The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *glances up at Seph then softly chuckles at her question* No, magic would not do at all. I can cast a spell to set the books on the shelves. However, there would be no way to determine which ones go where without personally choosing the location of each book. So, I might as well do it this way. *grins at her* Do not worry, I can handle it. After all, it’s almost all done.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It just seems like such a boring mundane task. And it was why I didn’t shelve them myself – I could do that after I finish reading them. *yawns and sits up properly, setting her book down again* Want help?


    Jenna: Hmm… *glances at Seph* How about you just read that book out loud. That will give me enough entertainment in order for me to be appreciative. But, you don’t need to help me other than that. Continue reading. *Grins at her* I’m enjoying helping you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Read it out loud? *slowly shakes her head, not really liking that idea much* Perhaps I’ll just… *hums* No… *moves to her feet, brushing herself off* You can stay here if you like. I’m going to do something else for a while…


    Jenna: *Sighs at Seph’s words. She then shakes her head* You did offer to help. I would have appreciated the distraction. However, do as you wish. I can’t stop you. *glances down at the books, sighing once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *heads upstairs to the kitchen to begin preparing some food for herself* *”I will be back down later, perhaps.”* *frowns* *”This is a rather large task and nobody is ever satisfied when I do it.”*


    Jenna: Very well, Seph. However, I should tell you that you need to stop doing such things soon. You are getting larger and closer to the date… It’s almost time that you should avoid straining yourself.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”If I don’t do something with my mind to keep it occupied, then I’m afraid I’m going to end up losing it entirely…. and you know what will happen then? Do you know what will happen then, Jenna?”*


    Jenna: ~Seph, you can keep your mind occupied without keeping your body occupied. You should know that full well.~ *She sighs and shakes her head* ~Just don’t strain yourself. We’ve invested too much time for you to threaten the lives of the children in impatience or angst..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”How strange of you to say such things…”* *continues to prepare a proper full meal for the children and herself, scowling in annoyance to herself as she has to peel and cut up vegetables for baking*


    Jenna: ~What do you mean by that, Seph? How is my caring about your health and the health of the unborn children strange? I don’t understand at all…~ *she finally puts up the final book. Then, she heads upstairs toward the kitchen*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It’s just a strange thing, coming from you… I wouldn’t have expected to hear something like that. It’s most unusual.”* *begins to snicker as she continues to cut up vegetables for the boiling pot*


    Jenna: *frowns at Seph. She then moves to sit in one of the chairs at the kitchen table* Do you honestly think that I want the children to die? That is not the case at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I just find it rather ironic of you to say especially seeing as though you were gone for eight years. It’s a very… very curious thing for you to say when one thinks about the circumstances, you know. *grins*


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Sephiroth* That was not due to me not caring about the children.. You know that, Seph. *Shakes her head* I never meant to leave like that. *sighs* I thought you had forgiven me for that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins further, then turns her attention back to the vegetables, dropping them into some water so they can cook. After that she heads to the refridgerator, dragging out some meat to grill* Of course, of course…


    Jenna: *sighs and just silently watches Seph. After a few moments, she softly mutters under her breath* No wonder you didn’t care much for my suggestion of what I said you could do to help me out down there… Don’t care enough.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Don’t care enough? Who’s not caring enough now? What did I do wrong? *turns around to face her, confused. She tilts her head slightly, then grins, turning back to the grill and the stove to continue cooking* Don’t care enough… my, that’s a good one.


    Jenna: *deeply frowns, not completely certain what to make out of Seph’s behavior at the moment. She then shakes her head* Nevermind… Let’s just talk about something else. *glances up at the ceiling* Have you thought of names for the twins?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, not yet… something with meaning would be meaningful. Intelligent thought provoking names would be useful. They need names that aren’t going to make them a laughing stock, either. Such names are good. No?


    Jenna: Hmm.. *Shrugs* I suppose so. *glances to the side and mutters* I think Seres might sound good though. *shrugs* It’s just a thought though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Seres? Whatever does a name like that mean? And is it for a male? Or a female? Why that name? *grins though, seeming to like it as she slowly repeats the name to herself, nodding after another moment* Yes… I like it.


    Jenna: *Shrugs, not really having many answers for Sephiroth* I think it’s a female name. At least, it kind of sounds feminine to me. However, I only ever heard something like it. I don’t even remember where. Still, it sounds nice.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is nice, nice it is. *nods her head* Will be a good name. Don’t know if there’s a female inside, but who knows. Could be anything. Can’t tell, won’t tell. Want them out first. Is the best option, yeah? Yeah. *nods her head*


    Jenna: *frowns at Seph’s words. She then shakes her head and sighs* Seph… Why don’t you tell me about the day that you were promoted to General, hm? *hopes that the subject will keep Seph’s mind stable for a bit*

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