The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *grumbles under her breath* Hmph.. Very well, we shall try this again. *closes her eyes and concentrates. Soon enough, she begins to cast a manipulation spell on Seph, wanting to bring her back into the room* ~I’m sorry, Seph. But you aren’t giving me many choices with your behavior.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *sharply* No we shall not try this again. I’ve had enough of you and your ridiculous behaviour. If you can’t sit there and be patient through the first scan, there is a high probability that you will destroy a second because of the same damn impatience. You waste time with your ridiculous selfish attitude. You’re like a spoiled child. So you can forget it – I’m not bothering with you any longer. *picks up his papers and moves back to the desk*

    Sephiroth: *becomes quite numb and moves as Jenna wills her*


    Jenna: *growls at Hojo* If you were more open with what you spoke of, I would not have to remind you of my gifts. *glances up as Seph returns into the room. She frowns at the fact that Seph isn’t even giving her any fight. However, she chooses not to mention that for now. Instead, she just guides Seph to lie back down on the table* There, she is back. She won’t run away either.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: Brilliant… *hisses* I also decided that I don’t care. *turns his back to Jenna and begins to tidy up the majority of his papers, stuffing them into his coat pockets, also throwing many of them into the garbage. He stuffs other supplies into his coat pockets and heads for the door*


    Jenna: *growls then quickly moves in front of Hojo. She glares at him. Then, she decides to allow her wings to be pulled out. Spreading out her wings, she tries to block Hojo’s path* I’m afraid that I cannot accept that decision. You will return to determining whether or not our children are healthy. Or, I shall make you more than just in a little of discomfort. Is that understood?

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *glares at her, more irritated than anything* Do this, do that. How about no. I was perfectly willing to share the information I found with you until you ruined the entire thing. So you can get out of my way now. *growls*


    Jenna: *bares her teeth at Hojo and growls at him* How about you get back to work. *snorts* I shall allow for you to perform your tests in peace if you wish. However, I will not permit you to quit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *glares at her* You should have done that in the first place. I refuse to work for you any more, especially if you’re going to be pushy. *folds his arms, seeming firm about his decision*


    Jenna: *growls at Hojo, quite irritated at him. She then pauses and smirks* Very well. I suppose I shall just go back in time and grab Professor Ghast while he was still alive. After all, he knew more about Sephiroth than you ever did. His name was all over the project. He shall have credit in knowing everything about Seph’s children as well. He’ll be the one who will be able to examine the once in a life time event of Sephiroth having children. For, I swear, Seph will never be female and pregnant ever again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *snorts in disgust* Now you’re just trying to taunt me. You wouldn’t exploit the brat. It’s not in your nature to do so. *moves back towards the scanner, this time being more protective of the controls as he starts it up again* Thanks to you, this is going to take even longer now.


    Jenna: *snorts at Hojo* I have time. I am over three hundred years old. If I can say one thing, I can say that I have plenty of time. *crosses her arms. She then allows her wings to vanish*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: So shut up and let me do this already. *snarls and turns on the scanner again, pushing the scanning part of the device back up to Sephiroth’s head* Lay flat or this won’t work. *moves back to the controls and turns the device on, resuming the full-body scan from the beginning*

    Sephiroth: *stays quite still on the table, mostly because Jenna has willed her to be there. However, when the scan starts again, she grits her teeth hard in pain, tensing up, not liking the scanning at all as the scanning beams pass through her head*


    Jenna : *sighs and just sends a psychic signal to Seph. This signal contains one of the songs that Jenna finds soothing. It is rather old-styled and somewhat celtic. It also has a long-slow rhythm to it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *closes her eyes and begins to hum along with it. With the fact that there is no other physical music sound around, her humming might sound strange by itself*

    Hojo: Shut up. We don’t need that right now. *leans over the controls, annoyed at the results he’s getting back. Soon enough he takes out the notes from his coat to cross examine, yanking a new sheet of paper from the table to write out what he’s finding again*


    Jenna: *continues to send the song directly to Seph’s mind. Once she comes to the end of what she can remember of the song, she switches to a different song that she can remember. This time, it is a traditional venetian waltz dance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to hum along with the music, though at times she does a bad job of following it along. After a time she quietens down, lulled into calm, and begins to drift asleep*

    Hojo: *shifts off to one side to continue recording his findings, this time giving no indication of what he’s finding interesting*


    Jenna: *notices that Seph has fallen asleep. So, she releases Seph from her manipulation spell. Then, she steps forward and tries to look at Hojo’s notes. She doesn’t bother even asking the ex-scientist any questions for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *continues to write away, subtly turning his head to look up at Jenna. He shifts away from her, muttering* Don’t even bother.


    Jenna: *crosses her arms* Finish your scan. I shall not interrupt you this time. *glances at Seph* And she is asleep, so she won’t interrupt you either.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *snorts* Good. *takes a seat and waits for the scan to finish, which takes some time. By the end of the process, Hojo is feverishly writing on his papers, and they are littered with notes now, some of them useless*


    Jenna: *turns away from Hojo. Then she softly speaks a command to Centra, making the computer activate a surveilance camera that would be able to get a good view of the notes that Hojo is writing. Then, the images from the camera are projected in the form of a holographic display in front of Jenna*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *pats the side of the scanner, admiring it* This thing scans at a cellular level so it was very useful. *folds back his papers, then begins to read off them* There are in fact two fetuses within the female’s uterus. Neither are unhealthy and they are not identical, though it is too early to tell their sexes. Bone density is decreasing. Lung and chest capacity is reduced, but for an average female it is fine. The mind showed irregular energy impulse patterns. Apart from that… *flips the page* Jenova cell count is decreasing. White blood cell count is increasing. Is also shows signs of mild dehydration. *glares at Jenna* That’s it.


    Jenna: *mutters, cutting off Centra’s surveillance activities. She then nods* Thank you. I appreciate that you did not try to experiment on my mate. *with those words, she casts a spell on herself to shift into her hybrid form. Then, she moves to gently pick up Seph, trying not to wake her up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *glares slightly at Jenna as she carries Sephiroth out of the room, not seeming terribly impressed with the whole ordeal. He tidies up his notes, curiously watching Jenna’s behaviour*

    Sephiroth: *continues to sleep, not seeming too bothered as she’s picked up and moved about*


    Jenna: *keeps her foot steps smooth and steady, wanting to give Seph a smooth ride. Once she reaches the lower level, she gently sets Sephiroth down on the bed. Soon after, she returns to her true form then heads up to the kitchen to get Seph some food and liquids that will be kept at the bedside*

    *During the next six months, Jenna continues to tend to Seph’s needs. She regularly departs for the human cities, gathering pre-made food for both Seph and the children. On several occaccions, she simply decides to buy pizzas since she’s determined that the children fight the least when given four to five large pizzas to attack.

    Furthermore, Jenna tries to keep by Seph’s side at all times. Unless forcibly deterred by Seph, she tries to keep the other female close company. She’d also regularly visit Hojo, bringing Seph along when needed, in order to determine that all is going as it should.

    Meanwhile, someone else chooses to abuse Seph’s less lucid moments. Desiree, who had been practicing illusion spells for the last few years, would regularly approach Sephiroth when Jenna is gone. She’d cast illusions at these times, trying to trick Seph into believing that Jenna is with Sephiroth and not Desiree. However, Desiree can’t hold these illusions for long, so these events tend to only last a few minutes at a time*

    Jenna: *returns to the bedroom after spending a bit over an hour at a human city. She is carrying several boxes of pizza once more, not really having been able to think of much more to get. Once at the lowest level, she sets the pizza boxes on a table then calls out* All right, you all can eat.

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