The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: Damn it, Seph. That is not something to ignore… *keeps a firm grip on Seph’s shoulders. She then eases Seph down onto the bed* Damn they’re pretty close… *Shakes her head* I’ll be right back. Stay on the bed. *she points at Seph in a semi-scolding manner. Then, she rushes up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t make much of an objection as she is pushed down onto the bed. She curls up, rolling onto her side, hugging her belly as she rides out the painful waves of contractions* Damn it…


    Jenna: *opens up a portal as soon as she’s upstairs. This portal opens up to the spot back in time where she last remembers seeing Aeris. She then casts a spell to have Aeris dragged through the other side of the portal and to her, wanting someone to assist her in Seph’s delivery*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *seems utterly confused as she’s dragged through the portal, blinking* Oh no, now what are you doing, Jenna? *looks miserable* I wanted to go be back with my friends!


    Jenna: *Doesn’t bother responding at first. Instead, she grips onto Aeris’s arm and begins dragging her down the stairs* I have someone very important to me who is going through labor.. *she finally reaches the bedroom, she then pushes Aeris forward* Help her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *blinks* Really? But… *sighs, then lowers her head, stumbling slightly as she’s pushed down the stairs* Alright.

    Sephiroth: *mumbles to herself as she continues to lie where she is, curled up and trying her best to ignore the powerful contraction waves coursing through her right now* It rises and falls… always in a continuous cycle… when one must rise, another must fall… forever rising, forever falling… a malevolent wheel, a falling heat cycle….


    Jenna: *groans as she hears Seph’s words. She then pushes Aeris forward toward Sephiroth* She just told me that it’s been going on for hours. She didn’t even bother to tell me when it started. *sighs and moves away from Aeris. She then pats the side of Seph’s head* ~It’s almost over. Then, I’ll insure that you return to normal. I promise.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *blinks, not really sure what to make out of the entire situation* It’s been going on for hours? Well… then it’s nearly time, isn’t it. Is this her first pregnancy? *moves infront of Sephiroth, then tries to roll her onto her back* Come on. We’ll get through this alright…. *frowns* Do I… do I know this person?

    Sephiroth: *groans* It’s going to kill me…


    Jenna: *Grips onto Seph’s shoulders and begins to gently guide her onto her back. She softly hums via a psychic transmission to Seph, trying to calm her down* You’re not going to die.. *glances at Aeris then frowns* I’m afraid that you don’t know her anymore… Not as she is now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *seems confused* I’m not really sure if I know what you mean… ah. *shakes her head* Not as she is now? Did I know her at any point before? *pats Sephiroth’s legs, then parts them, glancing at her nether regions* You’ve still got a bit to go. Wait until everything is ready down there, and then you can begin pushing, OK?

    Sephiroth: *does her best to block out the psychic transmission, trying to bounce it back to her* No… I don’t want you to get into my head right now… not now…


    Jenna: *slowly nods her head* Very well then… *she just gently strokes the side of Seph’s head. She then begins to actively hum with her own voice. As she does this, she ignores Aeris’s questions and refuses to say who Seph is* It’ll be over soon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: We’re going to need some towels… a lot of towels. *frowns* This is going to get much messier before it gets better. *positions Sephiroth’s legs properly, then pats her side* Just bear with it a little bit longer. It will be over soon.

    Sephiroth: Shu… *snorts* Stop saying that… *grits her teeth hard as another contraction wave hits her, causing her to grip onto the side of the bed hard*


    Desiree: *peaks her head out of the room as she hears the commotion. She then creeps over to the bed and glances at the scene, wanting to know what’s happening. As she gets a good look, her eyes widen and she quickly looks away* ~Zach, Cancer, anyone else who cares, Father is having the babies.~

    Jenna: *frowns at Seph’s words. She then shakes her head and simply holds into Seph’s left hand. As she does this, she continues to hum*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grits her teeth, raising her head slightly, scowling* If I don’t get to push soon, I’m going to kill all of you… all of you, you hear…!?

    Aeris: Just a little longer, I promise. *sighs, glancing at Jenna* *”Any ideas on how you can get her distracted?”*

    Zach: *quickly replies back to Cancer with a sharp response of disgust* *”You have no idea just how horrid that sounds, Des…”* *moves down the stairs to have a look anyway. He stares at the scene on the bed, then promptly passes out, landing in a heap on the floor*

    Cancer: *peers out of her room, but seems rather timid and standoffish to the entire situation*


    Desiree: *yelps as she hears Zach’s collapse. She then rushes by his side and tries to pull him up. Slowly, she’d drag Zach over to a chair. She then sets the boy down in the chair* Come on, Brother. Wake up…

    Jenna: *Frowns at Seph* Very well. You can kill me when this is all over. *looks over at Aeris* I’m afraid that she is rather stubborn. I’ll just continue what I’m doing. *reaches over to caress the side of Seph’s face*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *aggressively whacks her hand away, not wanting to be touched. She makes a loud growling noise, then tries to kick Aeris away, just wanting to be left alone. She makes a loud threatening snarl and tries to move off the bed, wanting to retreat else where* I’m not… a sideshow for you idiots to watch… *snarls* Get lost!!

    Zach: *makes a weak groan* It’s horrible…


    Jenna: *groans and grips onto Seph’s shoulders, holding her down* No, you’re not a side show at all, Seph… Calm down. We’re trying to help you. Now, please, just breath, calmly. *frowns at Seph* ~Do you think that I’d treat you in such a way? Please, just settle down and trust me, Seph. I love you.~

    Desiree: *pats the top of Zach’s head* Yea, it is pretty gross. And I think that Father is loosing it.. I hope she doesn’t hurt our new brother and sister. That’d be pretty bad.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: They should tie her up before she kills somebody…

    Sephiroth: *snarls* Just get away from me!! *swats at the air, then loses her aggression suddenly as another powerful contraction wave hits, followed by another shortly after. She collapses back onto the bed and begins trying to push, snarling loudly*


    Jenna: *shakes her head and pats the top of Seph’s head* No, I won’t. Just get through this. You’ll be fine. *Glances at Aeris* I believe that she’s pushing now. Go do what you need to do. *glances at the children* Go get some towels. Now!

    Desiree: *yelps as Jenna calls out to her. She then nods and rushes to the bathing room. Soon enough, she carries several clean towels over to Seph’s side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *just backs up towards the door, staring at Sephiroth, not saying much of anything apart from the occaisonal mumble of disbelief*

    Sephiroth: *pants in between pushes, then grits her teeth, concentrating her efforts into the birthing process, trying to roll onto her side, thinking that would be easier*

    Aeris: Hey, you shouldn’t to that. *holds her firmly so she can’t roll anywhere* Okay, keep going. You’re doing well. *peeks at the area between her legs, nodding* This won’t take much longer.


    Jenna: *glances at Aeris and mutters* There’s two of them, girl. I don’t think your estimate is taking that into account. *shakes her head, she then slides onto the bed. Soon enough, she wraps her arms around Seph’s shoulders in order to keep her in the right position. She then leans in to whisper into Seph’s right ear* Stay calm. You can do it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances over at Jenna with tired eyes, her expression dulled* You try doing it… *hisses in pain, then redoubles her efforts in pushing, gripping hard onto the bed as she pushes with most of her remaining strength reserves*

    Aeris: There’s two? *seems to have trouble taking that in for a moment, then nods with determination* Keep an eye on her. The second one out sometimes has problems. *moves in to place a towel in the appropriate position* Come on, you’re nearly done. The head is nearly out. *sits up suddenly* Go get some scissors.


    Desiree: *tilts her head. She then shrugs and rushes to her room. Soon enough, she rushes back over to the bed then hands a pair of scissors from her room to Aeris* Who are you? I’ve never seen you before…. *frowns* Zach, do you know her?

    Jenna: *shakes her head* I have. Remember? I’ve done this before. *faintly grins* You’re tough, tougher than me. You can do it. *pats Seph’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: I have no idea who this freaky lady is… *moves closer, finally brave enough to get a better look*

    Cancer: She’s a weird lady who isn’t getting mad…. or… *shakes her head and moves out of her room*

    Sephiroth: *Continues to push hard, gritting her teeth as she finally manages to push the first infant from within her, putting her head down on the bed, panting*

    Aeris: *pulls the child free during the last push, then takes the scissors and cuts the cord free, bundling it up in a towel* Shh, it’s alright… *pats the infant, which is now howling and crying in distress* Who wants to take this? There’ll be another within the hour for sure.


    *The newborn girl begins to wail, not certain if she likes her new surroundings. She flails about as she’s wrapped up in the towel*

    Desiree: Hmm… *looks up at the new child. She then holds out her arms* I’ll take my new… umm… is that the new sister? Or is it the new brother? *looks up at Aeris* And who are you?

    Jenna: *pats Seph’s shoulder as she leans against her chest. She then hums to her mate* You did well. Just rest up for a bit, Seph. You deserve it.

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