The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: Yes, Seph. I am fully aware of why the birds are bred. Still, I’d rather keep us safe and secure in a stable spot.. It’ll be dangerous to move me all about the place as I get even further into this pregnancy thing. *yawns once more and begins to slowly drift to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I know it will. So don’t do anything that would disturb it… *frowns* I don’t want to move any more than you do. Once you become more gravid, you will be harder to move. We may as well stay here until the end. *sighs* It will be boring, but you have a guaranteed food supply here, as well as warm weather.


    Jenna: Mmmm… *she’s already quite asleep by the time that Seph makes his comments, so she’s not being overly active* Maybe… boring may be what need.. *yawns once more. She continues to fall deeper asleep though, placing more of her weight on Sephy’s side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shuffles over a bit, allowing Jenna to lean on him and partially on the bed, doing it to ensure that she’s not going to fall off. He picks up his book again and resumes reading* For you, maybe. I’m generally not somebody whom enjoys ‘boring’.


    Jenna: *just tiredly mumbles this time around. For now, she’s so deeply asleep that she won’t wake up for quite a few hours. Unless, of course, she were to fall off the bed or something else of the similar nature*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *soon shuffles off once Jenna is properly asleep. He leaves her on the bed as he moves away to get more books to read. But because he has nearly gone through the library as is, he becomes bored with the selection and scowls, moving to sit on the ground, keeping watch over Jenna instead*


    Jenna: *softly mumbles in her sleep from time to time. Mid-way through her sleep period, she begins to get worked up and shivers. It should soon become clear to Sephers that Jenna is having one of her reoccurring dreams, since she tries to tightly curl up and acts up in the same way that she normally does while having those dreams*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and moves to his feet when Jenna begins to mumble. He moves to stand over her, reaching out to pat her shoulder. He crouches down and lies beside her, curling his form around her as a means of keeping her comfortable, and also to reassure her*


    Jenna: *continues to shiver for a few more minutes. However, she soon makes a sudden move to wrap her arms about Seph’s chest. She then clutches onto him as if he were some form of life-support for her. In time, she settles down completely*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves his arms around her and begins to gently massage her back, purring at her. He seems rather pleased as she calms down. He cuddles her and begins to loudly purr, wanting to keep her calmed down* Good… *gently speaks to her* Stay that way. You don’t deserve any less.

    Aeris: *returns to the room, blinking at what she sees* Am… I interrupting anything…?


    Jenna: *loosens her grip on Seph enough that it would no longer be classified as a death grip. Still, she keeps her arms wrapped around him and tries to stay as close to him as possible. A grin forms on her lips as she hears his purring, but other than that, she remains asleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins at Jenna, snuggling up against her. When Aeris speaks, he glares at her, but doesn’t move from where he is* You are not interrupting anything. It would continue regardless of your position.


    Jenna: *faintly mutters in her sleep, nuzzling her nose against Seph’s collarbone* I love you…

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *grins* That’s really sweet. *nods her head and leaves the room again, leaving them be*

    Sephiroth: *purrs at Jenna, seeming relieved as Aeris leaves the room* Good… *remains where he is, soon falling asleep himself, remaining that way for several hours. He would be woken up if Jenna moves*


    Jenna: *after a few hours, her stomach begins to rumble as she gets hungry. Slowly, Jenna opens her her eyes then grins as she looks up at Seph’s face. However, she soon begins to nudge and push him* Wake up.. I need food.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans as he is nudged awake and glances over at Jenna, yawning* Already…? *groans and sits up, rubbing at his eyes* Alright… what do you want to eat? *moves off the bed* I may have to go out and kill something, or I could just bring in a baby chocobo.


    Jenna: *quickly nods at Seph’s words then firmly speaks out* Yes, that’s it.. Please, get me a baby chocobo. That is bound to be good tasting and favorable. Get it soon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods and departs the room. He returns within the hour, carrying the carcass of a headless young yellow-feathered Chocobo. He holds it out for her to take, then moves away to wash off his hands* *”I hope it is adequate for one meal. The breast meat is the most prized part.”*


    Jenna: *grins as Seph comes in with the kill. She soon moves over to the kill and begins to hungirly tear it apart. She takes no care to defeater the creature. Instead, she just tears it apart with her clawed hands and shoves as much of the meat as she can into her mouth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Jenna momentarily, not seeming terribly bothered by her ravenous eating. He grins with mild amusement and leaves her be, then picks up his book again so he can continue reading* There’s a lot of those. They also breed a lot of chocobos, and some don’t make it. I can easily pluck off the weak ones if you desire.


    Jenna: Mmm.. Yes, I would like that quite a lot, Seph.. And fish.. Fish would definitely be good to have around. *continues to ravenously eat. After nearly a quarter of an hour, she finally steps away from the remnants of the chocobo chick. Then, she moves over to Seph* Thank you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head in approval at her* Good. Good work… *frowns at the remains, then teleports them faraway from the area* You want to eat some fish? Right now? *ponders for a moment* An idea, but… we’re many miles out from the ocean. It would take awhile to acquire.


    Jenna: *shakes her head* No, I’m full for now. I’m just saying, fish would be good to have around… *glances at the book that he’s reading. She soon shakes her head* Go to Halcyon, Seph. Get books that you’d enjoy to read. I’ll be fine.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not going back there. The snake. *scowls* It’s going to be very angry with me. Even moreso than it was before. *sets the book down, then stretches lazily, yawning shortly after* If you want fish, I’ll get it on my next hunt… shouldn’t take too much time. I just can’t guarantee which kind you’d end up with.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph* From what you told me, you’ll be safe from the snake for several months there… perhaps even years. It sounded like you managed to do some real damage against her.. *frowns in thought* However, if you’re afraid of the Snake.. Perhaps there is a way to bring home here.

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