The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: *Grumbles* She only uses it. She doesn’t own the books.. *shakes her head then snorts* I deserve to be able to read them as much as she does. *shakes her head* I don’t care that I’m found out.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Well, you should still clean up after yourself. *grunts* And if you want to read the books, then Jenna will offer to teach you. Would you like that?


    Desiree: *loudly growls then scowls at Sephiroth* I don’t want to learn anything from that bitch!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at Desiree, snarling* What the hell is your problem with her, Desiree? I’ve been nothing but reasonable towards your attitude about this until now, and I’d just wish you could do the same. Stop being so damn predjudiced against her and give her a chance. *growls*


    Desiree: Did she give us a chance, Father? *snorts* She abandoned us at the time when we needed her the most! I don’t give a damn what you say. She doesn’t love us. She proved that years ago. *scowls. She then turns her attention back to her book*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her, moving forwards to grab the book, snatching it away from her* Why don’t you ask her about it rather than keep up with this ridiculous stubborn attitude? She couldn’t help it, Desiree. Go ask her, go search her memories if you feel so inclined. *snorts*


    Desiree: I don’t feel like being lied to by that bitch. *Snorts and tries to grab the book back* Give that back. I was reading it!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls at her* I’m not giving it back until you start listening to me. Do you want me to write down a list for you? I keep telling you the same thing over and over. What are you not understanding?


    Desiree: *Crosses her arms and pouts. Her gaze then drifts to a spot over Seph’s shoudler. She then mutters* Yea, he can be pretty full of hot air…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares* Who are you talking to? *glances back at the space, then back at Desiree, seeming concerned now* I want to know what’s going on. *frowns* Are you, or these… people you are talking to responsible for me being a woman?


    Desiree: *blinks then stares at Sephiroth. He gaze temporarily shifts back and forth between the spot behind Sephy and her. Then, she calmly speaks, playing innocent* People? What people, Father? *shakes her head at him* I’m not talking to anyone.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *furrows her brows, seeming quite unhappy* I wish we could be honest with each other. Sometimes I think you’re changing and we are drifting quite far apart.


    Desiree: *frowns at Sephiroth* I am not drifting away from you, Father. I love you. I am loyal to you. Much more than that bitch. *She crosses her arms and snorts* She doesn’t deserve you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem any happier with Desiree’s words* That’s for me to decide, don’t you think? *sighs and slowly shakes her head* I appreciate your concerns, but I’d still like you to give Jenna a chance before flat out deciding you won’t have anything to do with her.


    Desiree: *Snorts at Sephiroth’s words* She didn’t give us a chance… *glances at the corner vacant spot once more. She then slowly nods* Yea, too much fun indeed… Nearly every night.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers her head, then walks out of the room, not knowing what else she can say to Desiree for the time being*


    Desiree: *softly speaks* Yea, should spoil her fun… *her eyes narrow as Sephiroth leaves. She then calls out* Hey! Can’t I have my book back? I wasn’t doing anything wrong with it!

    *Meanwhile, upstairs, Jenna feels a slight tingling sensation. Soon enough, she glances down at herself, noticing that she’s back to being a female*

    Jenna: Well, that’s strange… *deeply frowns in thought* ~Seph, has anything happened to you just now?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ignores Desiree and narrows her eyes further at Jenna’s words, closing the door behind her* *”No, I’m still female, and pregnant…”* *moves to sit down on the bed, very angry and frustrated with her powerlessness over pretty much everything recently*


    Jenna: ~Ah, I see…~ *she shakes her head. She then places away the book in her hand. Deciding that she doesn’t care for her now loose-fitting clothing, she steps away from the library. Soon enough, she’d enter the bedroom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *by the time Jenna moves down the stairs, Sephiroth is lying on the bed, seeming to be quite far away in her mindset right now, and brooding over all that has happened. She doesn’t seem to be content at all, and her expression is one of slight annoyance*


    Jenna: *pauses in her trek as she spots Sephiroth. Sighing, she moves over to the bed and sits down on her side. She then reaches over to gently set her hand on Seph’s left shoulder* What’s bothering you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stays relatively still, wiggling slightly under Jenna’s touch. She makes a slight noise of discontentment, but soon sits up, confused. She glances over at Jenna, then back at herself, scowling further* Well that’s great, isn’t it? Why does this always happen to me?


    Jenna: *softly sighs at Seph’s words. She then shakes her head* I can’t honestly say, Seph. I don’t even know how I changed back. Perhaps.. it just wore off…. *deeply frowns* However, with you being pregnant now… It’s best that you stay female until the end of the term. I don’t even want to think of what would happen to the fetus if you were to become male now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *deeply scowls at Jenna’s comment and turns her head away* Why does this shit keep happening to us? How the hell does the person who did this think they’re justified in doing so? *narrows her eyes* I very much feel like murdering somebody for this right now. What the hell did I do to warrant this kind of outcome?


    Jenna: *tilts her head then looks down at herself* Well, I can’t say that I’m going to be disagreeable toward being my true self again, Seph… I’m sorry, but I can’t find this to be that bad of a thing to happen at the moment.

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