The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: What? *frowns and looks up at Seph* You do realize that is just an artist representation of a battle field that existed over a hundred years ago, right? *She shakes her head* I’m not about to drown by drinking a few glasses of water, Seph. *she gets to her feet* I’ll be back shortly. *she exits the library, heading toward the kitchen*

    Desiree: Hm? What isn’t broken?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: You said you were going to restore the family to what it was before. But it’s not broken. Why break something that isn’t broken?

    Sephiroth: If this is a dream, it could very well become real… things change instantly, just like that, you know… *begins to mumble to herself, then closes the book up, throwing it across the room* Don’t turn into that! I like where I am.


    Jenna: *stops in her tracks upon hearing Seph’s words. She then shakes her head and turns around. Soon enough, she moves back to Seph’s side and grips onto her mate’s shoulders* Seph, please, come with me… I think.. I think it will be best if I don’t leave you alone here. Come with me, my love.

    Desiree: *loudly snorts* Mother broke it years ago. Father is just faking and trying to pretent that the last few years didn’t happen! *growls*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Where are we going? Is it going to be better than all that’s here? What will we find when we go where you’re leading? *rises to her feet, dusting herself off as she glances back at the other books. She scowls and shakes her head, snorting* Where are we going?

    Zach: He was never right in the head to begin with, I say. All that being locked up and stuff. *shrugs* Who knows.


    Jenna: Just the kitchen, Seph. Remember, that place where there’s food… I’m certain the children would appreciate it if you were to make them a meal, hm? *she keeps her hands on Seph’s shoulders. She then begins to gently guide Seph to the kitchen*

    Desiree: *scowls and whacks the back of Zach’s head* Father was very much sane.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Yeah, sane enough that he burned down a village. Sane enough that he killed everyone and listened to an alien, thinking it was his mother. You know, I would know what my mother looks like. She’d at least be the same species as me!!

    Sephiroth: *follows Jenna up the stairs, grinning slightly* Oh yes, food. I like it. The children won’t eat my food though. They think it’s boring.


    Desiree: *scowls at Zach* That was in the past. Father is sane now. He was just weak back then. *glares at Zach* You know, you’re just as likely to have a mental break-down like that. You are built just like he is.

    Jenna: Mm-hmm.. Yes, that’s right, food. *lets go of Sephiroth as soon as she enters the kitchen. She then moves over to the cupboards so that she can grab a glass. Soon enough, she’d fill the glass with water and begin downing it. As she drinks, she keeps a close eye on Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: I’m only really likely to have a mental breakdown if something happens that fucks me over pretty bad. That’s pretty much the only reason why anybody’s mind breaks down. We’re pretty strong with coping at most things, but when it gets too much… *he makes a descending motion with his hand* It’s like overloading a circuit. After a time, the wire will break. Or the bits on the circuit will break.

    Sephiroth: *moves into the kitchen and begins to sift through the cupboards for something decent to eat*


    Desiree: Hrmph, psychosis is also genetic, Zach. Even I know that one’s mind can have chemical imbalances without there being outside stresses. *smirks* For all you know, none of this is real.

    Jenna: *tilts her head. She then shrugs and sits down* I suppose it’s just the headache making things sound strange….

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    Sephiroth: *tenses slightly* You have a headache? Hmm. You had better keep away from me, then… I don’t want to catch it from you. My head hurts already enough as it is.

    Zach: Phh, I don’t want to think about stupid crap like that. *resumes sketching his electronics*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* It’s a hang-over, Seph. It’s not contage- *pauses and stares at her* Your head hurts now?

    Desiree: *Grins* It’s still a possibility. Haven’t you seen that human movie “A Beautiful Mind”? It shows how much you can’t trust reality. *smirks* I love how Centra can let us watch whatever we want to.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: My head always hurts. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always to some degree. Sometimes up, and sometimes down. But always… around. *begins to pull stuff out of the cupboard, looking for something appealing to eat*

    Zach: Centra lets us do whatever she wants because she’s a computer database with no sentience or thought. It’s just does as it’s told. That’s why you can do pretty much anything. Except harm others in the base of course.


    Jenna: I see… *narrows her eyes in thought. She then gets up* I’ll be back soon, Seph. Just stay here and make your lunch, or whatever. *She moves out of the kitchen. She then begins to search out Hojo, wanting to ask him questions about Jenova*

    Desiree: Hmph, I still like it a lot. *grins* Want to watch a movie tonight, Zach? It’ll be fun!

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What kind of movie, Desiree? It better not be one of those gory ones. I hate films like that and I wish they were never made in the first place…

    Sephiroth: *watches Jenna leave, then begins to hum to herself, sitting down on the floor with a box of cake mix, reading over the ingredients* This really isn’t any good for you… *throws it over her shoulder and looks through more of the food in there*

    Hojo: *is slinking about in the shadows around Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz’s room, looking for silver hairs on the floor which he can use for the cloning tanks*


    Desiree: *Shrugs* You can get to choose this time, then. I don’t care. I just like having fun with you, Zach. *Grins* And Cancer too… but she usually grumbles and mumbles through movies. *sticks her tongue out* It’s annoying.

    Jenna: *finally spots Hojo after a short bit. She snorts in disgust at his activities. She then grabs him and begins dragging him forward* I need to speak to you, old man.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *chuckles and reaches out to lightly poke Desiree’s nose* She just doesn’t like movies, Des. She likes to point out the inaccuracy in them. Its an important skill to have, you know. Having a mind that can tell right from wrong is valuable, and something a lot of people don’t have any more. *moves to his feet* Okay, what movie are we going to watch? *heads out of the room* We should ask Centra, huh?

    Hojo: *looks up at Jenna, adjusting the cracked glasses on his face, grinning toothily as he sees her* Ah, you… the boy’s breeding bitch. What do you want, woman?


    Desiree: Yea, I guess we should? So, to that abandoned room that we set up to be a movie theater? *grins in thought. She then gets to her feet and begins rushing up the stairs to the said room*

    Jenna: *growls* Yes, me. *snorts in annoyance and continues to drag Hojo along* Tell me, if someone.. say exactly like Sephiroth but female… were to become pregnant, how would the Jenova cells affect that female? Are there special hormones that the Jenova cells would create?

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: I… *blinks, standing up properly* I’m not sure. Jenova doesn’t get pregnant. We did many scans on her body when we got her and… it just doesn’t work like that. But yes… I imagine she would produce hormones if she were to breed. I just don’t know how she does it right now. If I could grow her big enough to make it happen, I could properly tell you. But every time I try to grow one, somebody always ends up killing it.

    Zach: *nods and hurries up the stairs after Desiree, grinning* Ask Centra what’s forbidden, we might be able to watch it.


    Jenna: *scowls at Hojo’s response. She then grumbles and shakes her head* Very well then… I suppose then I have no other choice. *grumbles even more* Seph is going to hate this. *she continues to drag Hojo forward. She then brings the scientist into the kitchen and points to Sephiroth* She is pregnant. Don’t you dare ask how she is a she. *glares at Hojo*

    Desiree: Oh, come on, Zach. There’s nothing that’s forbidden to us. *she sticks her tongue out at him. She then grins* I’ve watched that ALIEN series several times. That’s rated R or something, yet I’m only ten. *giggles* It’s a pretty fun series.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Aliens… phh. *shakes his head, seeming quite unimpressed* Alright then, let’s watch that. *takes a seat in the room, relaxing back on the chairs* Go on then, Centra. Play Desiree’s request.

    Hojo: *stumbles as he’s dragged towards the kitchen, staring in the doorway as he sees Sephiroth* I’m not going to ask either of those things. He looks fine to me. This is normal behaviour he would exhibit when in solitary confinement and suffering from a lack of stimuli.

    Sephiroth: *has dumped the cake mix contents on the floor and is carefully pulling apart the box into tiny pieces*


    Jenna: He? *glares at Hojo* You’re not overly bright are you? *she moves over to Seph’s side, she then grips onto Seph’s arm and tries to get the other woman to stand up. Soon enough, she pivots Seph, trying to make her face Hojo*

    Desiree: *Giggles in glee* Thank you, Zach! Centra, play the second movie. That one is the most fun! *moves to sit down next to Zach then hugs him in a benign fashion, only showing affection toward a brother* You’ll enjoy it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *growls* I know Sephiroth is a woman. I was talking about past incidences, when she, was a he. And he exhibited behaviour such as that when suffering from a complete lack of stimuli. Are you deaf, woman? *shakes his head, then moves over to Sephiroth and sharply slaps her across the face* Stop being so stupid!

    Sephiroth: *stares blankly up at Jenna when her arm is gripped, standing up not long after. She instantly cowers when slapped, covering her head with her hands* Get away from me before I use my mind to imagine you away completely!! *growls* I can do that you know… All I need do is think about it and you’re gone… *snarls* Did you ever think about that? That puts me at an advantage…

    Zach: I’d better, or this is going on your permanent record. *begins to write with an imaginary pen in the air, grinning* Today’s date, written. *grins and writes underneath it* Discredit to Desiree on the permanent record, as she chose a sucky movie. Thus, no further permissions will be given to her to choose out a movie. *grins at her again* And that’s what I’ll write.


    Jenna: *Loudly growls as Hojo slaps Sephiroth. She then steps forward and grips onto Hojo’s arm* You do that again, and I’ll break both your arms. Understand? *snorts. She then glances at Seph and cocks her eyebrow* Seph, this isn’t a dream or your imagination….

    Desiree: *Scoffs* You will do no such thing. For you’re going to enjoy this movie. *pokes Zach in the gut. She then makes herself comfortable. Soon enough, she broadly grins as the movie begins to play*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *makes a loud yelp as he’s poked, guarding his gut with his arms, hugging onto it* Meanie… *playfully pokes his toungue out at her, then shoves her shoulder. However, he also quietens down when the movie starts, curiously watching it*

    Sephiroth: Yes it is. It’s one or the other – it has to be. Unless I’ve gone through a portal and I’m not who I’m supposed to be… yes, yes, that might be it. *begins to hum, not really paying attention any more*


    Jenna: *stares at Sephiroth once more. She then turns around and roughly grips Hojo by the collar of his coat* You’re going to try to tell me that this is simply lack of stimuli? *Snorts and shoves him toward Seph again* She’s pregnant. She has hormones running all through her. There must be something that has to do with them that have been making her a wreck. She’s been crying a lot too… *Frowns* ~Seph, come on. Snap out of it… Do you really think that I am not real?~

    Desiree: *sticks her tongue out at Zach. Soon enough, she turns her full attention to the movie. She happily grins at each scene with the actual aliens*

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