The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: *Crosses her arms. She narrows her eyes at Cancer. Eventually, she sighs, giving in, and reaches over to pull on Cancer’s offered finger*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *grins and causes her finger to melt into a black substance, slowly melting the rest of her hand and part of her arm too. She makes a slight yelping sound and tries to shake the arm to get it to stop*


    Desiree: *frowns as she notices that Cancer had lost it. She then quickly moves in to scoop up the goo that had dripped onto the floor. She then tries to press it up against Cancer’s arm* Perhaps you’re not ready for that, sister.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *her expression suddenly shifts to one of playfulness and she laughs, rolling onto her back, loudly laughing not long after. She remains like this for a few moments, then moves her arm stump back to the pile of ooze and collects it back into her body again* Oh sister… *snickers* I was hoping for a much stronger reaction, but that was fun too…


    Desiree: *frowns at Cancer. She then moves in to kick her sister in the side, though she’s not that rough in the move. She then shakes her head and grumbles* Pain in the ass. *grins* Let’s go find Zach.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *gets to her feet again, nodding* A good idea. Know where he’s hiding though? I’m not sure if I know. Unless he’s still upstairs with the old smelly man? *glances towards the doorway frowning* If he’s there… I don’t think it was a great idea to leave him there…


    Desiree: *Shrugs* I don’t really know where Zach is. I’m certain we’ll find him not long after we start looking. He’s a scaredy, cry baby who doesn’t go exploring on his own. *She winks. She then moves to the stairs* Come on.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *nods and moves to the stairs herself, charging up them suddenly, laughing, wanting to beat Desiree up there* Come on – race you to the top! *grins and bounds up the stairs two at a time*


    Desiree: Hmm…? But what if Zach isn’t all the way to the top? *She shakes her head. She then moves up the stairs at a casual pace. As she moves, she conducts psychic sweeps, trying to locate her brother*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *is still in the same area as Hojo right now, and doesn’t appear to be moving around a whole lot*

    Cancer: *stops again, waiting for her* Hmph… way to take all the fun out of it… *slows to a halt and turns her attention back to Desiree, intending to follow her now*


    Desiree: *frowns as she realizes where Zach’s energy signal is coming from. She then shrugs and moves to the room where she left Zach* Come on. He’s this way. *Within a few moments, she moves into the doorway for the medical room where Hojo situated*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *is in the room with Hojo and holding science equipment for him while he works on something else. He stands particularly close to the older man, and peers over his shoulder when he can, seeming interested* So it’s going to benefit mankind?

    Hojo: Yes, yes, that is the general idea…

    Cancer: *follows Desiree inside, though is rather standoffish and more shy*


    Desiree: Oh, so you did stay here, Zach. *glances up at Hojo and frowns. However, she shrugs* ~Cancer wants to show off the gift that Mother got for her. Do you want to come?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”I’m alright. I want to stay up here and help. Something really interesting is going on, you know. It’s positively fascinating. Hojo’s a really smart guy. Okay so he’s creepy and old, but… his work has some scientific merit.”*


    Desiree: *nods, not seeming to be overly distraught over the fact that Zach is helping out Hojo. Instead, she looks over at Cancer for a moment. Then, she turns her attention back to Zach* ~Can you still take a break for a bit. Cancer wants to spend time with both of us.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”I’m sorry but I want to stay here. Hojo’s working on something… well, it’s a secret. But it’s really special and it’s going to help everybody if it ever goes public.”*

    Cancer: *begins to tap her foot, becoming impatient*


    Desiree: *frowns. She then moves closer to Zach and tries to tug on his arm* Please, just step away for a bit. Cancer got really upset when I refused her.. It’s important to her. Don’t you care about your sister?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *sighs, glancing back at Cancer, then at Hojo’s work. He slowly nods his head and sighs* Alright. *nudges Hojo’s arm* I’ll be back soon. *places the beakers down so he can access them easily, then heads out of the room* Okay, so what now?

    Cancer: *grins* Took you long enough. Follow me. *heads back up the stairs, heading to the room where Jenna left the car*


    Desiree: *Shrugs* Now we see Cancer’s car. I don’t have a clue what she’s going to do with it. However, she talked other into giving her a car. *slowly shakes her head. She then moves to follow after Cancer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What? *blinks* Where did Cancer get a car from? *seems confused* And why? I mean… yeah. What the heck is she going to do with it?

    Cancer: *frowns* You told.. *sighs and shakes her head, moving on ahead anyway* I’m going to keep it. It’s pretty. And who cares if it doesn’t work? It’s going to be mine. I can lie in the back of it and sleep there sometimes, too. *grins*


    Desiree: *shrugs at Zach’s questions* Mother gave it to her. That’s all I know. *stops once they reach the storage room* So, Cancer, where is this car?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *looks around the area, moving past some old planes and a drilling rig. She sighs as she searches the area, slowly shaking her head* I don’t see it… it was a lovely blue colour. About… *narrows her eyes* I don’t remember how long…


    Desiree: *Shrugs* Maybe mother changed her mind. It wouldn’t be the first time Mother failed to follow through with things that she was supposed to do… Such as stay with father. *loudly snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: Maybe… *sends a telepathic signal down to Jenna* *”Hey, um.. where’s my car? You said you’d bring it back and it was on the island when we came back, so.. where is it?”*


    Jenna: *yawns, having almost fallen asleep. She then shakes her head* ~It’s in the room that I use to store aircrafts. I suppose you can call it a Hangar.~ *yawns once more. She then sends Cancer a mental image of where the car is*

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