The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is looking at books about human psychology when Jenna finds him. He initially ignores her presence, at least until she dumps the books on the ground. He makes a loud snort at the noise* Nice to see you care about library property. What the hell is this?


    Jenna: Your learning materials. Read about it or watch about it. Either way, here you go. *tilts her head as she glances at the section that he’s reading through and snorts* Nonsense… *turns her back to him and moves to the end of the aisle so she doesn’t have to be around when he finally gets to the details on sex*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up the books and materials, then heads for a quiet spot in the library with few people around. He begins to read through one of the books, skimming it at first, thinking that the subject is ridiculous. When he gets more into the book, he doesn’t react terribly much and flips through the pages, taking in the information slowly. He raises the book up and turns it on its side to examine pictures and diagrams, making an irritated loud snort before slapping the book shut, discarding it on the seat beside him before looking for a way out*


    Jenna: *remains a safe distance from Sephers, not wanting to press him or anything. Still, she watches his movements. She frowns as his gaze passes by her and helplessly shrugs before looking at the ground* I figured you should at least know that element of life..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *speaks in an irritated voice* I have no desire to mate or to reproduce. Nor do I have any desire to be here any more. *glares back at her* Why would something so fundamentally basic to biology be hidden in a huge library like this? It doesn’t make sense. *scowls and heads for the exit, soon moving outside*


    Jenna: *sighs and silently moves to follow him* I never said that I was going to make you mate… *Shakes her head* I said so that my even starting to mention it as a joke last night was bad. *frowns at him* And it’s not hidden.. I just.. I’ve never had to teach a full grown man about pussies and penises.. *remains several steps behind him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a louder growl as he walks off down the street, much to the alarm of people and tourists passing by him* *”I get that, but why the hell would Hojo keep something like that from me? To make me look like an uneducated idiot? It doesn’t make any sense!”* *snarls* *”He tried to breed a Cetra with a red desert lion for Hades’s sakes. Why would he keep that information away from me?”*


    Jenna: *tilts her head and blinks before slowly moving closer to Seph. Tentatively, she reaches out to take his left hand, wanting to comfort him in some way. So, she just grips onto his hand, and, honestly, wouldn’t care if he tried squeezing her hand to pieces* ~I don’t know. As I said, I would have thought that Hojo would have tried everything to make you have babies considering you were his so-called greatest achievement..~ *frowns slightly* ~Though… if you didn’t know about breeding and sex, how do you know about him trying to breed the Centra and..~ *pauses* ~Unless it was in the chunk of Aeris’s soul that you had to take and exchange for a bit of your own in order to become immortal.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No. *makes an abrupt growl* Aeris told me about it once. When we were discussing how much of a mentally unstable idiot Hojo was. She just said Hojo wanted to breed her and the lion together, but she didn’t say how. I knew about breeding, vaguely, but… *snarls again* Hojo is an idiot. Who cares.


    Jenna: *nods at him and moves her free hand up to gently rub the side of his face* Yes, that he was. I’m sorry that you had to learn about that element of life this way. *glances off to the side again, dropping her hand away from his face* Still, I feel that I should mention that… Well, you should give the action a try one day. It does feel quite good. You do not have to do it with the purpose of actually breeding. *Shrugs, still not looking at him for the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Jenna’s touch helps to soothe and deflate Sephy’s anger dramatically, causing him to inhale deeply, turning his head away, releasing a loud irritated sigh not long after* How can something like that feel good? *looks down at her again, still irritated* Did you even see the diagrams? The male has to… well… *snorts abruptly* It looks painful for all involved. No. I don’t want to do it. *moves away from her to continue off on his random path down the street*


    Jenna: Well, they say that it’s painful for a virgin female, but it’s been so long that I don’t recall… Orgasms feel really good though. *quickly moves to follow him* I’ve done it… *Frowns in thought then shakes her head* You’d think bad of me if I gave a number… Still, it doesn’t hurt. It is very much anything but pain. *glances up at him* You want to get clothes and a hair brush thing, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains silent as he listens to her and continues to walk down the path, not giving much indication of acknowledging her words. When she changes the subject, he is grateful for it and nods* Yes. New clothing, and a hair brush would be good. I wouldn’t mind also buying food to stock up on, but I can do that at any point.


    Jenna: We might as well get it all over with while we’re here. Traveling back and forth between Halcyon and human cities is a pain. *looks around then points to a strip mall that includes a department store and a grocery store* That should do. Unless you want more fancy human clothes..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Not fancy ones. Just casual ones. It gets annoying to wear this same damn uniform all the time. It belongs to, and represents a faction that I don’t even support any more. And havent for a very long time at that. *snorts and moves ahead towards the strip mall*


    Jenna: *Softly speaks as she glances off to the side* A pity, I think it looks pretty damn attractive on you. *Shrugs to herself and follows him* I can’t imagine you in normal human clothing, but it is your choice. *slows down as she nears the strip mall and reaches into her sub space pocket before pulling her mobile computer console, since she recently received a message and heard the beeping through her connection to her pocket*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Attractive? *raises an eyebrow* I never saw it as particularl appealing to the eye. It is functional, it keeps me warm against the cold weather, and it is intimidating. *heads towards the grocery store first, wanting to buy himself a good stock of food for his subspace compartment, also slowing down as he notices that she is* What is it?


    Jenna: *mumbles, half-heartedly* Intimidating can be attractive to some… *is busy reading the message at first, so she doesn’t pay attention and winds up bumping into him. Once she does that, though, she quickly jumps back and coughs* Nothing. Go ahead and get what you need. You don’t need me supervising you, after all. *turns her back to him and returns to reading over the message*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems curious to know what she’s distracted about, glancing down at her mobile computer console device. He shrugs after a moment and heads into the grocery store, leaving Jenna outside to her own devices* *”Alright, then. Go do what you like for a while.”* *begins to browse through the store, picking up items he finds interesting and appetizing. He spends a good amount of time in there, also picking up necessities he needs like a can opener, frying pan, a hairbrush, etc. He pays for his goods and heads out of the store again after nearly an hour has passed*


    Jenna: *sighs as she continues to read the message. After a bit, she responds to it and agrees to entertain the elder dragon who requested for her presence in the next gathering, which will happen in a few hours. She then puts the device back into her sub-space pocket and moves to lean against the outside wall of one of the stores in the strip mall. She massages her temples and just looses herself in thought as she considers what sort of long-winded nonsense she just agreed to listening in to. Undoubtedly, Sephy would find her in this very same position*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *heads back outside, still carrying his grocery bags so as not to arouse suspicion for the time being, also not wanting to teleport the groceries into his subspace compartment while people are around and watching* What’s wrong with you? *moves over to Jenna, raising an eyebrow at her, slowly shaking his head* What happened?


    Jenna: Hmm…? *lowers her hand to look up at him* Oh, you’re done. That’s good. *dismissively waves her hand* Nothing’s wrong. I just need to do something later. *frowns in thought* You can come with me, stay here, or go back to Halcyon. *shrugs, trying to act as indifferent as she can*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah, I see… *slowly nods* Come with you? It depends what you are doing. Halcyon is boring. *scowls* I’ve nothing to do there, really. And staying here… well… after finishing my other purchases, there is really not much for me to do here either.


    Jenna: *frowns and glances to the side* ~I just need to listen to a bunch of idiots who can never make decisions whine. They probably want to hire me for a job or ask me something about Halcyon. Unfortunately… Well.. I can’t exactly throw the job at someone else since I’m the only representative from Halcyon still alive. I doubt it’ll be very interesting to you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth:*”It sounds like a formal meeting. Like those idiot board-room business people who waste time talking to each other about things that hardly matter. And yes, I doubt it would be very interesting to me. If it doesn’t involve me directly, I don’t see why I would find it of any interest.”* *frowns* If you do not want to do it, just tell them ‘no’.

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