The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #25339
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, you’re real enough alright… *grins and tries to cuddle onto her* *”You’re everywhere. In all the places. For a while you weren’t here, but you were there. In my dreams and in my thoughts. One way or another, you are always with me…”* *begins to gently purr*

    Hojo: I can test for hormones and different bodily chemicals if you allow me a laboratory and a blood sample. Do both of those and I’ll work it out. *narrows his eyes at Sephiroth* She is behaving strangely. Are you sure you didn’t do anything? *reaches over to feel Sephiroth’s head* I don’t see any evidence of blunt trauma. Maybe it’s psychological.


    Jenna: *Grumbles* Very well. I shall allow you only very strongly monitored access to the medical facility. You do anything that I disagree with…. I’ll burn your stomach lining. It won’t kill you, but it will hurt like hell. *snorts. She then wraps her arms around Seph’s shoulders and begins to lead her away from the kitchen* Come on, Seph. Come with me.. *glances at Hojo* And I didn’t do anything to her that should cause this. She was acting more or less fine yesterday, just a bit on the over emotional side. We had a fight, but.. I thought we somewhat resolved that. *Snorts* She shouldn’t be this out of it. *She shakes her head. Soon enough, she’d lead both Hojo and Sephiroth to the level that once held the equivalent of the hospital for the base. Most rooms on this level have medical supplies. So, she brings the pair to the nearest available room* Here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *peers into the room, admiring most of what he sees* First test – put her in an isolated room with nothing else but a bed. And lock the door. Then watch her from the cameras. If the behaviour stays more or less the same, then it will prove what I’ve said so far.

    Sephiroth: *follows along, leaning against Jenna for most of the way, happy for her warmth. When they approach the room, she backs up, not wanting to go inside* Why are you doing this…? I don’t want to be here! *closes her eyes and tries to block it out*


    Jenna: *growls at Hojo* I will do no such thing. *glares at Hojo* Just test to see what her hormone levels are. I am not about to leave Seph all alone. *Snorts. She then glances at her mate. Sighing, she pats Seph’s back* Settle down… It’ll be alright. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. You can trust me, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: Fine – put her anywhere in the room. *walks away to go through the area, carefully examining everything he sees, looking for the right equipment*

    Sephiroth: *in a small pathetic recessive tone* I don’t want to be here… please can we go away? I don’t know why I can’t imagine something else…


    Jenna: *Groans at Sephiroth* ~This isn’t a dream, Seph… If you’re acting this way because of our argument last night… I’m sorry for leaving, getting drunk, and having sex with a random male while being drunk. I’m sorry. Please, just snap out of it.~ *she grips onto Seph’s arms and leads her into the room. She keeps a firm grip on Seph, not wanting the other woman to escape* Centra, lock the door…

    Centra: Acknowledged. *Soon after, the singular exit and entrance to the room slides shut. Then, there is a beeping sound, indicating that the door is locked*

    Jenna: *glances at Hojo* If you are intelligent enough, I suppose it would help for the fetus in Seph’s womb to be checked as well… Don’t you dare think of experimenting on her or the unborn child! I am right here and of full functioning mental capacity.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *her eyes widen slightly at Jenna’s words, then she lowers her head, seeming defeated and crushed by the news. She doesn’t say anything and sits down on the nearest bed, staring down at the floor*

    Hojo: *smirks* I can check that too. *finally finds some smaller sized syringes and walks over to the pair, preparing the syringe so he can use it* Your guesses are pretty accurate. This is probably hormonal. I still guess that, or a psychological trauma. The brat was never really sane to begin with. *snickers to himself as he grabs Sephiroth’s nearer arm, jabbing the needle into one of her veins, drawing blood from it*


    Jenna: *groans at Seph’s reaction to her words. She then moves up behind her mate and begins to gently rub her back. She releases a deep sigh* ~I’m sorry, Seph. Please, just snap out of it and forgive me. I would forgive you. Come back to me..~ *narrows her eyes at Hojo* Hmph, his mental instability was always your fault. You’re not exactly a shining example of sanity yourself.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: Who’s confusing the gender of the test subject, now? *moves away once he has his blood sample, then places it into a test tube, ratting through the other supplies to look for some chemical agents to carry out his tests* A lot of this rubbish is vastly different to what I am used to.

    Sephiroth: *simply lowers her head and begins to shiver* *”I should have stayed inside of my head this morning…”*


    Jenna: *groans and moves to hug Seph, trying to comfort her* ~Stop that. What I did last night.. . I was in the wrong there. I was angry and then drunk. I’m sorry.. It didn’t mean anything. You should know full well that the only one that I truly love is you.~ *grumbles toward Hojo* The equipment should be well more advanced than your backwards planet. It’s old, but they were still far above what humans are now…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Why did you do that…?”* *looks up at her, slightly wide eyed and confused, also seeming quite hurt* *”Why would you betray me like that…?”* *lowers her head again, slumping her shoulders*

    Hojo: It does well enough for what I need it for. *opens one of the bottom drawers, then takes out several chemical agents. He begins to place small amounts of blood on glass slides, then finds a microscope to examine them with* Let’s see now… *mutters to himself for several minutes*


    Jenna: *frowns* ~I don’t really see it as a betrayal… Yes, I gave into bodily pleasures. However, I am still faithful to you.~ *She shakes her head* ~I love you, Seph. No one else but you.~ *she reaches over to gently brush her fingers through Seph’s fringe* ~You are so very important to me… As for the other reasons, I’ve already told you that I was drunk and angry.~ *For now, she completely ignores Hojo. Instead, she moves in to gently kiss Seph, wanting to prove to her mate that she does indeed love her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t push Jenna away, having commited to memory what happened last time she tried. Instead she just sits there, accepting of the gesture, but stays relatively still, almost numbing to it* *”I would never….”* *lowers her head, pulling away from Jenna, then buries her face in her hands, loudly sobbing*

    Hojo: *stares back at the scene, then snorts* Idiots… *turns back to his work, seeming excited* You should come look at this. The ratio of Jenova cells to red cells, white cells and plasma cells Sephiroth’s blood sample is decreased. *raises the slide and adds some dye to it, snickering slightly* The Jenova cells will glow when you do this… *tries to wave Jenna over* Well come on then. Have a look. She’s actually more of a human now.


    Jenna: ~Seph, I’m sorry. Please, just forgive me… It was a singular slip. You can’t expect me to be perfect with doing things your way. I’ve spent hundred of years doing things my way.~ *blinks and looks at Hojo* She’s more human now? *frowns* How the hell does that work? And if that’s the case, why is she complaining about headaches?

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: There could be any number of reasons. Perhaps pregnancy – the body will kill anything foreign, including the infants themselves sometimes. I can’t explain the reason for the headaches. I would have to do a brain scan for that. And I don’t have Sephiroth’s old scans to compare them to, so they would be somewhat useless. *scowls* I would definitely look into treating psychological trauma though. If she comes towards the end of her power… *loudly snorts* A living organism that feels it no longer has any reason to live, reaches in the end, a point where it’s remaining energies may actually be directed towards dying.

    Sephiroth: *keeps her head down* *”Please, leave me alone…”*


    Jenna: *scowls then growls in frustration* I am seriously going to hate giving you anything.. *looks up* Centra, display files SRT43 through 89. *soon enough, a holographic display comes up. It then begins projecting the data on Sephiroth that Jenna had stolen from Hojo’s lab throughout the years. She then glances at Seph and frowns* ~Seph… I don’t want to leave you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *stares at the holograph, then glares at Jenna* I should be very annoyed with you right now. But… this is convenient. I want printouts of all of these. I’m going to read, and analyze everything and work out the best course of action. You would do well to leave Sephiroth in this place overnight while I work out what to do.

    Sephiroth: *tries to shuffle away from Jenna now* *”… no.”* *seems quite torn on the situation and shakes her head* *”I don’t want you to leave either. But… I don’t know how to explain it. My head knows what I mean.”* *closes her eyes* *”My head always knows what I mean. I should stay inside of it. I was fine inside of there. Why did I have to come out to this?”*


    Jenna: *Snorts* I don’t have a printer available… *grumbles* Centra, give this… thing, full access to the files concerning Sephiroth. Only the files concerning Sephiroth.

    Centra: Acknowledged. Access granted.

    Jenna: *turns to face Sephiroth* As for leaving her with you, I do not think so. Seph is going to return with me to our bedroom. I’m not stupid enough to let you play with our unborn child. *snorts* Just do some sort of scan to check up on that said child, old man. ~Seph.. Are you trying to tell me that you want to die? I don’t want you to die.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes her head* *”No… but I want to fall asleep, to dream. To stay in those dreams, where I’m fine and you’re fine and not a traitor. Where I’m a male and not pregnant, where Desiree doesn’t hate me, and where nothing bad exists…”* *closes her eyes, miserable* *”I don’t like what I’ve become. I don’t like what everything around me is becoming. I want to stay inside of my head.”*

    Hojo: *dismissively waves a hand* Fine. You can work on whatever you want. But don’t give her any medicine and don’t alter my physical tests.


    Jenna: *turns to glare at Hojo* Do I look like a damn scientist to you? I am asking you to check the health of our child. *growls* And before you ask, don’t. Just accept the fact that Seph is carrying the progeny of both myself and her. *Snorts then glances at Sephiroth* ~I am not a traitor, Seph. And you don’t know that Desiree hates you. She’s just going through puberty. Don’t you recall how much things went topsy turning when you hit that age?~ *She shakes her head* ~I had a singular slip. However, I am still very, very, very loyal to you. I’d die for you if needed, even if I knew that I would just come back.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slides off the bed, heading for the door* *”Oh Desiree hates me alright. Ask her. Watch her entire demeanor. She hates me, and that’s all there is to it… I’ve tried mending the rift, but it’s growing larger every day.”* *nods for the doorway* *”Come on then. Aren’t we going back downstairs and leaving this creep alone?”* *scowls* *”You should lock him in there.”*


    Jenna: *Sighs* ~I was hoping on manipulating him into looking at the state of the fetus in your womb, Seph. As I’ve mentioned several times…~ *glances at Hojo then snorts* ~Though, I don’t think he’s heard me.~ *she shakes her head* Centra, unlock the door.

    Centra: Acknowledged. Soon after, there is a loud click. Then the door slides open*

    Jenna: *looks at Seph and nods at her* Go ahead. I’ll be down shortly.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods her head. She ventures down the stairs, heading back down into the bedroom, then lies down on the bed, pulling the covers over herself completely once more, wanting to acheive the dormant idle state she/he did so many times before when encased in the gem*


    Jenna: *walks over to Hojo. She then snarls at him* You are most certain that Seph is even more human than normal now? *snorts then mutters* If you wish, you may have a blood sample from me… I’m certain you’d have fun studying the blood of a half-dragon.. *narrows her eyes in thought* Also, you didn’t seem surprised when you saw Seph as a female…

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: Why should I be surprised when I should be interested and looking to research it? You told me not to ask, so I’m not. *moves aside so Jenna can look at Sephiroth’s blood smear under the microscope* I assume you’re not completely hopeless and know how to zoom this thing. But have a look, and compare to the data you’ve stolen before. There’s at least a 50% reduction of Jenova cells. And the ones that are there are smaller.

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