The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m saying you’re not so well mannered yourself. So why reprimand me for doing the same? *grunts* I wasn’t treating you like an imbecile.


    Jenna: *Growls at him* I always treat you with respect. I love you, Seph. *snorts* You, on the other hand, love to put me down at every moment you can. *narrows her eyes* You don’t even want to consider how hurtful it was for me to hear you constantly say that reality with me wasn’t good enough for you. Perhaps I should say that you aren’t good enough for me!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her, slowly shaking his head* I was only semi-sane at that point, Jen. I don’t know why you took it to heart so much. All I would have done was sleep. I couldn’t do anything else, not really. I never put much weight into your words when you were insane, not once I had worked out that you weren’t in your right mind.


    Jenna: *frowns and grumbles* That is different….

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: How is it different? *scowls* You want me to hold a grudge over what you did in the past? *folds his arms* We’re really not getting anywhere here, are we?


    Jenna: For starters, I don’t defend what I said in that state. You defended what you said no less than five minutes ago, Seph. That there is a huge difference. *Scowls*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not defending it. *scowls and turns his attention back to the window pane* What the hell did I say that makes you think that…? *narrows his eyes as he watches the activity below, then stands up* By the looks of things, we’re going to have company. They’re probably going to be all over us in about ten minutes.


    Jenna: *scowls and slams her fist against the bed* I don’t give a damn what they’re going to be doing, Seph. Why the hell are you paying more attention to them than to me anyway? Am I really that unimportant?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls, turning his attention back to her* Fine. *folds his arms again, grunting* Start talking. I’ve been trying to do such with you already, but apparently it’s not satisfactory. So go ahead. I’m listening.


    Jenna: You haven’t been trying shit. I bring up things and you brush them off. *shakes her head* You say that it’s perfectly fine that you in your not so logical yet a whole lot of a hell more straight-forward in several respects mind wanted nothing to do with the real me due to you feeling helpless. You don’t even give a damn that I am trying to tell you that it deeply bothered me. Instead, you’d rather talk about the people outside every ten minutes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: How is my insane banter different to your insane banter? *scowls* Do you think being called Silver Hair and a traitor didn’t offend me? Eventually it took over your mind and you were gone for eight years. Do you not remember that? *scowls* How is that acceptable while my semi-sane rambling to be held accountable?


    Jenna: *mutters* I don’t hold those types of thoughts at all… You, on the other hand, clearly do whether sane or not. That is a large difference… I don’t know what to tell you about what happened during those years. I don’t remember them at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: So because I remember the experience, I am to be held accountable, berated and punished for it? *glares slightly* I tried to explain the reasoning I had during the experience. That doesn’t mean I think that it justifies the actions, or makes them acceptable.


    Jenna: *Deeply frowns, lowering her head in thought. She then looks at him* You truly feel that way?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Yes. I don’t see why it’s such a huge issue for you. I was in a different mindset, and I had gone insane because I couldn’t handle what was happening to me. Any lesser being would have killed themselves.


    Jenna: *mutters* Things were not that bad, Seph…. *Shakes her head* They weren’t that bad at all. *sighs. She then moves closer to Seph. Soon enough, she tries to embrace him in a tender hug*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is accepting of the hug and begins to purr, sighing* It was still… bad enough for my mindset to have been altered. I really didn’t like it. At all. And being toyed around with like that… do you have any idea what it does to one’s mind?


    Jenna: Seph, I honestly don’t think your mind was altered or toyed with in the way that you’re talking about… It seemed that it was just the fact that you were pregnant.. *deeply frowns* I hope that doesn’t happen to any of our female children.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head, frustrated* I didn’t say my mind had been toyed with. I said I had been toyed with. If you’ve never… *tenses, then turns his head away* I’ve already explained it. If you think nothing of it, then that’s just it.


    Jenna: *Deeply frowns at Sephiroth’s words* Please, do, finish that sentence. It’s best if neither of us have dirty laundry, as the humans say, yet to be aired.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I already did explain the entire thing to you. But if you want to keep disagreeing or think nothing of it, then there’s no point in me going on. You would continue to think what you believe on the subject, regardless of what I said.


    Jenna: Seph, you were going to say if I had never. If I had never what? Please, just finish that sentence.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts in frustration* If you’ve never been messed around with, you wouldn’t understand what goes through your mind. Either that or you deal with it much better. *scowls* Either way, I would really appreciate it if you could stop discrediting the fact that it was bad to have altered my mind.


    Jenna: *Sighs at him. She then mutters* I stayed by your side to support you… I did that much.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I am not going to question that. *narrows his eyes as he watches the town below* So do you understand it enough now? Do I need to explain anything further?

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