The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Seph’s lack of words. He still feels rather down and rejected. Still, he doesn’t move to touch Seph, figuring that Sephiroth doesn’t want his affection with him being male*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just lies there for the time being, frustrated and angry with Jenna’s words. After a time she curls up but still doesn’t sleep, positively annoyed with what Jenna has said, especially considering she had been willing to work through the changes and accept them despite her own mentality towards touching somebody who is of the ‘same’ gender as she is supposed to be*


    Jenna: *unlike Sephiroth, he does actually manage to get back to sleep. In time, he closes his eyes and begins to lightly snooze. Eventually, as he sleeps, he shifts about then moves to snuggle up against Seph and tries to embrace her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grumbles a little bit at the affection, but soon takes it, snuggling up against Jenna in turn. She begins to purr, contented by Jenna’s warmth and closeness, and eventually drifts off to sleep herself*


    Jenna: *grins at the sound of Sephiroth’s purrs. He then softly speaks out* I love you so very much.. *he remains asleep until early in the morning, prior to when the sun rises outside. Upon waking up, he groans and slowly opens his eyes. For a moment, he just blinks and waits for his eyes to focus. However, he soon notices Sephiroth and grins* Hello, there..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is already half awake when Jenna wakes up again, but for the mostpart is being very lazy and refuses to get up right now. A slow sleepy grin crosses her face, but she doesn’t say anything for the time being, trying to convey her entire feelings right now with the one grin*


    Jenna: *tilts his head, wondering how awake Seph is at the moment. Eventually, he decides to just go ahead for what he wants to do. So, he moves closer to her and gives her a passiante kiss on the lips*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises her head up towards the kiss, responding by rolling onto her back, giving him a gentle purr in the process. She moves her hands up around his neck and closes her eyes, finding it easier to ignore the fact that she’s kissing a man, focussing on Jenna’s life energy and closeness instead*


    Jenna: *seems quite content that Seph is actually accepting his advances this time around. So, he slips his tongue into Seph’s mouth so that he can play with his mate’s tongue. Then, he begins to rub his hands up and down Seph’s body, not seeming to have as much trouble accepting their situation as Seph is having*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins at Jenna’s affections and begins to smirk slightly, having a useful base of information in her mind regarding what turns males on. So she moves a hand down, gently cupping Jenna’s crotch, then begins to run her fingers over the area*


    Jenna: *Groans, quite content with what Seph is doing. He then shakes his head and looks down at her* You are quite horrible and cruel, you know that? *he smirks back at her. He then moves his hands to undo Seph’s shirt. Soon enough, he begins to caress Seph’s breasts in the ways that he knows full well will please*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to slow down in her advances, having become quite distracted by what Jenna is doing. She keeps her eyes closed and begins to faintly moan with pleasure, continuing to focus on the intimacy of the situation over anything else* *”You’re calling me cruel…? You’re not much better you know, doing it back…”* *cracks her eyes open a bit, then grins up at him* *”I do believe that this is going to turn somewhere interesting if it continues travelling down this path.”*


    Jenna: *indifferently shrugs* ~As long as the path is traveled down with you and not someone else, I don’t give a damn where it will lead.~ Hmm… *he leans in to suckle on Seph’s left breast for a moment, trying to entice her some more. As he does this, he casts a spell to strip them of their clothing and set it in a corner*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”That’s all I was ever concerned about…”* *leans her head back, moaning louder, momentarily struggling through the pleasurable haziness such actions bring to her mind. When she regains some of her senses, she reaches down to grasp Jenna’s length, teasing it with her fingers, also shifting herself into a position that would make it easy for him to mount her*


    Jenna: *pauses for a moment as he feels Seph grope him down below. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath to prepare himself. Soon enough, he’d attempt penetrating her. Throughout the process, he’d use all of his tricks that he knows of to help Seph in reaching the so-called elusive female orgasm. Within an hour though, he’d had tired out. So, he slides off her and snuggles up against her* Thank you..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems very much content and pleasured throughout the entire experience. After Jenna is finished and done with it, she holds onto his arm, loudly purring, still lightheaded from her experiences* That was different….


    Jenna: Mmm.. Yes, that it was. It was most certainly different. *he then releases a loud yawn* Mmm.. still early, might as well get a bit more sleep. *he wraps his arms about Seph’s shoulders then closes his eyes* I love you. I hope you know that.

    *For the next few weeks, Jenna spends most of his time in his library, trying to straighten it up once more. At several points, he stops upon finding a book completely missing. Scouring the library, he’d look for some time for the book. However, he’d eventually give up on it and return to straightening up the mess that had been made over the years.

    In addition, he’d work on reestablishing his bond with the children. However, he’d usually wind up at dead ends when it came to Desiree, for the girl is quite determined in thinking that Jenna hates their family*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *resumes sleeping, cuddling up to Jenna. Over the next few weeks she entertains herself with patrolling the base, and also buying more suitable clothing for herself and Jenna. She also makes a few more trips to the human cities, though after her most recent one on this day, she isn’t so thrilled about going out there again. She sits down in the kitchen, frowning in utter discontentment as she feels quite queasy right now*


    Jenna: *gives up on finding the current book that is missing. Grumbling to himself about the places that he’s checked so far, he strolls out of the library and toward Seph’s location, wanting to enjoy her company instead. However, he pauses as he spots her, noticing right away that something is off with her demeanor* Seph, are you alright?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *pushes away her bag of shopping, frowning, slowly shaking her head* I’m fine, really… I think I overexerted myself, that’s all… *her eyes widen slightly and she lowers her head, keeping quite still*


    Jenna: *deeply frowns as he sees Seph go stiff. He then rushes over to her side and tries to hug her* That looks like more than simply over-exertion, Seph. Please, tell me what’s wrong.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m fine… *continues to sit there for the next few moments, accepting of the hug. Then she suddenly pushes him away and rushes to the sink, throwing up into it, loudly coughing afterwards* Damn it…


    Jenna: *Deeply frowns as he hears Seph begin to retch. He then shakes his head and moves up behind her. He then picks her up as soon as she’s done, not bothering to wait for her approval* You’d best rest downstairs and leave the rest of the work here to the chlidren. *he then begins to carry Seph down the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wriggles about in Jenna’s arms, grumbling in protest* At least run the sink water after that… *snorts slightly, then coughs* I’m fine, really. I just didn’t feel so well after coming home. I’ll be fine again soon enough…


    Jenna: *nods at Seph* Don’t worry about it, Seph. You just need to rest for a bit. *He enters the bed room. He then sets Sephiroth down on the bed. Soon enough, he removes her shoes* Don’t worry about the mess upstairs, understand?

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