The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *frowns then narrows her eyes* You are a conduit between the people and the Planet? Shouldn’t a woman named Aeris be that? *Shakes her head and glances at Seph* ~I don’t believe that he’ll attack us again. I’ve given him reason to think twice about that. You can calm down.~

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *moves to his feet and branishes his rod, aiming the pointed end at Jenna, then at Sephiroth* Never mention that name again in my prescence!! *growls* What do you know of… Aeris, anyway? *doesn’t lower the rod*

    Sephiroth: *”Want to make a bet on that?”* *glares at St Sefiros* *”He looks pretty willing to attack to me.”*


    Jenna: Aeris, daughter of Gast and Inflana. Half-human, half-Centra from a direct line. Goodie-two-shoes that thinks everything is cute. Little annoyance who likes to dress in pink. Last of the Cetra.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *loudly hisses at Jenna’s words* Get out. I originally played you off as impostors. Until I saw you. Then I was convinced that you might be gifted. *growls* Now I know… now I know you’re one of the enemy. I should have you arrested for spreading dissension and inciting to mutiny!


    Jenna: Who said we were with her? *Snorts* She’s an annoyance that is in love with Seph. *crosses her arms* At the most, I tollerate her. *glances at Seph* And he stabbed her through the abdomen and killed her.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *glares at them* You are wrong. She is my direct competitor, and living north of here. She has different ideas on how the planet should be run, and she has her own faction of followers in the north where the climate is much warmer.


    Jenna: *blinks then frowns* How can it possibly be warmer in the north? You can’t possibly have life on this planet if the area with the most sun, and hence the most heat is up in the north? That would mean that the south would have no light at all. *Snorts* Your words make no sense at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: What are you talking about? It makes perfect sense. The planet is warmer there because it is. The topography of the land channels more heat there. The first people on this planet made it so. *folds his arms* Are we going to discuss things, or are we going to bicker?


    Jenna: *snorts in irritation then shakes her head* Very well, fine. But how does a science experiment become a conduit to a living planet. *Glances at Seph* And why does this planet keep on trying to fondle my mate?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *stares hard at her* I don’t know where in Hades name you think you’ve come from, but… science experiment? *blinks* Pardon me? I am not a science experiment. Wherever did you get such a crazy idea? *shakes his head, genuinely surprised. He glances back at Sephiroth, then shakes his head* The planet wants to bond with him *points to Sephiroth* because it thinks he is me.


    Jenna: *points at Sephiroth* Sephiroth, son of Lucrecia and Hojo. Product of the Jenova project. Created by directly injecting an the cells of an alien known as Jenova into the womb of a pregnant woman named Lucrecia from the point of conception, more or less. Experimented on constantly by his father after his birth until he was around 25 via Mako and additional Jenova injections. *points to Sefiros* You are his double.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *watches Sephiroth quietly throughout Jenna’s entire explanation. He slowly shakes his head and makes a scoffing noise at the end of it, sighing* We are not twins. We are not doubles. I am not sure what… he is. If what you say is true… *glances down at his staff, gripping onto it* I don’t see any reason why you would lie, and what benefit you would expect to gain from it. *narrows his eyes* How did you get here?


    Jenna: *States in a point-blank manner* Inter-dimensional travel via breaking the time-space continuum. General Sephiroth of SOLDIER is your dimensional double. *looks at St. Sefy* So, who was Hojo here? Where is ShinRa? How is this planet so enthralled with you?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: Hojo is my father. A mediocre man who died of an unknown illness not long after I was born. I was raised by my mother, Jenova. *blinks at her, shaking his head* Shin…ra? I have no idea what you mean… as for the planet… *smiles at the thought of the planet* I have been blessed by the planet. It happened when I was born. The blessing came through my mother, whose blessing came from her relations before her.


    Jenna: *grumbles as she looks over at Sephiroth* I think this one wins the prize as the largest sucker in believing lies… *glances back over at St. Sefiros* And what of your real mother, Lucrecia?

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *shakes his head* My mother was Jenova. She raised me and nutured me from a baby. She used to own this church, and she had many followers. When she died, many of her own followers mourned her so much, they starved themselves to death. *sits back down in his chair, gripping his staff* Please, sit back down. I… I wish to discuss your world with you.


    Jenna: Perhaps, some idiots should dig deeper and find the truths that have been covered up by very convincing lies. *shakes her head. She then moves closer to Seph and grips onto his left hand* ~What do you think of this idiot?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits down on the bed, folding his arms* *”He doesn’t seem like the type to be dangerous. I think he’s telling the truth though. Or at least he thinks he is. But how can you say that what he’s saying is a lie? What if it is true? You don’t know.”*


    Jenna: ~You are the son of Hojo and Lucrecia. He can’t exist without having the same parentage, Seph. There are some minor changes in a time-line to make separate dimensions, yes. However, for the doubles to exist, their lineage must be genetically the same.~ *shakes her head* ~Hence, Jenova can’t be his actual mother.~ *glances at St. Sephy* Not to mention, he doesn’t have blue skin or stumpy wings. One would think that if he were truly Jenova’s direct offspring, he’d have those elements.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *Stares at Jenna* My mother never had stumpy wings and she was never blue. I’ve no idea what you are talking about. *picks up his cup and takes another sip of tea, grinning* I’ve told you all that I could. What more is there to discuss?


    Jenna: *cocks her eyebrow at St. Sefy’s words. She then casts a spell to make an illusion of the Jenova that she and Sephiroth know of appear in front of the other Sephiroth* She did not look like this?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *glances at the illusion of Jenna and calmly sips his tea. He shakes his head, then claps his hands, summoning a servant* Good man, go get the photo album and the box. See if you can find any photos containing my mother. *moves to his feet, closing the curtains* Is there anything else you wish to dispute? *frowns* I don’t know why you are coming here to tell me such things. You don’t know me, I’ve never seen you before. How could you possibly know anything about my life?


    Jenna: *Shrugs* We don’t know anything about you. I only know about him. *points to Sephiroth* However, the differences that you are mentioning puts your very existence into question. *frowns in thought then calls up an illusion of Lucrecia* Did your mother look like this?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *is clearly tiring of the discussion* No. She did not look like that. *leans back in his seat* Why did you attack my congregation? I should have you placed into solitary confinement for that.


    Jenna: *Snorts and looks over at Seph* He’s the one who did that. I had nothing to do with the attack. *waves her hand to call away the illusion* Seph can just be paranoid of everything.

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