The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: *turns her head to look at Sephiroth. She then blinks, not having expected to see a female that looks like her father. She slowly nods then mumbles* Ok… *frowns* You want me to die, don’t you?

    Jenna: *Groans* Yea, that’s going to be so easy… *she moves to sit down on a heated rock* ~Zach, Cancer, can you two please come here. I wish to speak to you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? No. When did I ever say that? *grasps her hand and tries to lead her into the library. She’s rather gentle about how she does so, but is also a bit firm in her grip* I also want to talk to you about the bleeding. Your mother was unsuccessful. You wouldn’t listen to her, apparently.

    Zach: *”Oh, alright mom. But watch out – there’s a creepy guy in the base. He’s… a scary guy.”* *moves back into the springs, staring at the guy* Oh shit, there he is again… mom? *looks around* This is the scary guy I was talking to you about!

    Cancer: *”I will… be down soon.”*


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Zach’s words. He then shakes his head and holds out his right hand, showing the boy the claws* It’s me, Zach. I am Jenna… Something happened to your Father and I… Someone, or something, decided to switch our genders.

    Desiree: *whines* I’m bleeding like crazy, and you left me with her… Have you forgotten what she did to you? She won’t help me at all. Why should I listen to her? *Despite her complaints, she follows Seph into the library*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sharp, very pointed in her tone* She is trustworthy, Desiree. In time I shall explain all I know of the situation. But I think things will turn out for the better in the future. Now… *once in the library, she closes the door and removes the women’s sanitary products from her subspace compartment* What is happening to you, you want to know? *sighs, thinking of where to start* When a girl matures enough to begin her reproductive abilities, her body will begin a cycle of hormonal influences. At the end of this cycle, she will bleed. Which is what is occuring with you. It will go away again. All you can do is use the products here to keep it tidy. It’s a naturally occuring event and you should not be concerned at all.

    Zach: So wait – you’re a guy now? And Sephiroth’s a woman? That really doesn’t make any sense, mom. I mean… dad? *seems confused* People don’t just do that. Fish do that. People don’t – not ever. So what the heck is going on?


    Desiree: Huh? You mean like heat cycles, Father? The dragons never said anything about bleeding during heat cycles… They just said that the time of heat is the time for breeding. *deeply frowns, not certain what to make out of the information that she’s being told. She then looks at the products that Sephiroth is offering her* What do I do with these?

    Jenna: *grunts* Yes, this is some sort of mystical influence and not natural, boy. *he shakes his head* I can’t really explain much else to you. I don’t know what or who did this to us yet.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You just… *frowns, picking up one of the packs of sanitary pads, reading over it. She then offers it to her, pointing at the instructions* Use the thicker ones for days when you are bleeding more often. *pauses* Kind of. It’s not so much as a heat cycle, but more to do with the end of a heat cycle. At the end of a cycle, this occurs with all humans. Then when it goes away, the cycle begins again. I think the length of a full cycle is about one month. Or one lunar cycle – something like that.

    Zach: So go find out, duh. *folds his arms*

    Cancer: *comes down into the base, staring at Jenna when she approaches the male. She is quick to back away again, snarling* Weird…


    Desiree: So, this isn’t a yearly thing? *whimpers at the thought. She then looks at the pad and groans* So, I need to wear diapers for the rest of my life? That’s not fair!

    Jenna: *glances at Cancer* Zach, can you please explain to your sister what I just told you.. I don’t feel like repeating it over and over again. *glances toward the water again* ~Seph, are you having any luck in there?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: They’re not diapers, Desiree. *scowls* The end of the cycle bleeding only lasts a few days. After that you don’t need to wear those things. At least, until the next one comes. When you become knowledgable enough with it, there is another kind of sanitary device you can use. But I will show you those another time. *grunts, becoming quite bothered with the subject* *”A bit of luck, Jenna. But it’s frustrating.”*

    Zach: *quickly explains the situation to Cancer, then grins afterwards* Okay, so what do we do now?


    Jenna: *Shrugs* You two can continue on with your day as you had planned before. Oh, and in case Desiree was complaining to either of you two, she is not bleeding to death. She is simply having her menstrual cycle. That’s basically means that she’s starting to ovulate and she didn’t have a fertilized egg this time, so her body is getting rid of the lining in the uterus. Understand? It’s not deadly. She’s fine.

    Desiree: *whimpers and takes the sanitary pads* Alright… Can I go to my room then?

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    Sephiroth: But of course. Go change into some clean clothing, you will feel better. And wash yourself off in the spring if you wish, or use the shower in the bathroom if you desire privacy. *sighs* Did my explanation clear anything up for you?

    Zach: Ohhh… *blinks, scratching his head as he tries to take it in* Humans don’t lay eggs.


    Jenna: No, they do not lay eggs, but they still start as eggs and sperms. Didn’t your father try to explain any of this to you yet? *shakes his head. He then begins psychically transmitting his knowledge on sex to the two children before him*

    Desiree: Yea, I suppose… *She quickly rushes out of the room. She then moves to her bedroom so that she can gather clean clothing for herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs as Desiree leaves. Then she shuts the library door, and spends her time there on getting used to her female form. She stares down at her breasts, poking at them, and after a moment she grins in amusement, cupping them with her hands, jiggling them slightly* Well I guess this isn’t so bad….

    Zach: Phh, I knew about that stuff. But the way you put it, it made it sound like the egg was a dragon’s egg. Or another egg. Which it’s clearly not.


    Jenna: No, it’s not that sort of egg. It’s just a single-cell that has the genetic information to make a child. *he shrugs then gets to his feet* I’m going to find your father now. Go and play, or whatever you do during the day. *he dismissively waves his hand. He then tracks down Seph’s life energy. Not bothering to knock, he walks into Seph’s library. He then blinks and stares as he witnesses Seph playing with her breasts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is still jiggling her breasts with her hands when Jenna opens the door. She immediately stops and puts her hands down again, grunting for a moment before doing up her top, scowling* What?


    Jenna: *tilts his head as he watches Sephiroth. He then shakes his head and mutters* You’re the last male I would expect to do such an activity… How often did you do that when you were in my body? And for the record, you are not condemned for it, so you don’t need to be self-conscious.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mutters* I did it enough to lose curiousity to it. I got used to them. These, however – *points to her breasts* – are almost as big as yours. Were. *frowns as she quickly adds the word to correct the sentence*


    Jenna: *shrugs* You have twice the female genes in you now, so I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised. *he walks over to her then reaches over to gently rub the left side of Seph’s face* Hopefully, we’ll be able to work out who did this and how soon enough.. At least we’re not in each other’s bodies though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mutters* True. I would hate for that to happen again. At least Desiree listened to me in the end. *frowns at herself* I don’t particularly want to be a woman, though. I will have to go through the same thing I just explained to the girl before terribly long if this doesn’t end quickly.


    Jenna: *continues to gently caress the side of Seph’s face. He then moves closer to her and tries to pull her in to a hug* I understand, Seph. I’ve been through more than enough of those things. I can’t promise that I’ll find the solution before you experience a full cycle. However.. *sighs and tries to kiss her* I’m not going to abandon you though, that much I can promise.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems a little bothered by Jenna’s behaviour and winces a bit when he kisses her. He pushes him away, not at all liking the idea of being kissed by a man* You’d better not… *snorts* I don’t think I could take that again. *scowls at him*


    Jenna: *sighs as Seph pushes him away. He then shakes his head and softly speaks out* I’ll leave you be for now. *he turns away from Seph and moves out of the library. Soon enough, he heads into the closet and begins searching for more appropriate clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Jenna leave, then frowns and moves out of the library herself, discontent with the entire situation. She sits down on Jenna’s bed, then frowns at both sides* Great, now which side do I stay on?


    Jenna: *grumbles to himself as he looks through the clothing. He finds that his old clothing is a bit too small at the moment. However, Seph’s clothing hangs quite a bit on him since he isn’t as bulky nor tall as Seph was. Eventually, he just decides to live with something from Seph’s clothing. He then walks out of the closet, looking rather miserable*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stares back at Jenna as she leaves the closet, amused with his attire* You’re the better magic weilder than me. Surely you can shrink that down to fit you properly. Right now it just looks as if it’s hanging off you.


    Jenna: *Snorts* Of course I can do that.. *Crosses his arms* I just don’t want to rob you of a wardrobe… *he shakes his head* It’s easier to shrink clothing than it is to expand it out. *He then walks over to Sephiroth* And what were you saying before about sides?

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