The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *groans at Seph* That is not what I said, Seph. I said I did not want to spend all night there, hovering in one spot, motionless. That would have been less than pleasant.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah… I see. *shakes his head* No, there’s no point in you spending a night in hospital if you’re not even unwell, nor need monitoring. *lowers her back onto the ground, allowing her to stand again* We should go back inside then, no? I should go prepare dinner soon enough. *narrows his eyes at the Chocobo that bit his hair before*


    Jenna: I didn’t say anything about not liking the thought about staying in the hospital.. I just didn’t want to be several stories up in the air forever. It’s cold up there. *shakes her head then nods at Sephers* I’m not particularly hungry, Seph. You know that I don’t have a metabolism like yours. Still, you’re free to have dinner.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: But, you wouldn’t have been up there forever. You would have only been up there for the duration of the flight to Mideel. That wouldn’t have taken very long at all. Perhaps 20 minutes at most, 15 if I was flying slower. I don’t know where you got the idea from.


    Jenna: I was only making a statement in order to get you to start moving somewhere again, Seph. You just kept on not understanding me. *snorts and crosses her arms*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* I was going to move. And now I’m going to move away, and back into the house. Would you care to follow along? *moves off the fence and heads back towards the house, seeming irritated with the entire conversation*


    Jenna: *sighs at Seph* Please, just settle down, Seph. This is not worth getting angry over. *shakes her head at him. Soon enough, she moves to follow after him. She frowns as she spots the man who runs the ranch at his normal post*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ignores the farmhands and walks back into the house, heading for the guest room. He grumbles to himself and sits down on the far bed, relaxing out on it, not seeming to notice Jenna following*


    Jenna: *stops, not intersted in being around Seph while he’s giving her the cold shoulder. So, she hangs out in the main room for now. While there, she’d keep her attention on the farmhand*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem to mind terribly much about Jenna being outside. He remains in the room and picks up another book to read, intending to go out and get her by nightfall if she doesn’t come back into the room*


    Jenna: *Scowls as the man begins to complain to Jenna about her and Sephiroth being the cause of the deaths of his chocobos and the young boy in the stables. Soon enough, she scowls as her eyes begin to shift to blood red again. Then, she advances on the man, intending to get rid of him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem to hear the racket outside and continues to read his book, quiet and content. He senses out Jenna’s location, but doesn’t seem bothered with it at all, thinking she’s just spending time around the area instead of staying in the house for the time being. Thus, he sits there and reads, pleased*


    Jenna: *covers the farm-hand’s mouth in order to muffle any noises that he makes. She then plunges her hand through his mid-section, right under his rib-cage. Then, she begins to slowly pull out organs and toss them aside, Eventually, she’ll be brazen enough and go deep enough to tear out the man’s heart*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *raises her head and seems curious as she senses the life-energy of somebody dissipating away nearby, frowning* Sephy, I think the old man who runs this place just died.

    Sephiroth: What? *looks up from his book, snorting* Probably old age, or something stupid and harmless. *glances out the window, scanning the area* I can’t see any commotion.


    Jenna: *finishes her work, making a large display of the carnage and organs. Then, she moves to the side of the room and begins to clean herself off. Soon enough, she removes most of the blood then, she moves into the guest bedroom. Not long after she enters, her eyes begin to shift back to their normal color*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up from his book, blinking as he looks over to Jenna* And where the hell have you been? *nods towards the door* There have been strange occurances outside. I could sense them… *scowls* What the hell has been going on?


    Jenna: *blinks as she looks up at Sephiroth. Then she softly mutters* I don’t remember… *shakes her head then moves to lie down on the bed that she’s been using*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves over to her and grabs her by the shoulders, trying to pull her back up* What do you mean you don’t remember? *shakes her slightly, and scowls* Answer me!! Do you mean to say that you have no recollection of what you’ve been doing for the last few hours?


    Jenna: *shakes her head* I know what I’ve been doing for most of the time. But I don’t recall walking back in here. *sighs at him* I can’t tell you any more, Seph. I’m sorry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What were you doing for most of the time then? Tell me what you know. *grunts at Aeris* Go outside and see what you can find. *lets go of Jenna’s shoulders, and moves away from her, seeming suspicious and annoyed*


    Jenna: I wasn’t doing much of anything. Just getting irritated at what that attendant at the desk was saying. That’s all. *shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her, then shakes his head, telepathically transmitting what he had sensed out before to her mind* You were nearby when Aeris made the comment that somebody had just died. *frowns at her* Do you know anything about it at all?


    Jenna: *shakes her head and calmly speaks, since she is being truthful* No, Seph. I have no idea what she may have been referring to. I’m sorry Seph, but I honestly have no idea. *closes her eyes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Jenna’s statement and sits back, waiting on the verdict from Aeris. He looks rather troubled as he leans his back to the bed-head, waiting to see what will happen*

    Aeris: *becomes rather horrified and ill at what she sees, running back into the room* You need to come out here… there’s… *loudly whimpers and covers her face with her hands, loudly sobbing shortly after* It’s horrible!!


    Jenna: *softly groans as Aeris comes back into the room. She then slowly shakes her head and mumbles* I’m tired… You go ahead and see what it is, Seph. *yawns and tries to close her eyes, disinterested in leaving the bed*

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