The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Seph then shakes her head* First of all, I said a key set of words. I said most males would not go to the lengths that you have for me. *Shakes her head* Most would not last long around one such as myself. Especially if they found what my preferred food is. *frowns even more* And I don’t want to be just an obligation for you, Seph…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *yawns, stretching his arms over his head lazily* You’re not just an obligation for me. Read my journal if you really believe that. *scratches at his side, then gets to his feet again* It’s a nice day outside. Perhaps you should go out there, although there isn’t much to do.


    Jenna: *tilts her head at Sephiroth’s scratching action. She then looks up at him* Perhaps.. though if you’re itchy due to needing a bath, you should do that first. *shrugs then grins* Though it greatly pleases me that you trust me enough to give me an open invitation to read your journal. That means a lot coming from you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It was the only thing I could think of at the time to say. You were saying something that really did not sound right. I simply selected a rather accurate piece of evidence to prove otherwise, and show the real truth and my reasoning. It’s quite simple, really. *frowns slightly* I’m not itchy because I need a bath. I’m not even very itchy.


    Jenna: *frowns at Sephiroth’s first set of words* You know, you could have taken the compliment without running it by using such cold logic as an explanation. *snorts* So, if I had not said that I don’t want to be simply an obligation, you would not have even given me the offer? *narrows her eyes* Before you respond, you might want to give a good thought over your words. Also, I was going to offer to bathe with you if you had taken the hint. *shakes her head* You’re not too good at gathering hints, whether it be to jokes or anything else.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I would have still offered the journal, yes. *takes it out of his subspace, then hands it out for her to take* I know that you were probably suggesting at the idea of bathing. I’d personally like to, but right now that carries a few problems. The first of which… I don’t think there’s a bath in this place. Perhaps in the main part of the house, but do you really want to bathe together and receive stupid comments from the house owners?


    Jenna: Hrmph… *shakes her head* We could try finding a nearby lake or something then.. *shrugs* Though I couldn’t care less what the damn house owners would say. *grins as Seph offers the book to her and takes it* This will at least entertain me then.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I doubt you would want to bathe in a lake. There’s not a body of water for some miles. I suppose we can wait until this evening when everybody has gone to sleep. That way, it won’t matter very much. *leans back when Jenna takes the journal, not intending to go anywhere for some time*


    Jenna: *Shrugs at Sephiroth* Yea, I suppose… *narrows her eyes and mutters|* Of course, if they are truly that burdensome, we could just eliminate them. *shrugs then opens up Seph’s journal. She then begins to browse through it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Only do that if you feel like running a Chocobo Farm. Or denying the cities in the area of fresh domestic animal meat. *moves to his feet and heads out of the room, wanting to find food for himself* *”I will return soon enough. I am going to obtain some fruit.”*


    Jenna: Hmph, let the areas find some other source of meat. I need food too.. *Shakes her head then mutters* Still, if they become troublesome.. I won’t really regret getting rid of them. *sighs as Seph decides to leave her alone. However, she decides to just make herself comfortable then read the journal that he gave her to read*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’d have an entire region starve solely because you want the meat for yourself? *Seems amused by her comment and shakes his head* I don’t think you would eat that much. *grins* I will keep picking off the sick and the weak for you. And I will continue to hunt down any monster that wants to attack me in the wild once I am beyond the farm borders. But let the farmhands live. Killing them will draw suspicion to us.


    Jenna: Hmph, I said I’d only get rid of them if they become a nuisance… *shakes her head* Weren’t you leaving? I thought you said you wanted to get fruit or something. *shrugs, not overly interested*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh yes. *nods his head and moves outside, though he doesn’t seem interested at all. He leaves the room however, and remains outside for some time, sitting on the grass behind the Chocobo stables. He spends a good amount of time looking up at the sky, thinking to himself, seeming a little troubled*


    Jenna: *yawns with boredom after a while. She then shakes her head and looks at the ceiling* Certainly is taking his time. *sighs then gets off the bed. Soon after, she’d walk out of the house area. Eventually, she’d walk up to the fence area where the Chocobos are enclosed. Then, she simply watches them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Doesn’t seem to notice that Jenna has moved away from the house and is outside. He just remains where he is right now, not having any real intentions to go back right now*


    Jenna: *glances at the stables, wondering if there is still a fuss going on over the boy. She then shakes her head and turns her attention back to the chocobos. After a while, she begins to softly sing to herself, trying to keep entertained*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the stables are fairly quiet now, save for the occaisonal wark and warbles of the Chocobos penned up in the stables*


    Jenna: *continues to softly sing to herself. However, she stops for a moment as a chocobo moves up to her. Snorting, she moves to push the large beak out of her face* ~Seph, what exactly are you doing. It doesn’t take this long to get fruit.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Hmm? I’m just sitting here, minding my own business. I’ll get fruit soon enough.”* *frowns and moves to his feet, walking out from behind the barn* Hmph… *moves over to her, frowning further* Why were you asking?


    Jenna: *stops singing as Sephers moves over to her then glances over at him* I’m not allowed to want to know where you are, Seph? *shakes her head* You’ve been gone for quite a while. I was concerned.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You could have asked me. *points to the stables, then nods* I was behind there. It’s nothing really. *leans on the pen fence to the Chocobo field, then yawns* I was just sitting there, and thinking. *shrugs* Nothing interesting really.


    Jenna: *looks over at Sephiroth then releases a deep snort* I did ask you, Seph. That is why you are here. I asked you where you are. *rolls her eyes then smirks* Well, I wouldn’t say that there is not anything interesting right here.

    *One of the chocobos strays over to Sephiroth. It then moves in and tries to bite down on his right set of bangs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Fair enough. *glances over at her, then smirks* Well yes, I suppose you are right. It’s not completely uninteresting out he–*growls as his hair is bitten on and sharply jerks his head back, flicking up a hand to whack the bird in the beak at the same time* Damn it, go away!! *growls at it in an attempt to scare it off*


    Jenna: *chuckles at Sephiroth’s attempts then shakes her head* Well, seems like you great intimidation fails on birds. *grins at him*

    *The chocobo warks as it’s whacked. Soon enough, it backs up and runs off to the other side of the field*

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