The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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    Jenna: *tilts her head at him then a smirk forms on her lips* Hm? I thought you wanted to depart and search throughout this planet after you received the answers you were seeking from me. *softly chuckles then stands up* Which is it that you want? If you want to explore Earth, then you may.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I already told you what I want. But if we’re going to continue talking, I want to get out of this weather. I would prefer a more comfortable and warm environment. *grunts and moves to his feet, brushing the sand off his clothes* I still fully intend to explore your planet, but all in good time.


    Jenna: *shrugs at him then bows in what might be taken as an invitation or a teasing mock* Well, go ahead and lead the way. Or have you forgotten where the base’s entrance is already? *straightens herself up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grumbles aloud and moves ahead, walking off in the direction of the base, growling* Fine, I know where it is. I was carrying you towards it before, at least until you went crazy and started attacking Aeris and I. *scowls* Where is she, anyway? *shakes his head* Oh, who really cares…


    Jenna: *shrugs* I left her behind when she told me that you were leaving. She’s probably still at the same location where you left her and me before. *frowns at him* And I do not recall doing anything such as attacking you nor the pink girl. *snorts* I have no reason to. *shakes her head* I appologize for the event anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You probably weren’t aware of what you were doing, then. I cannot say that I have never been in that situation before. *frowns, giving her a curt nod* You are forgiven. However, you will probably have to explain the same thing to the flower girl. *continues walking ahead of her, intending to reach the base before her*


    Jenna: *softly utters a short “Thank you” before releasing a loud snort at Seph’s suggestion* I don’t give a damn what the pink girl thinks. She is none of my concern nor is her thoughts. *speeds up slightly in an attempt to move over to Sephy’s side* Might I inquire as to why you are moving so quickly? There are no predators after us.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *regards Jenna’s walking pace for a moment, then slows down, allowing her to walk alongside him* Heh. I am a man of competitive nature. I could easily outwalk you. However, now that you know of my intentions, there is not that much point in bothering. *is silent for a short while* Glad we are in agreement with Aeris. The only reason I don’t kill her is because I owe her a debt. Oh, and now that we are both immortal, it wouldn’t really do much.


    Jenna: *tilts her head in confusion* What the fuck does competition have to do with the pace you were setting? And I wouldn’t be so quick to state that you can out move me. I was raised by some of the fastest land animals ever and they had quite a bit of endurance. *shakes her head* And yes, killing the pink girl will do nothing more than cause you a bit of discomfort. You’d feel a backwash of her pain, especially if you’re close to her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just continues to move back towards the base now, not interested in further continuing the conversation. He just moves alongside Jenna, watching where he is going, completely silent for the time being. When she comments on the pain and discomfort he would receive, he makes a loud snort and shakes his head, quickening his pace once he sights the base entrance in the distance*


    Jenna: *frowns as she takes note of Seph’s silence, but choses that it’s best to leave him be for now. So, instead, she simply continues on her way and opens up the door to the base once they reach it* After you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues on ahead towards the base entrance, slowing down once he reaches the door. When he reaches it, he silently moves in through the open doorway, casually heading down the stairs once again*


    Jenna: *groans as she watches Seph then crosses her arms* Why the silent treatment now? One could say that you’re being quite boring at the moment. *snorts* Did you not like the answers you got on that beach that much?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What the hell? *makes a loud irritated snort* I’m not giving you the silent treatment. Don’t be utterly stupid, I’m not a twelve year old pubescent female. *irritably shakes his head* I just don’t have anything of interest to say right now. No questions about what you asked.


    Jenna: *Softly chuckles at his response* No, you do not need to babble like a little girl. *Scowls* In fact, not all girls babble at that age. But no matter, you were being silent for several minutes and it was becoming grating. *moves ahead of him so she could head into her library*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t talk much – get used to it. *lets her move by, then he heads for the bottom level of the base. Once there, he walks into the hot spring area, wanting to wash himself off after his ordeal with Sesshou, and being trapped in her base. He makes sure the door is firmly shut, then he strips down, moving into the deeper part of the spring to relax and let the heat soak into his skin, sighing* Annoying woman.


    Jenna: *stays inside of the library and pulls out several books for her to read though and study. So, Sephiroth would have complete privacy while he takes his bath, at least from the red-eyed sorceress. However, there is absolutely nothing to stop Aeris from coming into the base and finding a way to disturb Sephy’s bath that way. Eventually, Jenna leaves the library with a bit of barely legible notes in runes and moves into a different room within the same level that is completely barren so she could test a few new spells*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just wastes a good amount of time in the spring, relaxing and washing himself off. After he is done, he dries himself off and reclothes himself, then he moves back into Jenna’s quarters to rat through her stuff*


    There are several jewels and random expensive objects that Jenna has stored in her room. For the most part, these jewels are just random items that she’s stolen in the past. Then there are a few books in her shelves that she reads through from time to time. Aside from that, there isn’t all that much in terms of belongings in the room, for Jenna doesn’t like staying in it for long periods of time.

    Within an area that was once a changing room for those who bathed here in the past, Jenna has a make-shift walk-through closet that is filled with tons of clothing. A lot of it is splattered with blood and other organic material from a long time ago. There are also several copies of her current armor in case one of them gets too damaged to keep with it. There are also examples of the leather outfit that she once wore when she wasn’t quite in her right mental mind and older armor from when she was younger.

    Back in the main room, if Sephy were to look closely, he’d find a section of floor that can be pulled up. Underneath this panel of stone floor, there are several bottles of liquor of various strengths. Some of the liquor is illegal in several countries now of days due to their potency.

    Jenna: *remains in the barren room and begins practicing a spell that would make a small fusion-like reaction in the middle of the room. After a few minutes of maintaining the spell, it suddenly looses stability. The ball of energy that slightly resembles a sun expands for a moment before collapsing on itself. Once it has fully collapsed, it releases it’s energy in a massive wave, creating a loud boom that would resonate through the base*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just spends a good while poking through her possessions, narrowing his eyes at the different kinds of clothing in her wardrobe. When he hears the loud explosion, he snarls, moving to stand up properly, turning his head towards the source of the noise, growling as the walls shake slightly* What the hell was that? Never a dull moment around here… *moves out of the room, heading for the source of the noise now, curious*


    Jenna: *dusts herself off once she has recovered from being flung back by the explosion of energy. She loudly snorts then crosses her arms* Well, that didn’t fully work. It’d be useful as a well delayed bomb… *frowns and shakes her head* Too obvious.. *leans against the wall to think, not knowing that Sephy is heading her way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves up the stairs, and then down one of the corridors, soon coming to the barren room area where Jenna is practising spells. He moves his head in the doorway and makes a loud abrupt snort as if expressing his distaste, as well as his prescence to Jenna* What the name of Hades are you up to now, female? *coughs slightly at the dust in the air, and growls at her* Damn it… I just had a bath. The dirt is going to stick to my hair.


    Jenna: *Glances at him and frowns* That is not my fault. I did not force you up here. *shakes her head then straightens up* I’m just trying out new spells. Sometimes, they don’t work, so that’s why I am here. *looks him over* You’ll be fine, there isn’t that much dust left.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Just trying out new spells? *snorts at her words and fans the air with a hand* Seems like you were trying to blow the entire area up, or at least cause a cave-in. Do you have any idea what those kinds of vibrations do to caverns and caves? You’re lucky this entire structure didn’t collapse in on itself.


    Jenna: *gives him a bored look* My, why didn’t I ever think of that? *rolls her eyes and shakes her head* Trust me, I insured that this room is reinforced before I proclaimed it a practice area. There will be no collapsing. Anyway, these caves once housed dragons over thirty times your size. They are built to last. *snorts at him*

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