The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *shrugs* You spoke such things to me quite often. Those sort of things don’t come from no where, Seph… You were more truthful than ever.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Tch… *scowls at her comment, then moves away again, returning to cleaning the infants’ room*


    Jenna: *frowns at him. She then lowers her head and sighs* Figures that you’d turn away from such things. *She stands up and moves toward the stairs* Perhaps without the children…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t hear her, frowning as he senses her leave up the stairs. He shakes his head and leaves her be, not understanding her issues, also putting them down to her being female and having a tendency to complain. He seems rather frustrated as he continues his job, and is now distracted by his own irritated thought*


    Jenna: *goes in search of Aeris. She scans for the girl’s life energy and checks through everywhere that she can think of as to where the girl is*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *is in the kitchen area right now, and going through the refrigerator, mostly to dissapprove of the things being fed to Sephy and Jenna’s children*


    Jenna: *walks up behind Aeris then snorts in annoyance* Girl, I need you to look over the children for a bit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *stands properly, turning back to Jenna, saying nothing at first. She just stares at her, seeming to have a lot on her mind that she wants to say. She pushes it from her mind after another few minutes and sighs* Why?


    Jenna: Seph and I need some alone time for just a bit. A few days at the most. *frowns at her* What is up with you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I just think it’s rude of you to ask something like that after being so rude to me. *folds her arms* I want to go home. I don’t want to be here. Now you want me to be a babysitter?


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Aeris* Rude? Hrmph, I have not been rude to you. I allow you to have a room of your own and to eat as much as you want. What is wrong with that? *snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: You’re rude in general. I want to go home. Every time I mention it you usually say no, or mutter off the subject or something. It’s getting tiresome. *sharp, pointedly* I want to go home. I can’t put that any simpler.


    Jenna: *growls* You are of a great help here. You are only a dead person who happened to be revived there. *snorts* Would it make you feel better if I bring back your friends as payment?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *thinks about that for a few moments, then shakes her head* They have their own lives to lead. I wouldn’t want them inconvenienced because of me. Besides… you need to leave Cloud and Tifa alone so they’ll have babies. *sighs* I’ll take care of yours.


    Jenna: *nods* Good. Thank you. *she turns around and heads back downstairs. Soon enough, she moves to where she left Seph* Let’s go… I need some time, alone, with you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? Why? *puts down the clothes he was folding, curiously glancing back at her* Where do you want to go? *scowls slightly* And what do you want to talk about? Have you finally decided to begin talking to me about your problems when actually asked about them?


    Jenna: I need time to talk to you, without the children around. It’s just best if we get away for a short bit. *looks up at him* Do you not want to try?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why are the children a problem? *frowns slightly* You’re not going to leave again on account of them, are you? *looks positively unhappy with that idea and shakes his head*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at him* No, it’s nothing like that, Seph. I just want to be alone, with you. Without the children to distract us. Don’t you want to be with me?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Of course I do… *frowns, quickly looking around the area* What provoked this? Why do you want to do it now? Who is going to look after the brats while we are away?


    Jenna: I’ve been contemplating it for quite some time now, Seph… It’s just.. You’ve been occupied with this room so much. *shakes her head* Aeris will look over the children. It will only be for a few days.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: A few days? That’s perfectly fine. We can stock the kitchen with enough food until then. Aeris is looking after the brats…? *frowns* She’ll kill them. Or teach them uncessary useless things. Such as how to arrange flowers. *snorts* She had better not take them outside to do that. It’s dangerous out there.


    Jenna: *Sighs at Seph* The children have plenty of food. *moves to grip onto his arm* You need not worry about them for now. Please, just let’s go.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Alright. Where are we going, exactly? *frowns* We can’t go nowhere or somewhere random. Have you got any particular place in mind, Jen? *moves closer to her, curious*


    Jenna: *frowns in thought and shrugs* Perhaps someplace secluded on your planet. I’ll figure it out before I open the portal. *begins dragging Seph toward the stairs, just wanting to get away*

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