The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *tilts his head with slight curiousity. He grins and raises a hand up, chuckling slightly* You find that interesting? Well, maybe you should see this. *lowers his hand again, causing Sephiroth to lower his head, suddenly leaning forward lifelessly like he’s suddenly been switched off, or fallen asleep. With that, Sefiros begins to sway his hand slightly, teleporting Sephiroth out of the area entirely* You, on the other hand, are not of this world.


    Jenna: *growls as St. Sefiros manipulates her mate and sends him away. She then growls and gets to her feet. Her irises begin to blaze with her anger as she glares at him* Bring back my mate or you will regret it, sorrowfully.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: Relax, my child. I’ve just moved him downstairs, to the private innards of the church, and to my inner sanctum. Not many are allowed to be there – you should consider it an honour and a privelage. Now come, let us get down off the roof and discuss this matter further, hmm? I can have one of my servants bring you warm bread and chamomile tea.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes even more. She then casts a spell to make one of the spires on the church begin to melt* If you do not bring me to my mate within fifteen minutes, I shall do likewise to you. Understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *blinks at the destruction, then stares back at her* What – you want him back… here? He’s come to no harm, let me assure you… come downstairs off this roof and I’ll show you what I mean.


    Jenna: *growls then moves toward St. Sefiros* Very well, but if you cross me, I will make you suffer. Take me to my mate. Now!

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *nods his head* As I said, he’s downstairs in my inner sanctum. I could move him there, but not you. You are… *frowns* I can’t describe it, but you have not one scrap of life energy flowing in your veins. You are not of this world at all. *bows his head* Come. Let’s get off the roof and somewhere safer. *teleports off the roof and down to the church entrance doors* *”Whenever you are ready. Come.”*


    Jenna: Hrmph… *growls in irritation. She then teleports as well, targeting for Seph’s life energy by feeling out their bond. So, she first attempts to teleport directly to Seph’s side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is quite passed out and deeply asleep on St Sefiros’s bed, which is lined with soft animal pelts and downy feathered blankets. The entire area smells like rose petals, and some recorded harp music is playing softly over some nearby speakers*

    St Sefiros: *senses out Jenna and sighs, walking into the church himself, walking into the private parts, appearing in the door of the inner sanctum* I see you are gifted and blessed also.


    Jenna: *frowns as she spots Sephiroth. She then moves over to his side and rubs his cheek in a loving manner* Seph? Wake up. Are you in there? *scowls as she hears Sefiros. She then snorts* Why won’t my mate wake up? What have you done to him?

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *flicks a hand to the side* He’s sleeping. Let him do so – he’ll feel much more rested and calm when he wakes up. I would have done the same to you, but I can’t do much… *shakes his head and grins* Sit down and talk. We have much to discuss.


    Jenna: *Growls* Seph and I just woke up from sleeping through the night. He requires no more sleep. Release him from whatever the hell you did to him. I swear to all the gods in any given existence that I will burn this place down to smolders if you do not release him.

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *sighs at her* Wake him up yourself. He’s only asleep. There is no mystical influence over him. You may relax. Oh, and your threats won’t work here.


    Jenna: *Scowls then snorts* You’d better be telling the truth… *moves in closer to Seph. She then begins to gently wake him* ~Seph, wake up.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to hum, not wanting to wake up. He snuggles into the pile of furs and blankets around him, grinning placidly* *”No… I don’t want to…”*

    St. Sefiros: *watches them curiously, then raises a hand* Would you like some chamomile tea? *snaps his finger, summoning an a servant. He nods at them, saying nothing, then turns his attention back to Jenna* So did you travel a long way to get here?


    Jenna: *continues to shake Seph. She then scowls at him and moves in to kiss him, trying to tantalize him to wakefulness with that* ~Wake up.~ *for the time being, she completely ignores St. Sefy’s words, more interested in getting her mate to wake up than anything else*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans slightly, cracking his eyes open as Jenna kisses him. He moves his head in towards her to contribute to the kiss, then sits up properly, yawning* Hello… *scratches the side of his head, looking around the room* Mmm… where are we…?

    St. Sefiros: You are in my personal quarters. *leans back in his chair, showing mild impatience* Are we actually going to do any talking, or are you going to sit there ignoring me, offering idle threats every time something goes slightly unfortunate for you?


    Jenna: *pats the side of Seph’s face, quite content that he is awake. She then glances at Sefiros and snorts* You were the one who messed with my mate. It wasn’t a slightly unfortunate occurrence. *shakes her head* What do you want?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *flatly, the gentle tone and humor gone from his voice entirely now* He was the culprit who disabled half the congregation at the worship earlier. What would you suggest I do – nothing at all?


    Jenna: *Scowls* Seph can be paranoid, he was just nervous and not thinking. *Snorts* You did not need to manipulate him. *glances at Seph, still wanting to insure that everything is alright with him*

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: I did no such thing. I teleported him and he was placed asleep. There was no manipulation involved. *bows his head to the assistant as he brings tea, setting the tray and tea-set down on a small table beside him, delicately pouring some for himself, picking up the cup shortly afterwards*


    Jenna: *grumbles* Putting him to sleep is manipulating him. *Shakes her head* ~How are you feeling, Seph?~ *She then snorts as a servant tries to offer some tea to her* Fuck off.

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: No, it isn’t.

    Sephiroth: *”I’m fine.”* *scowls slightly, irritated. He moves to his feet, looking for the exit* Can we leave now? I’m not welcome here and I think everything I wanted to know is known. *glares at the other version of himself, snorting*


    Jenna: Hrmph, it’s still hard to believe that a version of yourself can be in a church at all, Seph. *shakes her head and looks at the other Sephiroth* Why are you here?

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: What do you mean, ‘why am I here’? *seems a little insulted* I live here. I’ve always lived here. I am a conduit and a means between the population of the people and the planet. Just like my mother, and her relations before her.

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