The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at her upon receiving the information* I can turn expired food into filet mignon? I wish I had that talent during the war. *shakes his head* I don’t see how that works, though. If you could do that, why don’t you just do it to any food I eat, rather than sneering at it because it’s horrid looking human food?


    Jenna: Hmph, it can’t be something of a completely different mass class, Seph. Anyway, doing something like turning your food into something that I’d like would take too much work. However, for you to turn one cooked food into another. Should be simple enough. *shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It seems like too much effort as it is… especially when there is a hot oven, a whole dead bird, and more than enough of it to eat and cook up with minimal hassle. I don’t want to expound the magic energy needed to turn an expired sauce dish into a non expired sauce dish which will still have the same boring bland flavour.


    Jenna: *shrugs at Sephiroth* You did not seem to be enjoying your meal. So, I let you know about the spell. It’s not like it’s the most complex spell about. It’s just not worth anything to myself. *yawns in boredom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Indeed… I think I will leave it for another day. *carries the bowl of meat cooked in expired sauce to the garbage, also throwing out the rest of it. He washes off the cooking pan in the sink, then returns to the kill to carve more preferred parts of the bird off the carcass so he can cook that up instead* This time I just won’t use any flavouring. *glances out the window* Or I should use some freshly picked from the garden.


    Jenna: *Shrugs at Seph and stands up* Don’t ask me. I’m not the cook around here. *shakes her head* Do as you please with your food. I’m going to rest up for a bit. Farewell, Seph. *moves toward the bedroom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Don’t ask you? I was’t going to ask you. I didn’t even word what I said in the form of a question. *watches her leave, then prepares the food for himself, sitting back down in the chair, leaving Jenna be*

    Aeris: *has filled the room with several flowers now and is watering some in a potted plant box*


    Jenna: *scrunches her nose as she sees all the plants. She then shakes her head and mutters* Why aren’t those outside? *Sighs then moves to lie down on the bed that she and Seph had been using*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: They’re in here because I wanted them to be in here. They look nice, don’t they? *grins and waters the ones she’s placed on the book shelf, pointing to the arrangement on the window* Red poppies add colour to the room and help clean the air. I’d bring in a pine tree to make the air smell nice, but it would be hard to find a pot for…


    Jenna: Hmph, well, you’re lucky that neither Seph nor I have allergies. Though, I’m certain Seph isn’t going to be fond of the decour at all. *Shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Well he can go jump in the lake, because these are harmless. *hums to herself as she waters the ones by the door, then stands back to admire her handiwork. She grins, then sets the watering can down and relaxes on her bed* As they say, ‘stiff cheddar’ to him.


    Jenna: “Stiff cheddar”…? Pardon, what the hell does that mean? I’ve never once heard that. *Crosses her arms* You’re making up that phrase, aren’t you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: No, of course I’m not making it up. I’m sure you’ve heard a form of it that is more offensive, and I’m more than sure you’ve used it before. Such as ‘tough poo’, maybe? It’s the same thing… *shrugs her shoulders* I don’t need to repeat worse ones.


    Jenna: “Tough poo”… *stares at Aeris then smirks* You mean “tough shit”? *shakes her head* You mangle up words quite well, girl.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *sighs at her* That’s what I meant, but I wasn’t going to say it. It might be mangling words, but at least I’m not trying to be vulgar! Unlike you. *folds her arms* I’m sure you’ve said enough vulgar language to put an entire fleet of sailors to shame.


    Jenna: So, what if I have done so much? *shrugs* Not like anyone really gives a fuck about the meaning of these so-called “vulgar” words. *shakes her head* Substitute the word, and you still mean the same thing. You might as well say what you mean.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: You can say what you mean without resorting to such horrible mean words as those you know! *shakes her head* Shame on you. I hope your baby doesn’t learn these things from you. How is she going to be a model citizen with that kind of language?


    Jenna: *yawns* Model citizen by who’s terms, hm? Human terms? Oh, let’s see what that is.. Hmm… Oh yes, fear mongers who strike out at everyone who is different than them in the slightest bit, even if they are helping. Yes, I want them to be like the horde of brainless idiots who put people on the stake to burn just for saving one of their own!

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *stares at her* I didn’t say anything like that.. *shakes her head* That’s not what I meant at all. I don’t know where you’re getting that from, but model citizens don’t do that. You have some really silly ideas.


    Jenna: *Snorts and grumbles incoherently. Though, it seems to be quite a bit about idiotic humans, children, pain, and burning at the stake*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *shakes her head* Silly lady. Nobody’s ever done anything like you are describing on my planet. Long ago, there was a time when all the world was young and cultivated by Cetra, and the humans were considered a blight on the land by some, but the majority considered them a blessing. They’re the planet’s gift to us, afterall. Why would anybody want to burn one at a stake?


    Jenna: *snorts* Why would the humans on your planet wish to kill it then, hm? *Snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Why would the humans on my planet wish to kill what? *blinks in confusion* I don’t understand what you’re referring to… I never mentioned anything about humans killing anything…


    Jenna: *laughs at Aeris* Don’t play dumb, girl. You heard the cries back then. You know full well what I am talking about. Mako.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Oh, that… *shakes her head and sighs* That was much longer after the initial humans arrived. Some of them got greedy and selfish, and over time the humans forgot how humble they were in comparison to Cetra. That’s why they think they own and run the planet even now. *shakes her head* It has nothing to do with how they were in the beginning. *sighs at her* And I still highly doubt they would tie somebody to a wooden stake and burn them. Why are we discussing this?

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