The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *rolls her eyes then shakes her head at Sephers* No, we didn’t bring anything for us to leave behind. Have you gotten that forgetful? *she shakes her head at him. She then moves to follow after him. She tilts her head as she sees a number of what she thinks are monks near the lobby area*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”They’re probably nothing. Come on.”* *pushes past the monks and tries to exit the building entirely* *”I still don’t know what sort of planet this is, but something has been feeling strange about it since we arrived…”*


    Jenna: *Shrugs* ~It doesn’t seem all that strange to me. I’ve seen much stranger planets than this.~ *she shakes her head* ~It’s rather nice and peaceful. I’ll give it that much.~ *follows Seph, ignoring the monks as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves out of doors to the town center, glancing around him, pondering where to go first. He smirks and creates a false image over himself with his psychic abilities, making him look like a 20something year old modestly dressed man with short dark hair, which could possibly be the image of an old lab assistant he remembers from his childhood days*


    Jenna: *Glances at Seph and shakes her head* I don’t know why you’re bothering with that. They most definitely were falling at your feet in some sort of praise, not trying to attack you. *sighs. She then glances at the church* Want to check out that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Praise is one step above attack. Admiration is one step above stalking, Jen. I am not taking any chances here. I don’t care how happy they are to see me – I’m not putting myself in danger on account of something perceived.


    Jenna: *Shrugs* I still think that you’re being paranoid. *she moves to grip onto his hand* So, where do you want to explore, hm?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Well, first of all, I’d like to seek out where the strange feeling is coming from… *frowns and begins leading her to the church, narrowing his eyes at the people he passes by* They’re all dressed in much the same manner… *sighs* Something about this entire place doesn’t sit right with me.


    Jenna: *Shrugs* I’m not quite certain if their garb is really something to worry about, Seph. About the worst that we need to worry about is being considered strange for our own clothing. *yawns* As I said, this planet seems rather peaceful.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Peaceful if you don’t feel the strange things going on all around you… I’m hearing psychic humming, directed at me. It’s more constant and loud as… *points to the church*


    Jenna: *tilts her head then mutters* I don’t hear any humming. Not that I don’t believe you, but I don’t hear any humming. *Shakes her head* Let’s just find the source.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No need to find it. I already know where it is. *points to the church again, scowling* Come on… *moves to the building, then steps inside of it, deeply scowling at the chanting he can hear inside, both via physical means and telepathic means. The chanting is probably strong enough for Jenna to hear via telepathy, too*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes then grumbles* Why would someone go to this lengths in a church? *she shakes her head. She then moves to lean a bit more against Seph, wanting his warmth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You might want to block out my telepathic signal for a moment.”* *grunts at her, nodding* *”Do it now.”* *waits another moment or two, then sharply floods the area with a non-directional telepathic static crackling noise that would be painful to anybody capable of receiving it*


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph and does her best to block out his telepathic signals. She then mutters* I’m not that good of a psychic, Seph… It woudl be better to.. *flinches slightly as he transmits the static noise, for her blocks are able to lessen the impact, but not block it out completely*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *leans back against the back wall as he watches the reaction to his telepathic signal, smirking slightly as he sees that most people are rather tormented or in pain from what he has done*

    St. Sefiros: *moves to his feet, angry* My brothers, a traitor walks among us! He stands at the back of this congregation! Lock the doors and get him!


    Jenna: *rubs her temples and does her best to ignore the discomfort that was given to her. She also leans against Seph, not feeling up to standing straight at the moment* Damn… I’m glad that was muffled..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: We have company… *scowls at the other people approaching him, then grasps Jenna’s hand, teleporting the pair of them out of the church and onto the roof of it* Can we go now? I think it’s been proven why we can’t stay around.


    Jenna: *Glares at Seph* You attacked them, Seph. How the hell does that make them.. *Groans and shakes her head* How does that make them the hostiles? *tries to step away from him, slipping on the roof tiles as she does such*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? What’s happening? *grabs Jenna’s arm and firmly holds on so she won’t slip off* Jenna? *scowls* Did they do anything to you? What’s wrong? Talk to me… *frowns*


    Jenna: *Frowns and looks up at him* What? I just misstepped. The roof tiles are slippery.. *Shakes her head* The only person who did anything here is you, Seph. You’re the one that released that psychic blast. I told you that I’m not a strong enough psychic to block it out completely. It was you who created the headache.. *looks into his eyes* BUt please, do not worry about it. I blocked out enough of it that it’s pretty much all gone now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I warned you. *sighs and shakes his head. He pays close attention to the activities below them and drags Jenna behind the belfry structure of the church, hiding behind it where they can’t easily be seen from the ground* Something has been wrong with this place since we set foot in it. You might not want to believe it, but I’m warning you… something very dislikable is going on all around us…


    Jenna: Seph, things are not always horrible just because some sort of psychic is spiratual. For all we know, that person just wanted to have their song heard by all. *shakes her head and stumbles a bit as Seph drags her along the roof. She then grumbles* How the hell are you keeping your footing? This thing isn’t even flat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Don’t ask… *scowls and pulls Jenna out of view, crouching down* We can stay up here until it’s settled… *glances down at the ground, panting slightly* We’ll be fine.

    St Sefiros: *teleports himself onto the roof, then levitates toward Sephiroth and Jenna* Come out. It’s obvious that my citizens were right in alerting your prescence to me. *moves out a hand* Come on. I’m not giong to hurt you. Come, and we may discuss this in further detail.


    Jenna: *Turns her attention to Seph and frowns at him* Seph… you’re panting… I’ve never- Are you feeling alright? *Shakes her head. She then glances at the other Sephiroth. She tilts her head then mutters* Well, never would have expected to see that..

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