The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: No, I suppose you don’t need to explain that any further, Seph. You’ve one so plenty enough now. *nods. She then moves up behind him once again. Soon enough, she begins to massage his back* Settle down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I see a problem. I’m not about to settle down and relax any time soon… *deeply frowns* Later on, I might go out there disguised as an idiot. Later. *moves back from the window and snaps the curtains shut* I need a distraction… can you provide me with one?


    Jenna: Heh, can I provide you with a distraction? Hmm.. maybe. It all depends. *She smirks at him. She then begins to pull him toward the bed* Come, let’s see how distracted you can get. *softly chuckles*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gives her a rather curious look as she leads him away, then follows her to the bed, sitting down next to her* I’d like to see what you can do to distract me. *purrs slightly*


    Jenna: Well, we’ll just have to see what develops, wont we? *she moves to sit down next to Sephiroth. Soon enough, she begins to strip him down. She caresses his skin as she removes his various pieces of clothing* Mmm… Looks good. *smirks at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins slightly at her, then begins to chuckle* Oh, I see… *reaches over to remove her clothing as best as he can manage, being sure to leave her gloves on. Partway through her undressing him, he tries to push her down onto the bed, making a mildly aggressive, but playful growl*


    Jenna: *chuckles at him. She then reaches up to tickle him* Who said that you can be on top this time? Hmm? *Shakes her head, though she isn’t all that bothered with his attempt to be on top*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *smirks at her* I did. Do you have a problem with that? *tries to push her down properly, then finishes removing the rest of his own clothes. After that, he loudly chuckles and moves his head down to kiss her*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes. She then leans up to return Seph’s kiss* ~You’re damn lucky that you’re sexy, Seph. If not for that, I would have to put you back in your place, you little upstart.~ *she grins at him. Soon enough, she goes into the full swing of pleasing him with sexual intercourse*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly purrs as he tries to hold her down by her wrists, returning the kiss in a rather agressive manner, though he is being playful and if Jenna resists, he’d quickly stop* *”You wouldn’t dare…”* *lowers his head to lovingly kiss her neck and chest area, loudly purring*


    Jenna: *happily plays along with Sephiroth’s actions. While she does resist somewhat, in a playful manner, just to tease him, she never does actively try to force him down below him. She also teases him by brushing up her legs against his and licking his nose and cheek when it’s available. However, she allows for him to hold onto her arms for as long as he desires. Eventually, after about an hour of this, she’d be completely tired out*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *after Jenna reaches tiredness, he moves off her again and leaves her be. He lies beside her on the bed, grinning to himself, seeming pleased with the entire play session* Well that was an ample distraction… *moves his head over to kiss her tenderly, resuming his loud purring*


    Jenna: *softly chuckles at Seph’s words. She then slowly nods her head* Yes, a very good distraction indeed. *she then slides up against him and wraps her arms about him* Mmmm.. you’re nice and warm. You make a very good pillow. *smirks at him*

    *Meanwhile, a few of the devotees who had been sent out to keep an eye on the “fake” Sephiroth have been close enough to hear the noises coming from the room. Several mutter to each other while at least one moves to report the activity to the Sephiroth of their world*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Every time you say that, I will question it and say no. I don’t see how I could possibly make a good pillow. I am not even remotely pillow shaped or soft. *pulls the covers over them, then uses his psychokinetic abilities to turn off the overhead light* It will be dark soon. An opportunity for a good night’s rest will come.

    St. Sefiros: *the church-head seems rather displeased at the travelling word of an impostor and finally rises out of his chair, picking up some of his robes* Follow. We’ll investigate this strange occurance once and for all. *picks up his enchanted cane and walks out of the church, heading up the town path to the inn. He ignores the stares of people as he steps inside the inn, then glances up the stairway, closing his eyes, sensing Jenna and Sephy out*


    Jenna: *playfully makes a falsetto trilling noise of content at Sephiroth. She then snuggles up against him* I still say that you make a good pillow. Nice, warm, comforting, softer than a rock. Very good indeed. *grins* Not to mention, loving. Unless you want to scratch that off the list. *She is completely unaware that the other Sephiroth is heading their way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: As long as it’s not written on any permanent record. *lightly pokes her shoulder* I’ve a reputation to uphold you know. I can’t go around looking like an evil murderous bastard if somebody called me ‘loving’.

    St. Sefiros: Oh, there’s something here, alright… *walks up the stairs, following his senses to the door of Jenna and Sephiroth’s room. He loudly knocks on the door once he’s stopped outside of it*


    Jenna: Hmmm… Well, I suppose we could call you lust-filled instead. However, that might just make you sound plain horny. *chuckles* A horny, evil Sephiroth, is tha- *narrows her eyes at the knocking. She then snorts and cuddles up against Sephiroth anew* I’m not about to answer that now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Me either. *grunts and calls out to the person near the door* Go away. If you’re room service, we don’t want any. If you’re the maid, we don’t need the sheets turned down. Come back tomorrow. *snuggles up with Jenna, purring*

    St. Sefiros: *is becoming a little annoyed now. He sends a telepathic signal to both Jenna and Sephiroth, scowling a little* *”Come out of there. My good people have been telling me that one of you looks to be an impostor of me and I seek to investigate the situation properly.”*


    Jenna: *closes her eyes, purposely ignoring St. Sefiros’s demands. Instead, she keeps a grip on Sephiroth and continues to cuddle with him* I’m certain he’ll get bored and leave soon enough.

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *grumbles to himself, then turns away from the door, heading back down the stairs. He instructs the innkeeper to ensure that nobody is allowed to leave and heads back outside, walking back to his church*


    Jenna: *grins with relief as soon as the knocking ceases. She then closes her eyes* Good night, Seph. *Yawns, soon falling asleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *purrs and snuggles up against her, pulling the covers over both of them properly* Good night. *yawns and settles down for the night, soon drifting off to sleep himself*


    Jenna: *remains asleep well into the morning, finally content now that she’s aired out her issues with Seph. She’d probably out-sleep Sephiroth himself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wakes up before Jenna, spending some of his time lyiing there before getting up. He stretches lazily and yawns before getting out of bed, tiredly stumbling into the bathroom area to take care of his outstanding needs*


    Jenna: *finally begins to stir as Sephiroth is in the bathroom. She opens up her eyes and yawns. Soon enough, she heads into the bathroom as well, wanting to relieve herself. She grins as she spots Sephy in there* Good morning.

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