The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #24989
    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *blinks again, moving infront of Desiree, waving a hand in front of her face* Hello? Des? *frowns* Who the fuck are you talking to?


    Desiree: *turns her attention back to Zach. She then frowns and shakes her head* Oh, just talking to myself, Zach… *grins* I like having intelligent conversation every now and again.

    *A few minutes after Desiree stopped speaking to “herself”, a softly chuckling noise would appear behind Sephiroth. Then, a disembodied voice speaks out* Enjoying the selection? *unfortunately for Sephiroth, there is no one detectable, by either sight or psychic scans, behind him, from where the voice came from*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes, turning around behind himself, snorting. He shakes his head as he senses and sees nobody, then resumes his shopping, nearly done with his purchases. He dumps some more sanitary products into his carry basket, then heads for the counter to pay for the goods*

    Zach: Phh… you? Intelligent conversation? With yourself? Damn unlikely.


    Astaroth: *chuckles once more as “he” watches Sephiroth move about* Hmm.. what a shame. A man shopping for that which is made for females. *giggles* Must be fixed, yes… *he remains intangible. However, he soon begins weaving a curse over Sephiroth. By the time that Seph reaches the cashier, he would have become a she*

    Desiree: *snorts at Zach* More intelligent than your conversation. *sticks her tongue out. She then grumbles* At least you’re not having a flood of blood coming out from… *whimpers as she thinks about her lower section again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *begins to shudder* That’s really yucky… I hope when your father comes back, he can get it fixed. You don’t look sick though. And you certainly don’t smell sick. You should go see a doctor though…

    Sephiroth: *frowns as she loses some height. She slows to a halt, narrowing her eyes* *”Jenna… what the hell…?”* *immediately teleports away, teleporting the stuff with her, not seeming to care if she’s under CCTV surveilance or if anyone else is watching. He reppears nearby, appearing outside in the car parking yard* *”I… I’m a woman…”* *stares down at her breasts*


    Jenna: *looks up from her task of straightening up the sheets. She frowns at Seph’s transmission then shakes her head* ~What? How the hell did that happen?~ *she sighs and glances at the door that Desiree last went through* I might as well try again.. *she begins heading toward the door. However, she stops as she hears a giggling noise behind her*

    Desiree: Hrmph, Father just is obsessed with mother now. He’s not thinking about me any more. *she snorts and grumbles under her breath*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I really don’t know…”* *turns invisible, then begins flying back towards Halcyon* *”How do you undo it? I don’t want to be a woman. I didn’t ask for this to happen. It just happened.”* *growls* *”Why does every bad thing ever conceived have to happen to me?”*


    Jenna: ~I’m not fully certain, Seph. I’ll need to examine what was done to you.. I most certainly didn’t do it.~ *she walks toward the door. As she moves, she gains an inch or two, but not much. She then knocks on the door and speaks out* Desiree, come- *she blinks as her voice is now deeper. She then backs away and looks over herself, frowning as she realizes that she’s male now. She then quickly moves toward the hot spring*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Phh, he was obsessed with her always. Always bawwing like a baby when she wasn’t here. Always crying out for her at night. I don’t know why you’re mad about it now – it’s old news. Old as it’s gonna be, anyway.


    Desiree: Hmph, Father let me sleep with him every night… I made him happy.. *She shakes her head. She then looks up as she hears the unfamiliar voice* Huh?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *echoes Desiree’s sentiments and peers out of the room, walking into the hot spring area. He stares at the unfamilar male and backs up again, whimpering slightly, seeing him as a threat. He charges for the stairs, running up them and into the residency area where Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj are hiding* Help! There’s a strange man in the base! A robber!


    Jenna: *is too busy staring at his new reflection to even notice Zach moving in and out of the room. He shakes his head then grumbles under his breath* ~Well, I suppose you can by happy now.. Someone or something just turned me into a male, Seph.~

    Kadaj: *turns around to looks at Zach. He frowns then shakes his head* Who would try to steal anything from this dump?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *whimpers and grabs at Kadaj’s arm, trying to drag him away* I don’t know. Help me! *whimpers louder* Help! I dont know what he wants, but he’s dangerous!


    Kadaj: *Hisses as he’s tugged. He then yanks his arm back and dusts it off* Fine, fine. But this is a waste of time. *Snorts* It’s not like that idiotic Hojo is going after you again. *He moves to follow after Zach*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *is quick to lead Kadaj down the stairs and into the bedroom. He darts across to the springs area, then pushes open the door, trying to lead Kadaj inside* Just here… oh, hurry up!

    Sephiroth: *”You’re a male now? How the hell did this happen? Did it happen in the same manner as me?”* *growls in frustration as he lands back down in the area of the base and movesd inside*


    Jenna: *clutches his fists and snarls at his reflection* ~I don’t know. I was walking to the room that Desiree has holed herself into, wanting to try to talk to her again. Then, when I spoke, my voice was most definitely deeper. Now, I’m a male.~

    Kadaj: *strolls at a leisurely pace, not really expecting to find much of interest* Yea, yea, I’m coming, kid. Settle down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Seriously?”* *moves down the stairs and into the bedroom, heading into the closet* *”If you want to discuss this further, I’m in the closet…”*

    Zach: But…! *flails his arms, then charges into the springs to attack Jenna, punching his arms* Get out of here!!


    Jenna: *yelps, startled out of his thoughts by Zach’s sudden attacks. He turns his head to stare at the boy. He then shakes his head* Zach, stop it. *he tries to push the boy away*

    Kadaj: *Groans and moves into the hot springs as well. He narrows his eyes at the male the scoffs* Doesn’t look that threatening.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *stumbles backwards as he’s pushed away, then trips over, smacking his head on some of the spring rocks. He immediately begins to cry and wail in pain, clutching at his head* You’re a horrible mean man!!


    Jenna: *Groans at Zach’s crying. He then shakes his head and moves toward the boy* Zach, settle down.. I didn’t mean to hurt you. *he tries to reach over to Zach. However, he stops as he finds a dual-bladed sword in front of his face* Lovely.. ~Seph, I think I need your help in here.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *whimpers at the unfamiliarity of the strange man, relaxing as Kadaj comes to his defense. He gets to his feet and runs from the room, leaving Kadaj to deal with the apparent stranger in the spring*

    Sephiroth: *places on some of Jenna’s clothing, then heads out into the spring area, scowling* Let her be, Kadaj. Relax. Nobody is going to harm anyone here today. You might as well give it a rest and go elsewhere.


    Kadaj: *hisses and glares at the unfamiliar female voice that is scolding him* Her? There is no “her” here, except for- *He then blinks and stares at Sephiroth* Big brother…? *his scowl twists into a rather confused expression*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: He is a her. Or used to be. And I used to be male. *Scowls, narrowing his eyes* Get out of here, and don’t ask anything of how this happened. Go – go now. Get out of here. *loudly snorts and moves over to Jenna* Are you alright?


    Kadaj: *continues to dumbly stare at Sephiroth for a few more moments. He then snorts and grumbles* My brothers and I have more important things to do anyway. *he puts up his Souba. He then scoffs at Sephiroth and moves out of the room*

    Jenna: *glances at Sephiroth then slowly nods. He mutters as he looks at her* You’ve lost some height.. *he then shakes his head* I’m fine, aside from the obvious. Zach’s rather worked up though. I suppose we might as well let the children know what happened… We also need to get Desiree to listen. She still thinks that she’s bleeding to death.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *quietly sighs, then heads out of the room* *”I’ll deal with Desiree. See if you can deal with the others.”* *scans the base for Desiree. She soon finds her and moves over to the girl, placing a hand down on her shoulder* Do you know who I am? You need to come with me. Come into the library – mine. We’ll have a talk there.

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