The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #25189
    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What…? *seems to calm somewhat, then thinks* But he smells of human… what if the other dragons are mean to him? He’s only a baby afterall. He couldn’t fly, either… how’s he going to fend for himself without help from others?

    Sephiroth: *returns back to the base, heading back inside. She has claw marks and bites all over her arms, so is none too thrilled. She heads into the kitchen, scowling* I hope you’re happy now.


    Jenna: *sighs at Zach’s questions* That, my boy, will be up to fate to decide. You can’t protect everything against bad things happening. It just.. won’t happen. *he looks up as Seph returns. He then nods at her* ~Thank you. Though I know full well that you didn’t approve of that thing either.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”While it might have been good for hunting the rodents, it wasn’t doing any good down here. It was leaving droppings everywhere and Zach’s room was beginning to smell quite badly. I also didn’t appreciate having to buy so much meat.”*

    Zach: *seems miserable again* They’ll kill it…


    Jenna: We don’t know that, Zach. I’m certain that your hatching will be fine. No matter what happens. *With that, he sets Zach down in one of the chairs* Seph, can you please speak to Zach now? The boy is quite troubled over the fact that you’re pregnant.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and crouches down infront of Zach* What’s the problem with me being pregnant? It’s no different to any other… woman being pregnant. *scowls slightly* I didn’t choose for this to happen, but it did.

    Zach: *sharply* It goes against the laws of nature. Now get out of my way!


    Jenna: *groans at Zach’s behavior. He then shakes his head and glances down at Cancer* You are taking this well… By the way, have you noticed your sister staring into empty spots?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *nods* Desiree does it a lot. But it’s not blank staring… she’s looking at somebody imagined or real, I’m sure of it. Sometimes she talks to them. The people she’s looking at, that aren’t really there, I mean…. It’s creepy…


    Jenna: *Deeply frowns* Seph didn’t tell me that she actively talks to the empty spots… *Shakes his head and looks at all present* None of you can hear or see whatever she’s interacting with? *he still frowns, troubled by what this is leading up to*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *shakes her head* I don’t know what she’s talking to. I guessed she was just… talking somehow. Is it a problem? I didn’t see how it could harm anyone so I didn’t ask… *yawns, finding it all a bit boring now*


    Jenna: *walks over to Seph, shaking his head* It’s not your problem, Cancer. You needn’t worry about it. However, Seph… *frowns at her* Do you want your daughter actively interacting with something that you can’t see or hear? *frowns even more as he thinks* Desiree was rather upset during the same time that we had our genders switched…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, I don’t want her interacting with something that I can’t stop… *scowls* You think that this is Desiree’s fault? *scowls further at the thought, then begins to growl* Why would she do that to us…? Or to me?


    Jenna: *shrugs* Perhaps it wasn’t her idea, but if her friend is more than imaginary and was reacting to her being extremely upset that morning… *turns his attention to Zach* She was in your room at that time, boy. What happened in there?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Not very much that I can say was interesting. She was… just in there. And she said that Sephiroth would kill my dragon. *folds his arms, becoming upset over that again* Don’t kill Bahamut. He’s probably already dead now….


    Jenna: *groans at Zach’s words. He then shakes his head* I’ll just keep a close eye on the girl. For all I know, she’s talking to a demonic spirit. *sighing, he heads out of the room. He then makes his way toward his library, wanting to tidy it up a bit more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Jenna leave the room and quietly sighs, nodding at Cancer and Zach* Stay around the base area. You don’t want to go outside or attract unwanted attention. *moves off in the direction of the library, wanting to be with Jenna*


    Jenna: *has already gotten back to work on putting up books that have been strewn across the room. He softly grumbles to himself as he notices that there is a bit of a new mess. He then shakes his head* Someone is definitely actively going through here… *he doesn’t even notice Seph as she enters*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stands in the doorway, listening to him ramble and talk to himself. She slowly approaches, being careful not to startle him* Who’s actively going through all these books? Should you consider locking the doors to the library so they can’t get in?


    Jenna: *stops in his activities then glances back at Sephiroth* Hmm… I don’t know for certain who it is. I do know that they aren’t overly tall though.. Most of the books that are above around a four and a half foot height have been left untouched. It’s probably one of the children. *softly sighs* As for locking this room… *shakes his head* I’d rather just teach the child who’s going in here how to properly pay attention to the books here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ll try asking them some time. It’s definitely not the male. If you kept life science books in here, they’d be missing altogether, and probably stuffed somewhere in his room. *frowns in thought, thinking of Desiree and Cancer* It would have to be one of the females. Desiree would be a better guess as she carries more of your genetic makeup than the other does.


    Jenna: I suppose. However, genetics alone do not indicate desire to read from books. *Gives Seph a side-long glance* You’re not a biologist after all. However, you come from the genes of two scientists. *softly sighs* You should be getting rest, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* It was a probable guess… *moves for the door* Alright, Jenna. I’m going to do that. Stay here and… do whatever it is you do best. *sighs and heads for the stairs, walking down them, returning back to the bed*


    Jenna: *cocks his eyebrow at Seph’s statement* “Do whatever it is you do best”…? *shakes his head* You can be quite strange at times, Seph. *he sighs then returns to fixing the mess in the library*

    Desiree: *is sitting inside her room, flipping through the books that she grabbed from the library not so long ago. The pages make loud crinkling noises as she turns them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *initially sits down on the bed, though becomes attentive to the crinkling noise fairly quickly. She moves to her feet and follows the noise, standing in Desiree’s doorway, folding her arms* Ah, so you’re the culprit.


    Desiree: Huh? *innocently looks up at Sephiroth* Culprit? What is it that I’ve been doing, Father? I’m just sitting here, reading. *Shakes her head* You know that I don’t get into trouble.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’ve been raiding Jenna’s mage book library, ruining it and strewning books everywhere. You are the one responsible for the mess, and you should have cleaned it up properly if you didn’t want to be discovered.

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