The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #25639
    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *”I’m in there, but-“* *goes quiet when she receives the rest of Jenna’s telepathic transmission* *”Oh! Thank you, mother.”* *quickly runs behind several of the planes, grinning as she finds the car off to the side* Here we are! She wasn’t lying afterall!

    Zach: *mumbles* I still don’t see why she needs one of those things…


    Desiree: *glances around at all the planes. She then shrugs and moves after Cancer. Once she spots the car, she tilts her head, curious* Well, it’s definitely.. something. But I agree with Zach. What are you going to do with it. Really?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: I already told you. I’m going to sleep in it. I’ll drag it downstairs and put it in my room. Isn’t it awesome? *leans over the front of the car to hug onto it* When I grow up, I can take it with me when I live somewhere else.

    Zach: Ah… *blinks, then shakes his head* I guess you could do both of those things…


    Desiree: Sleep, in this thing? *looks at the car. She then frowns and looks at Cancer* You do realize that those seats are not made for sleeping? They’re actually less comfortable than your bed. You should just save it ’til you live on your own… or whatever you’ll do when you grow up. *smirks* If you live that long. *winks at Cancer* Maybe Mother will kill you in your sleep tonight instead.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *stares back at Desiree, then opens the car door and moves inside, locking the doors behind her* *”She’s not going to do that, is she…?”*

    Zach: *yawns, fast becoming bored of the entire situation* Can I go now?


    Desiree: *glances back at Zach* Yeah, I suppose you can go back to the smelly old man. Just… you know, don’t stay there all night. You know how Father hates it if we don’t at least sleep properly. *glances over at Cancer and frowns* ~Come on, get out of there, Cancer. You can’t sleep in a car.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *”Watch me.”* *climbs over the front seats, sitting on the back seat. She then lies down on it, curling up* *”See? It’s not uncomfortable. I could spend a long time here if I wanted to, you know.”*

    Zach: *shakes his head as he leaves the room* *”Have fun in there.”*


    Desiree: ~You’re insane, Cancer. The air would get stale in there eventually.~ *she sighs. Then, she turns around and moves to exit the store room as well. Soon enough, she’d enter her bedroom, intending to resume her reading from before*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *winds down the window slightly, then curls up on the back seat, not wanting to get out right away*

    Sephiroth: *remains under the bedcovers as she continues to nap*


    Jenna: *has fallen asleep next to Seph. She has her arms wrapped about her mate, and her forehead rested against the back of Seph’s head. She is content as she sleeps, so she is likely to remain asleep until the next dawn*

    Desiree: *continues to read in her room, leaving Cancer to her own devices. Eventually, she tires out as well. So, she retires for the night*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to rest until the morning. She wakes up with a sudden jolt, sitting up, slightly confused at her surroundings. She looks around the room, then rubs her eyes and climbs out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom to take care of her bodily needs*


    Jenna: *softly groans as Seph sits upright. Slowly, she flutters her eyes open. Eventually, she slips out of the bed and moves into the bathroom as well, not really caring that Seph is in there as well. She then begins to clean her teeth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stares up at Jenna from her position on the toilet, then promptly turns her head away, averting her gaze to the floor, not at all happy about the situation* You could have knocked…


    Jenna: *glances down at Seph then rolls her eyes* Seph, we have had sex together quite often. I think that we can survive such things as being in the bathroom at the same time… Albeit, I would never use the toilet at the same time as you. *faintly smirks. She then spits out the toothpaste in her mouth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That would just be.. disturbing… *frowns in thought for a few moments, then slowly shakes her head. She pulls off a length of toilet paper to wipe herself off with, then readjusts her pants, flushing the toilet afterwards. Then she smirks slightly and tries to shove Jenna aside with her bodyweight so she can use the sink*


    Jenna: *mocks insult as Sephiroth shoves her to the side. She then shakes her head and grins* Such a rude creature you are. *chuckles. She then moves aside to use the toilet herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, not I. You were in the way. *smirks as she spends a few moments washing her hands off, then she rubs them dry on a nearby towel* Don’t even think about doing it again. *places the towel back onto the rack, then walks out of the room, giving Jenna some privacy*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* ~I’ll get in your way as much as I want.~ *grins and doesn’t seem to mind too much as Seph leaves. Once she is done in the bathroom, she heads out. Soon enough, she’d walk up to Seph’s side again, wanting to stay by her side as much as possible*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *has moved into the library now and begins to sort out her new collection of books, seeming torn* Oh, hello… I should put these in order, but if I do that then I’m going to miss out on reading them all. I will forget the position of some of them after a time.


    Jenna: *glances at the piles of books. She then glances at Seph* Tell me how you want them organized. I’ll put them up while you enjoy reading. Does that seem reasonable, hm?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It sounds very reasonable, but I don’t know what order to put them in. *slowly shakes her head* As long as I can get to them all in the end, I suppose it doesn’t really matter what order they go in, right? I suppose you could always leave them on the floor, too. And I could place them up when they’re finished with. That way I wouldn’t miss any.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph* I’ll try to think of a system for you. Would you like them to be sorted by genre? I can manage that for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I already kind of did that. *scowls* They’re listed in order by subject group, *points to the shelves around her* and uncatagorized books are on the other shelf. *sits down in her chair, teleporting one of the books to her hand* If you can think of a better organizational system, then I suggest doing it.


    Jenna: *nods at Sephiroth’s words* Understood. I’ll do my best to insure that I maintain your sorting system. Do not worry. *she moves to the side and begins picking at the books. She’d spent the next few hours just sorting out Seph’s new books and putting them up. She seems to have absolutely no qualms about doing this task at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *starts reading from her book, watching Jenna every so often, confused at her behaviour. Finally she shakes her head and speaks up* I thought you were going to do that with magic? You seemed rather keen on doing such a mundane task – I thought it would be easy for you.

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