The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #25589
    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *happily takes the packaged food away, running back out towards the car, grinning happily* Thanks! *yanks the car door open and sits in the back, munching on her food not long after*

    Sephiroth: *Cancer’s noises have disrupted Sephy from sleep, and she sits up, seeming a little bit annoyed* Well, hell again…


    Jenna: *calmly walks back to the car. She then calmly slides into the car* As far as I know, we’re all ready to go back to Halcyon. Is that not correct, Cancer?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *frowns at Sephiroth’s comment and shrinks down in her chair. She meekly nods and sits back in the chair* We’re ready to go back… *sits down and continues eating her chicken sandwich, mostly in silence*


    Jenna: *doesn’t seem to notice Cancer’s behavior. Instead, she pulls out of the parking lot. Soon enough, she speeds through the streets, moving into the outskirts of the town. Within fifteen minutes, she finds a currently empty construction site that has walls built up around it to keep out pedestrians. So, she pulls into the lot and then moves the car so it would be well hidden* Ok.. I hope this words. *she closes her eyes and concentrates. Within a few minutes, she manages to cast a teleportation spell that moves the car and its contents from the construction site to the field just outside the base on Halcyon*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *yelps and grips onto the chair as the car is tossed around during the teleportation spell takes place, whimpering as the car shakes a bit on it’s suspension once it lands on the ground back on Halcyon. She stares out the window, then gets out of the car* We lived… *glances back at the car then grins* Alright!

    Sephiroth: *moves out of the car herself, grunting in annoyance* Tch… I hope we don’t have to do that again.


    Jenna: *grumbles as she steps out of the car* That would be a reason why I steal figher planes if anything out of human transportation, not this sort of stuff. *She glances at the car and shakes her head* Cancer, help you Father get back inside. I’ll figure out how to get this car into the storage room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *dumps her milkshake cup on the ground then runs over to Sephiroth, grabbing her by the arm, leading her back towards the base* Come on. We can’t stay out here too long, it’s too dangerous. We’ll get eaten or something.

    Sephiroth: *sighs in annoyance*


    Jenna: *glances at the car, thinking to herself. Eventually, she decides that she had just barely enough room in her sub-space pocket to fit it. So, she sends the car there. Then, she walks down into the storage room where she keeps all the various planes that she’s nabbed throughout the years. Once there, she finds a space large enough for the car. So, she pulls it out of sub-space and into the spot*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *leads Sephiroth back into the base, and down the stairs again, finally allowing her to go once they have reached her bed. She runs away, looking for Desiree or Zach, wanting to brag to them about her great news*

    Sephiroth: *simply lies down on her side, pulling the covers over her*


    Desiree: *is already in her room, just reading from her books. However, she also seems to be holding a conversation. Or, at least, one side of one. Despite the fact that she seems to be responding to something, the other participant doesn’t seem to be around at all*

    Jenna: *once the car is in the storage room, she heads downstairs. Then, she moves into Seph’s library. Soon enough, she dumps out all the extra books that she had grabbed for her mate. She leaves the fictional material on the floor, deciding that Seph will determine where they go later*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *peers in the doorway, narrowing her eyes at Desiree* Who are you talking to? I swear, you get weirder and weirder as time goes on… *shakes her head* Ah, guess what though. *grins* I went somewhere. And mother said I could come back with something so I did. Wanna see? It’s awesome.


    Desiree: *glances over at Cancer. She then rolls her eyes and shakes her head* It’s just a car, Cancer. It’s not even going to go anywhere. *grins. She then turns her attention back to the corner. She giggles to the comment of her unheard friend*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: Thanks… for your kindness. *snorts and moves back away from the door, offended and hurt by what Desiree has said. She shuts the door on her, then moves back to her own room, locking herself inside of it*


    Desiree: *Doesn’t even seem to notice Cancer’s reaction. She just continues to talk to her friend. She then sighs as she thinks about Cancer, even though it’s been next to ten minutes since the other girl has left. Still, she gets to her feet and moves to Cancer’s door. Knocking, she softly speaks* Cancer, I’m sorry.

    Jenna: *doesn’t notice the drama between the siblings. Instead, she moves to the bed and lies down. She then sets one of the literature books that she had bought for Seph, The Scarlet Letter, on top of her mate. With that, she moves to lie down on the bed herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *is leaning up against the other side of the door so nobody can get in, at least, if they didn’t use excessive force to push the door and her out of the way* Go away…

    Sephiroth: *is still somewhat awake and sits up again, causing the book to slide off onto the floor. She leans down to pick it up, glancing at the cover for a few moments before gently setting it down beside her on the nightstand* Thank you. I will read it some time soon.


    Desiree: *Softly sighs* ~Please, Cancer. Don’t be like that. I’m sorry, it was cruel of me to be so indifferent toward that car. Though… Really, what are you going to do with something that can’t be driven?~

    Jenna: *nods at Seph* It has nothing to do with wars. So, it should be something you haven’t read yet.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *”It was just pretty…. pretty to look at and it was fun to be in. I… I just wanted to keep it. We’ve never been near one before, let alone IN one. Why wouldn’t that be interesting, Desiree…? At the very least, it’s something interesting to learn about…”*

    Sephiroth: *nods her head* Good… *pats the book, then moves to lie down again*


    Desiree: ~I suppose… I’m not really interested in learning about that sort of stuff. I want to be a great mage, better than even Mother. Then, I’ll make her pay for what she’s done..~

    Jenna: *nods at Seph. She then reaches over and begins to massage the other woman’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *relaxes, beginning to purr as Jenna massages her back. She doesn’t seem terribly happy though, and soon curls up* *”I would like to rest for a few hours, I think…”*

    Cancer: I just thought it was cool…


    Jenna: *nods* Go ahead, Seph. I’ll keep watch over the children. Sleep for as long as you need to. *continues to massage her back*

    Desiree: *shrugs* I guess. Fine, it is kinda cool that Mother got you an entire car.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *pulls the covers over her head, then snuggles up under the comforter, trying to keep warm*

    Cancer: See… *grins slightly, then opens the door a crack* Zach’s probably going to shit bricks. And then cry about favouritism, or something like that…


    Desiree: Hmm… maybe he will. *she shrugs and then glances back at Cancer* I left him behind with our Grandfather. I haven’t seen him since. So, maybe he’s gotten something there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: He’s not my relation… well, really. *pauses* Well, much… *sighs* Why’s he upstairs with that creepy old man anyway? Didn’t your father tell us to stay away from him? Your mother, your father and him keep having fights…


    Desiree: Hrmph, he is your relation. We know full well that you were made of both DNA from Mother and Father. The only difference between you and I is that you didn’t grow like our new siblings are. *glances in Sephiroth’s direction. She then looks up a bit* And you have black blood…? *frowns in thought* I’ve never seen you hurt, Sister.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: It’s pretty easy to see. *raises up her arm* Most people are pinkish… I’m just a dreary grey colour. Even withouth cutting me, it’s pretty easy to tell that I’m different. *thinks for a moment, then grins* Hey, pull my finger. *moves her hand forwards*

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