again, and a few bow low to the floor, others following in turn, mumbling* Forgive us, angel… forgive us! Somebody should tell the holy one at once!


    Jenna: Hrmph, yes, tell the holy one all you want. *turns back toward the records and continues to sort through them. She tries to figure out if there are any true ones in the archives at all* Is this the only place where information was stored?

    Kat Aclysm

    *one of the more bold guards stands up again, though he keeps his head lower than Jenna’s, bowing as a sign of respect* This is the place where the holy documents are kept, yes… the history of our religion, everything you need is either in the holy books themselves, or the information that used to be in them. Our holy one updated the word as he rose to power. If you want the books that were in circulation when his mother guided us, they are on the other side of this room.


    Jenna: *frowns in thought* Sure, show me where these other books is. *Turns to face the guard, crossing her arms* Don’t make me wait.

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard is quick to cross the other side of the room, fumbling through some old boxes before finally digging up a book that is very similar looking to the ‘bibles’ that are on Jenna’s side of the room. He carries it across to her, handing it over* His mother wrote this. And it was our main book when the town followed her, before her son.


    Jenna: *picks up the book* Good. However, are there any records of the past of your planet? Your people? Censuses? Thinks like that? *begins to browse through the book that she was given*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard blinks* Census… madam? *shakes his head* You won’t find anything here that is outside of our town. We… *tenses slightly* Apart from the word of our leader, nothing else is needed. Those heathens in the north may tell you otherwise, but, nothing else is needed.


    Jenna: Oh, so you don’t care if your children don’t know who you are in ten years? Certainly, your people must leave some record of your existence. *shakes her head and continues to browse through the “Holy Book”*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard seems confused* Why would they forget after ten years….? *slowly shakes his head* We don’t keep town population records. That’s all. *nods his head at the book* If you have any questions, ask. I may not be able to answer some, but our elder members who served under Jenova would.

    **The Holy Book by Jenova is filled with mostly random nonsense and standard ideals to live by. Part of the book goes into the story of ‘an angel’ who fell from the heavens to make the planet a better place**


    Jenna: Hrmph, what if you were to be executed and a decree went out that you were not to be remembered, hm? You’d cease to exist to them. *shakes her head then mutters* Do you know of a man who once lived. His name would have been Hojo.

    Kat Aclysm

    *the guard shakes his head* I’ve never heard of any ‘Hojo’, sorry madam. *scratches the side of his head* It sounds very much like ‘hobo’, doesn’t it? We don’t have them any more in our town – St. Sefiros has seen to that one. *gently chuckles*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes and scoffs* Hrmph, you are of no use. Get lost, idiot. *turns her attention back to the books in the area* Jenova must have left something..

    Kat Aclysm

    ** Unfortunately for Jenna, the owners of the ‘religion’ and following are quite thorough in disposing of information that differs or argues with their own writings. So Jenna wouldn’t find much outside of what is written in the book (in different contexts) and drafts of the writings themselves**


    Jenna: *growls in irritation after she determines that she is at a dead-end. She then grumbles then glares at the guards* Where is the location where Jenova lies to rest, hm? Let me know that much.

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