The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The bird can go to hell for all I care!! *snarls as the Chocobo runs off, raising himself up to stand tall* Get lost and stay there you dumb overgrown chicken! *snarls* If you come back over here, I’m going to hunt you down and turn you into a steak dinner!


    Jenna: *blinks and stares at Sephiroth* Steak comes from swordfish and bolvine, I though.. How could that bird be turned into steak? *shakes her head then shrugs* However, feel free to kill it the next time that I’m hungry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You can turn anything into steak if you have the right cutting tools. *narrows his eyes at the bird, growling once more* So you want me to kill that one when you want food again? Hmph. With pleasure… *moves off the fence, eyeing the Chocobo, mentally picturing how best to take it down*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* My, I’m glad you don’t go into a killing frenzy when I touch your hair. *yawns* I’m not hungry at the moment though, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t go into a killing frenzy when you touch my hair because you have appealed to my interests. I can’t attack you anyway. I told you why before. But… *tenses* If you were anybody else, and in the same situation, doing the exact same thing to my hair, I would have beaten you up long ago.


    Jenna: *grins at Sephiroth’s words* My, that makes me feel quite honored Seph. I do indeed enjoy the fact that you believe that I am worthy of so much respect and care. *nods at him* Thank you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks at her comment* You are OK with that? I thought you would have been angry. Or offended in some manner… *grins slightly* But yes. If anybody else tried to flick my hair, pat it, pull on it, or otherwise, I would hurt them very much.


    Jenna: *chuckles at Sephiroth’s question* Why would I not be alright with you giving me privileges over all other living creatures. It’s actually quite sweet. *grins at him* Of course, that might make you feel less manly.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *twitches slightly at the word ‘sweet’ and glares ahead of him* Tch… yes, yes it does make me feel less ‘manly’ as you put it. It sounded like something Aeris might say. *moves off the fence and heads for the house* I need to think…


    Jenna: Hrmph, *crosses her arms* I am nothing like Aeris and you know that. *shakes hr head at him* And you can think just as well right here as you can wherever you are running off to again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Right… I suppose I can. *stops again, glancing back at her. He lowers his head, then mumbles* I just don’t know about this whole thing any more. I have concerns about the pregnancy, but I don’t know if they’re valid or invalid, or even useful to you. *frowns* We should have gone with that sound test. Too late now, I suppose…


    Jenna: *softly sighs at Sephiroth’s words* If you want me to go back to that hospital or some other medical facility to have an ultrasound done, Seph. I’ll do it. I don’t want you to worry so much. It sounds harmless anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is harmless, you are correct. But it’s a hassle. *shakes his head, moving back to the fence so he can lean on it once again, shrugging* I’m just thinking, that’s all. Will the offspring develop your abilities, or my own? Will it be retarded? Will it be shunned by the idiots on the planet? Who knows… *frowns*


    Jenna: I doubt it will be retarded, Seph. That much I can say. *shakes her head* However, I’m still willing to go ahead with the sonic imaging thing if that will give you some peace of mind. *moves over to Seph and gently rubs the side of his face* I’d do anything for you. I hope you know that. *sighs* As for the idiots on this planet, we don’t need to associate with them. We can raise it on Halcyon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems somewhat calmer as Jenna touches his face* You want to go back to Halcyon? I didn’t think that you ever wanted to go back there. *sighs* I can scan it myself, but apart from that I can’t sense smaller things such as birth defects. I doubt Aeris could have either. She’ll only be useful for the time when you go into labour.


    Jenna: *shrugs at Sephiroth* I never said that I didn’t want to go back. As I said, with the mass damage that you gave to the snake, we’d probably have several years of peace all to ourselves. *sighs at Seph’s next set of words* I’ve already said I’ll agree to do the imaging.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* I also don’t want them to discover something unusual, and try to have you abort the pregnancy. It’s not the same as them. It’s not a regular boring average human. If it is like us, it will have internal differences. I don’t want them to lock you up as a test subject either.


    Jenna: *chuckles at Sephiroth* Seph, at this point, I don’t think they’d be able to easily abort the fetus inside me. Also, neither you nor I would allow for that to happen. Without our consent, they can not do anything. *moves to gently embrace him* And I’m certain that you’d kill any who would try to use me as a test subject.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *relaxes, moving his arms around her as she closes in on him* Yes, I would. I would gut them and hang them on the flagpole of their medical clinic by their own innards. *growls* I just don’t want any trouble. Going back to that medical facility is probably a good way to incite trouble.


    Jenna: *sighs at Seph* I’d rather go back there than to have you worried all day and night over these issues for another four months, Seph. *Shakes her head at him* I won’t mind undergoing the procedure, Seph. I’ve said this several times already.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs, seeming discontent with her response* Very well. *looks around the area for a moment, then stands still as he telepathically contacts Aeris to inform her that he will be gone with Jenna for most of the day* It’s done here. *quickly scoops Jenna up in his arms without warning and springs into the air, taking to the skies* Let me know if you get cold.


    Jenna: *yelps and grips onto Sephiroth* I wasn’t expecting you to go ahead with it today… *frowns* Is there even enough time in the day left to do it today, Seph? *shivers and presses herself up against Seph’s chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slows to a halt, catching note of Jenna’s shivering* I don’t suppose so… *frowns* Do you want to go somewhere else instead? *holds onto her, hovering high over the Chocobo farm* If I took you along to the clinic, it would have to be early tomorrow, before more idiots have a chance to show up and stare at us. Would you agree to that?


    Jenna: I’d agree to anything that you wish at the moment, Seph. *grins at the warmth from his chest* I just don’t want to spend the entire night in this one spot that you’re in now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems a little confused. He lowers them downwards towards the ground, soon landing on the ground properly* Pardon me? You don’t want to spend the night here again? I am not sure if I understand what you are saying….

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