The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: Hmph, you know little of human nature girl. *snorts then looks to the side* What do you think Hojo would have done to you, hm?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Hojo’s not a human being… and his mind was sick. He made it worse by adding Jenova’s cells to his body. He started out normal, but then he got more and more sick as time went on. He doesn’t count, I’m sorry to say.


    Jenna: *Shakes her head at Aeris* Very well. Wear your rose tinted glasses. You’re only fooling yourself. *Snorts and lies down* Now, leave me be.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *sighs and nods her head* They’re not rose-tinted glasses, but alright. *moves out of the room, passing by Sephy, wincing at the dead chocobo on the floor. She goes outside to tend to the rest of the live ones, rounding them up to place them in the barn*


    Jenna: *yawns then makes herself comfortable in the bed. Soon enough, she drifts off into a light nap*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *spends the next few days being bored around the farmhouse, tidying things, shifting furniture to his liking. He keeps several bits of chocobo parts in the fridge to cook up later, also killing fresh monsters for Jenna to eat. On the third day he flies off to the medical center in Mideel to pick up Jenna’s ultrasound scans, scowling upon return. He seems most frustrated as he walks into the house, and dumps the envelope on the table, not giving it another glance*


    Jenna: *is relaxing in one of the chairs when Seph comes in with the envelope. She tilts her head at his behavior then tilts her head* What’s wrong, Seph? *stands up and walks over to the table*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls and heads for the refrigerator to get some milk* Read it for yourself. They think your baby is sick. *scowls* Or has serious brain development problems… *scowls further and heads for the bench with the carton of milk, pouring himself a glass to drink*


    Jenna: Hmmm..? *picks up the papers then begins to read through them. She tilts her head then mutters* Well, this is compared to normal humans… perhaps that is the error..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves towards her, attempting to grab the paper away* Lesions in the left and right hemisphere. Severe growth deviation of the cerebral cortex. *scowls* And that’s only the beginning. *picks up the envelope, pulling out the scans, holding them up to the light* They’ve highlighted the brain areas. *scowls* They’re trying to say that it’s a defect, but it’s not.


    Jenna: Then, what I said was true, Seph. They simply do not know how to correctly look at a creature with the anatomy that your DNA can create, Seph. Settle down. *shakes her head* As long as the two of us know that isn’t a problem, then there should be no problem.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Hmph… as long as they don’t go broadcasting it all over the news, we’ll be fine. That would be the last thing I’d need… *scowls further and shakes his head. Then he gives her the scans and moves away*


    Jenna: *tilts her head as she looks at the scans. She turns the pictures every each way, trying to figure out what exactly she’s looking at. Eventually, she just shrugs and sets them down* You shouldn’t worry about what the press says. Anyway, you’re dead to most of the populace.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Pick up a paper and read it some time, Jenna. *frowns* Ever since I’ve been appearing around the place, people have been reporting sightings of me. There has also been mention of capturing me because I am a criminal and trying me for treason against the planet, or bringing destruction. *scowls*


    Jenna: *Sighs at Sephiroth* Well, we could cast illusions on you so you’d look like anyone but yourself to the idiot humans. *Shrugs* I still think you’re worrying to much about the press though. As soon as it’s safe enough for me to travel, we can return back to my home.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* Will the baby be harmed by portal movement? I don’t want to displace it or hurt it, or worse… *frowns, then leans back to sit down in one of the chairs* I also don’t want to stay around here much longer. *glances out the window, watching Aeris ride by the window on a Mountain chocobo*


    Jenna: *mutters* I’ve never taken an infant through one of the portals. *sighs* I’m certain if we have it strapped up in something that would keep it from shaking too much… That should keep it safe and secure enough to travel. I just can’t do it as is since I believe it would risk a miscarriage. *grumbles* At this point, it would really be annoying to miscarriage.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods* Indeed… epecially seeing as though you’re in the last few months of this thing. *moves over to her, reaching down to press a hand on her belly* Not to mention, yes, all that time invested and hassle would be a waste if you miscarriaged now.


    Jenna: *glances down at Seph’s hand, feeling a bit strange with his hand placed there. She then looks up at Seph’s face and gives him a small smile* Well, I’m glad that your appreciate all the sacrifice that I’m doing. It’s not exactly my favorite thing to have my ability to keep myself safe stripped away. *glances out the window* And why is that idiot riding those birds?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why shouldn’t I appreciate it? *pats her belly for a moment before moving to the window, peering outside* I’m not entirely sure… *scowls* But she’s having fun and not bothering us, so I am not inclined to comment too much there.


    Jenna: Hmm… Yes, I suppose that you’re right about that much. *turns away from Seph then turns on the television in the room. It starts up on news program which is currently going through rumors and hot topics that would interest the public. Sephiroth might come up as a subject in one of the stories*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *idly glances at the TV, not seeming too interested by it. When his name is mentioned, he makes an annoyed snort and shakes his head, turning his head away* What nonsense. Enjoy watching it if you want, but phh…


    Jenna: *Sighs at Seph* Oh, settle down, Seph. It’s not like there’s anything more interesting happening around here at the moment. *turns her attention back to the television then frowns as the press speaks of documents that they obtained from the medical center in Mideel*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly snarls* Damn these people! That’s supposed to be private information! That is a major breach of their medical licence and they should be expelled for that kind of behaviour!


    Jenna: *Shakes her head at Seph* I guess they think with you being legally dead that the rules don’t apply… *shrugs* Not like a legal establishment will take your side, unfortunately. They all hate you here.

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