The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph. Still, she quickly casts a spell to steal books from the various fiction sections, sending them to her sub-space pocket* Very well, we can leave. If Cancer is ready to leave. *glances down at Cancer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *gently nods her head* I only came along for the ride. We can go back any time because I didn’t need anything… can we keep that car though? It was really cool.. I want to control it and play with it.


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Cancer’s inquiry concerning the car* We don’t have a track or any other sort of location where you can drive it, Cancer. I’m afraid, even if we did keep it, it simply would not be usable.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: Why couldn’t we use it if we took it back with us…? *seems quite dissapointed* Can’t we keep it…? Please? Can we at least go back outside and go around in it some more? I… I really liked it. *looks sad* I want one…


    Jenna: *Softly sighs at Cancer’s words* Because, we have no roads or flat surfaces that the vehicle can be driven on. There are some that can drive on rough terrain, but that specific vehicle is not it… *glances at Seph* I’m certain that even Seph knows the basics of the need for roads when vehicles are concerned.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* She is right. Unless the ground is extremely flat, or sealed with various… road making elements. *snorts* The point is, the car won’t work on the ground back at home. It would be pointless taking it there.

    Cancer: Can’t we take it for… well… parts or something…?


    Jenna: *softly sighs at Cancer* Does it really matter that much to you, Cancer? *shakes her head and looks over at Seph* It will be Seph’s job to make the final decision. If she thinks that it will be worth it to take it back, then we will.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: I want to put it in my room. Or something… I want to keep it somewhere. Disable the part that makes it go if you have to, but… *whimpers* I want it. It’s pretty, you can’t just leave it here for some unappreciative person to take!

    Sephiroth: *makes a disinterested grunt* *”This is really my decision? I don’t care – as long as the flammable elements and toxic substances are taken out of it so it won’t harm anybody. I honestly don’t know what the girl would do with a giant piece of unusable junk though.”*


    Jenna: *glances at Seph* ~Well, I’ll take that to mean that you’re going to let the girl keep the car. Very well then.~ *glances down at Cancer* Seph says that you can keep it. So, I guess we’ll take it with us… Somehow.. *narrows her eyes in thought* I guess I can shrink it first. *moves toward the car then magically unlocks it* Well, get in. We need to find someplace else in order to leave this place.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *happily climbs in the back, grinning as she bounces up and down on the seat, pleased with the decision* Where are we taking it?

    Sephiroth: Tch… *moves in the front, far less enthusiastic about the situation* *”I don’t see why she can’t keep it, but it would be useless to her. And even moreso once the harmful fluids are removed that make the damn thing run.”*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks at Sephiroth* ~Well, I suppose gasoline wouldn’t be good if she drank it. However, it wouldn’t be that horrid of a thing for her to come in contact with. Anyway, there won’t be much. Also, the gas tank would be rather hard to access. I suppose she’ll be fine.~ *she shrugs. Then, she starts the car* Do you want to go anywhere else before we head home? Either of you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly shakes her head and closes the door* I don’t need anything else. *leans back in her chair, waiting for Jenna to drive off somewhere* *”I don’t know what else could be in there, but alright. Let her keep it and remove anything you might consider unsafe. It’s still going to be a piece of useless junk to her, though.”*

    Cancer: *peers out the window* Can’t we go there? *points to a fast-food sign nearby, recognising the logo from the packaging that some of her food has come home in*


    Jenna: *frowns at Cancer* You just ate a while ago.. *softly groans and shakes her head* Very well. We’l go there. *she turns on the engine then drives over to the fast food location. Soon enough, she’d park again. Then, she looks over at Sephiroth* Do you want to go in with her? I don’t really feel like going into that sort of place?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* I don’t want to leave the car… *leans her head against the window. In truth she is not feeling so well any more, but says nothing and tolerates it* Just give her some money and let her go inside to get it herself… *closes her eyes, humming* *”It will be an interesting experience for her. We’ve never exposed any of them to normal human society.”*

    Cancer: *grins, bouncing on the back seat as the car moves to the fast food parking lot. She stares out the window curiously, frowning at the conversation that comes next* Um…


    Jenna: *softly sighs. She then glances back at Cancer8 Can you handle getting food on your own? You’re old enough to be able to do such on your own. However, if you don’t feel safe, I’ll go with you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: I… ah… *her eyes widen and she shrinks down in her seat* Okay…. um. Alright… what do I have to do? I just have to go inside and pick it up, right..? That’s all I have to do…? *glances out the window to the fast food restaurant, then sits up properly, opening the car door*


    Jenna: *softly groans* I’ll go with her. *She leaves the car on, allowing the air conditioner to keep Seph comfortable. Then, she moves after Cancer. Soon enough, she stands in line with the girl* You have to pay them too.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *looks up at Jenna unhappily* Pay…? *lowers her head again, slowly nodding* Um. What do I pay them with…? I don’t have any gems or money. Or materia. Or gil, or anything really… *looks around the ground outside, hoping to find something there*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks down at Cancer* Gil…? Let me guess, your father kept on referencing that. *softly sighs* Don’t worry. I’ll pay them. *gently nudges her, trying to reassure her* Just pick out the food that you want to eat. Ok?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *nods, then finally moves inside the building. She stares at the line, then tries to move to the front of it, much to the chagrin of the other people waiting to be served* Umm… *glances up at the wall, then points to a chicken sandwich, grinning back at Jenna* How about that? Is that good?


    Jenna: *nods at Cancer. However, she waves Cancer over to her location, within the line* I’m certain that will be fine. However, you need to wait your turn, girl. Come back here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *sighs and moves to where Jenna is standing. She peers up at the menu boards again, then reaches out to grasp onto Jenna’s arm, soon leaning against her, not much liking the fact that there’s so many unfamiliar people around*


    Jenna: *glances down at Cancer. She then sighs and wraps her hands around the girl’s shoulders, trying to comfort her. Soon enough, they’d be at the front of the line. As the cashier asks them whether it would be for here or to go, she quickly speaks up* To go. Now, go ahead and tell her what you want, Cancer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *points at the chicken sandwich she eyed off in the beginning* I want that. Oh, and that… *points to the milkshakes area of the board* Umm… is that OK? *looks back up to Jenna hopefully*


    Jenna: *nods, not really caring what the girl orders. She then waits for the order to be rung up. Soon enough, she pays the woman*

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