The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gives Jenna a rather strange look, then grunts and fills out the form appropriately in that section* *”No, I don’t suppose there is.”* *flips the page over, then begins to fill out information on himself, scowling, leaving many of the fields blank* Hmph… *tries to gently nudge Jenna off him again* *”I need to get up.”*


    Jenna: *blinks at Seph’s look and tilts her head* ~What was that for?~ *she then sighs as he nudges her. Soon enough, she moves off of him* ~Alright, Seph.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *rises to his feet and dumps the paperwork at the desk, reading the small slip with instructions he is given shortly after. He stands there to read through it, scowling as he moves to sit back down next to Jenna again* *”All we need do now is wait. Fortunately you are over four months pregnant, so they will not make you suffer through this part.”* *hands her the slip of paper instructing newly-pregnant mothers to retain a full bladder before the ultrasound proceedure for better imaging*


    Jenna: *tilts her head at the instructions then shrugs, not quite knowing what to think of the pamphlet* ~Yes, I suppose. However, I don’t think that is the worst possible thing.~ *moves to rest her head on Seph’s shoulder again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”What could be worse in regards to this test?”* *folds up the paper and puts it in his pocket, not seeming too interested in reading the rest of it* *”Seemed pretty annoying if you ask me. Almost like some kind of torture.”*


    Jenna: ~I don’t think that I can comment much on that element, Seph. I have never gone though one of these procedures before, so I have nothing to fall back on as an basis for opinion.~ *moves her left hand. Soon enough, she begins to gently massage the back of Seph’s head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I was only reading the paper.”* *frowns* *”You obviously had something else in mind when you made the comment, however. Am I right?”* *moves an arm around her and yawns, bored, waiting*


    Jenna: ~Hm? No, I was just commenting on your comments about that paper, Seph. I do not know what I was leading you to believe in.~ *snuggles up against him, not caring if they are getting any looks* ~I do love you..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”And I love you.”* *glares at the others in the waiting room, causing them to look away. He looks up when a nurse comes into the waiting room to call out for somebody, lowering his head again when he discovers that it’s not Jenna. He narrows his eyes, beginning to get bored* *”Now I remember why I hate this place.”* *sighs, folding his arms. He nudges Jenna when another nurse finally calls for her* *”Do you want me to follow?”*


    Jenna: *makes a faint groaning noise as she’s forced to get out of her comfortable position on Seph’s arm. Slowly, she pushes herself upright then nods at Seph* ~Yes, you might as well come. You want to see the images. Anyway, who knows what will show up.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: *leads them out of the waiting room and into a nearby room with medical equipment inside. There is an uncomfortable looking table, and a large machine with a screen sits beside it. She pats the table, then moves to sit down in her chair nearby* Hop up here. Lift up your top and we can get started.

    Sephiroth: *follows the nurse and Jenna up the hallway, glaring once in the room. He remains back towards the door, wanting to stay out of the way, and folds his arms, scowling*


    Jenna: *glances over at Seph then shakes her head* ~Seph, I hardly think you’ll be able to see much from that point. You need to get moving.~ *she glances at the table then moves up onto it. For now, she works along with the nurse’s commands. She lifts up her top then lies down on her back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: *turns on the machine, then grins at Jenna* I apologize for this. It’s going to be a bit cold… *applies some sound-conducting jelly to the end of the ultrasound device, then places it on Jenna’s belly, moving it across the skin, applying pressure* Let’s see if we can find your baby, huh?

    Sephiroth: *”I can see well enough from where I am.”* *narrows his eyes* *”Is this person qualified? Or even of sound mind? She just placed the damn device right ontop of it. If she cannot even find the baby, then…”* *snorts*


    Jenna: *Groans at Seph* ~Just stop being a stubborn ass and get over here, Seph. And I don’t know her credentials, Seph. Why don’t you ask her about them, hm?~ *shakes her head at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not asking about them because I want to know of her legitimacy – I am asking because of common sense.”* *nods* *”Look at her. She has that thing right ontop of the infant, and she mentioned not being able to find it.”* *narrows his eyes* *”It is like placing your hands onto a table and saying ‘where is that table?’. It’s ridiculous….”*

    Nurse: *begins to move the device across Jenna’s belly, applying more sound-conducting jelly to the area* Looks quite normal so far. *tilts the screen towards Jenna so she can see it* Have a look if you like. The legs are curled up right now so I don’t think we can see the sex. *grins at Sephiroth* Is this the father? Don’t be shy. Come on over here.


    Jenna: *grumbles at Seph’s words* ~I believe that there are other organs than just my womb in that part of my abdomen, Seph. Perhaps, it isn’t as easy as you think it is.~ *shakes her head at him. She then gives a passing glance at the images that she’s being shown. However, she soon returns her attention to Seph as the nurse mentions him* Yes, that is the father. He can be quite stubborn though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: *grins* That’s alright. *motions gently for Seph to come on over* You’re not going to see anything from over there. *continues to move the device across Jenna’s belly, using the equipment to take snapshots now* I think it’s wonderful though. A lot of men will leave before this stage and abandon the mother to look after the babies by herself.

    Sephiroth: *scowls and finally moves closer, rolling his eyes. He glances at the screen, then snorts* What the hell is that? It looks like underwater fungus.


    Jenna: *groans at Seph’s statement* ~Seph, it’s an image made via sound waves bounding off the infant and back to the receiver. Didn’t you read up on this at all?~ *sighs at him* ~You can’t expect traditional photographic quality images. That’s just not feasible.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: Oh, don’t say that, sir. It’s lovely. The picture is made with sound, which is why it’s so fuzzy. *continues scanning Jenna’s belly with the device, taking more pictures. She doesn’t seem bothered at all, and begins to smile at some of the imaging* Your baby has good shaped limbs and a strong heart. Everything seems normal. *scans the head area with the device and begins to take pictures there*

    Sephiroth: *snorts* *”I read up on it. It still looks ridiculous, and bad.”*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* ~Well, are you happy now, Seph? At least we’re getting confirmation that there are no defects with the infant. Isn’t that what you wanted to find out?~ *glances at the device and shifts about a bit. She doesn’t like the feeling of the device completely, but she deals with it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I am content in that sense, yes.”* *keeps an eye on the screen, noticing that the nurse is taking a lot of pictures of the infant’s head* *”Don’t worry though. I expect that the woman is nearly done with that proceedure.”*


    Jenna: *glances up at Seph then rolls her eyes* ~I was not worried. Seph. You’re the one who has been on-edge this entire time.~ *Shakes her head then sighs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”On-edge?”* *narrows his eyes* *”That’s not correct, or even accurate. What the hell have you been observing? An illusion? Wherever did you get that strange idea from?”* *snorts in disgust* *”Have I even seemed remotely nervous or concerned since we got here?”*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at him. Then, she begins to send Seph images of him standing guard. First, he was going to wait outside the hospital, then at the doorway to this room* ~I would way that while you don’t show it obviously, someone who knows what to look for can definitely tell that you’re on guard.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Standing guard so they won’t take you away is not being on the edge.”* *scowls* Are we done here? This is becoming rather boring and my partner and I have to be getting back home soon enough.

    Nurse: We’re nearly done. *continues to scan the device across Jenna’s belly, then pulls it off and hands her some paper towel* Just wipe that off. It’s water-based, it will dry quickly. It will also come off very easily in the shower.

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