The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *stares at the food for a few moments, trying to make a decision. Finally, she nods at Seph then mutters* Yes, I’d like some. But only this once…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once again tries to hand her the fork, then places the bowl into her lap* Then go for it. It tastes boring. I would add sauce, but… *shrugs* You should probably eat it as is, especially if you need the vitamins.


    Jenna: *glances at the fork. Soon enough, she picks it up and begins to eat from the bowl. She is silent as she eats. Once it is nearly all gone, she hands it back to Seph* Thank you… *with those words, she looks to the side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes the few vegetable pieces left in the bowl and tries to push it back towards Jenna* Phh, eat it. I can cook more later. Those take no time at all to cook up. And some of them, you don’t even have to cook them. *glances back at one of the carrots he left on the bench, teleporting it to his hand so he can offer it to her*


    Jenna: *eyes the carrot for a moment. Soon enough, she swipes it out of Seph’s hand and quickly eats it. Once it is down her throat, she moves to snuggly up with Seph* Thank you.. *yawns*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I should show you where their vegetable plantation is if you’re hungry enough to do that. I can’t say I’ve been hungry enough to dig food up directly from the ground, but… *shrugs. He sniffs the air, seeming curious as the smell of nearly cooked meat and the sauce wafts out of the kitchen* I’d say that’s nearly done…


    Jenna: Then, go ahead and eat your own food, Seph. *gently pats his abdomen with her right hand* You deserve to be fed just as much as the rest of us. *grins at him then frowns in thought* ~Aeris, if you desire food, Seph just cooked something.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *seems curious as she telepathically replies* *”Oh, what kind of food is it?”*

    Sephiroth: Relax. I can take care of myself whenever I need to. If you want food on the other hand… *shrugs* Then take it. Who am I to deny you? *nudges her then moves to his feet, heading over to the stove so he can take the food out of the oven*


    Jenna: Heh, well, thank you for the offer, Seph. However, I am full now. So, you may have as much as you want from this point on. *moves to make herself comfortable in the chair that she’s sitting in* ~He cooked a piece of chocobo, and there’s vegetables. Take it or make your own food.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *”He… cooked a piece of chocobo? You mean he killed one of the racing birds outside?”* *moves out of the bedroom, walking over to Sephy, glaring at him* Are you killing the farmer’s birds for food??

    Sephiroth: I’ll take care of myself whe–*scowls at Aeris* So what if I did?


    Jenna: *states in a bored tone* There are no farmers left, pink girl. *shakes her head* Why bother keeping them alive when they have no owners anymore? *closes her eyes* Either accept Seph’s cooking or get lost.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I don’t eat animals… I only eat what the planet grew from the land for us. And what food we cultivate for our own use. I’m sorry, but I can’t eat Sephy’s cooking. *glares back at him* You shouldn’t be killing them to eat! Not when the area outside is littered with monsters. Go eat some of those, and leave the defenseless domesticated birds alone!


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Aeris* You have canine teeth, girl. That means you are naturally made to eat meat. *turns her head to the side and grumbles* What an idiot..

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I’m making the choice not to. There’s other ways we can gain our nutrients from food. Such as substituting meat with mushrooms if you need proteins. And you can do the same with other various alternative foods. Don’t think you can’t have a balanced diet without meat.

    Sephiroth: *snorts* This isn’t going to go anywhere…


    Jenna: Hmph, it still isn’t a natural way for you to live. The natural way would be for you to accept the fact that you are indeed made to eat meat. *shakes her head* Just get out of here and let Seph enjoy his food.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Indeed. I’m not harming anybody by eating what I am supposed to be eating. *takes the tray out of the oven and places it on the bench to let it cool. He pokes at the meat with a fork, seeming pleased*

    Aeris: *grimaces* Right… *heads back into the bedroom, mumbling things about barbaric practices and cavemen*


    Jenna: Hmph, annoying idiotic woman. Try to be somewhat nice to her… *shakes her head* What a complete waste that was. *looks over at Seph* I hope that you enjoy your meal.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think there’s any point to it, Jen. You already wrecked it from the beginning. *uses a knife to cut slabs off the meat he’s cooked, placing some on a plate. He heads back to the chair and sits down to eat* *”You were mean to her when you met. I don’t suppose she’ll change her opinion after that.”*


    Jenna: Hmph, I don’t give a damn about that much. *shakes her head* I was just letting her know that there was food if she wanted it. Anyway, she was on a war-path to make you a complete impotent idiot, figuratively speaking. *crosses her arms* I didn’t hear you complain when I showed you that you didn’t need to listen to her every single bit of advice.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why would I complain about that? *stabs a fork into his food and begins to eat it, frowning at the taste* *”Let her think what she wants. If it’s untrue, then she has no grounds for complaint, now does she?”*


    Jenna: I didn’t say that I wasn’t going to let her complain. I’m just not going to give her any invitations to share in any food that you make from now on. Not that she ever really deserved such kindness. *tilts her head* Though, from your expression, I would say that you failed in making this one meal.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to hum softly in agreement. He slowly nods his head, then frowns, removing the fork from his mouth* Maybe I should offer it to Aeris… the animal is dead, there’d be no sense in not eating it. That would be the true waste. *stirs the food around a bit, frowning* I don’t think this sauce was in it’s expiry date.


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph’s words* Well, considering that I already offered the food to Aeris and you saw the results of that quite clearly, I don’t think that you’ll have much better luck. *glances at the food then frowns in thought* Is it that unpalatable?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Yes, it is. Unfortunately. Be wary of it. I don’t advise eating it until I’m sure. *moves to his feet, heading to the bench to inspect the sauce bottle* Hmm. *picks up the bottle and inspects the label properly* Yes. It’s expired.


    Jenna: I wasn’t planning on eating it, Seph.. *Shakes her head then glances at his plate. Soon enough, she looks back over to Sephers. She frowns in thought. Then, she begins to telepathicly send Seph instructions that would allow him to convert the food before him into any meal that he can think of, if he can focus his thoughts on the meal and not get distracted*

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