The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *scowls at Seph’s words* I do not wish to be regulated to solely one room, Seph. *crosses her arms* I despise being held in one spot like you’re suggesting. *glares at Aeris* I’m not insane… I’ve never been insane. *Snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Oh, I didn’t mean it like that… *bows her head apologetically and sighs* We’re just trying to catch you when you’re being mean and not yourself. You understand, right?

    Sephiroth: If you can’t be trusted on your own then what the hell are we supposed to do with you?


    Jenna: Hmph… *Snorts at Aeris then looks at Seph* I’ve told you a thousand times over by now, Seph. You’re free to dig as deeply as you can through my mind, Seph. However, I can promise you that I’d be completely and utterly miserable if you do indeed try to keep me to just this room. *grits her teeth* I don’t deserve to be punished for the death of an idiotic human boy..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Fine… *closes his eyes and attempts to probe into her mind, looking for strange things that shouldn’t be there* This is ridiculous. We already determined a way to find this problem. I don’t know why you’re not agreeing to it now, of all times…


    Jenna: *closes her eyes and does her best not to indicate that she is acutely aware that Seph is in her mind at the moment. Instead, just just moves to lie down on her back* Would you enjoy being locked up in a single room? *If Sephiroth probes deeply enough, he’d find the element of Jenna’s mind that has been sealed away by a psychic lock that, if he’s aware of it, would have Sephiroth’s signature energy all over it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, I would not… but if it was for my own good… *seems very confused at what he finds. He attempts to probe Jenna’s mind, confused as he finds his own energy signal over the lock. He scowls and shakes his head* I don’t remember ever doing that…


    Jenna: *deeply sighs then grumbles out of the corner of her mouth* I’ll try keeping my need to move about to a minimum… It’s not like I can go far in my condition anyway. *blinks at Seph’s words then looks up at him* What was that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Your mind. Part of it is blocked out. And it looks like something I did. But I never remember doing anything of the sort. *scowls and prods at Jenna’s mind again, pondering removing what he did. He examines the psychic energy, wondering if it has any flaws, or if it’s breaking down anywhere*


    Jenna: *twitches a bit as Sephiroth prods her mind near the block. She then frowns at him before shaking her head* Bad boy, silver hair… *her eyes shift to blood red* Shouldn’t try playing god before you’re ready. *glares at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls back at her and opens his eyes* I’m not a god. What the hell are you going on about now? *snorts* All I was doing was trying to help. I’m not going to lock you up in the same way Hojo did to us. I just want to help.


    Jenna: Heh. *grins at him then chuckles* Help, help, help. That’s what you said before. Then you made the faker. You love it so much. *narrows her eyes* I hate you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Jenna’s words, narrowing his eyes suspiciously* *”Jenna, are you aware of yourself any more at the moment? I think it’s happening again.”* *grunts sharply at Aeris* Well, what are you waiting for? See what’s going on!

    Aeris: Oh, right! *sits up properly and tries to sense Jenna out*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* Idiotic silver hair, I am Jenna… *narrows her eyes at Aeris as she feels the girl sensing her out. However, she’s loosing her ability to retain control. So, she’s beginning to slip back into her usual personality*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *keeps a firm concentration as she tries to scan Jenna, wanting to find out anything. When Jenna slips back into her usual personality, Aeris seems rather dissapointed and opens her eyes again* I think I missed it…

    Sephiroth: *growls* Stop calling me silver hair. And no, you’re not the Jenna I know. Don’t even bother lying to me. *glares at her*


    Jenna: *faintly groans and rubs the side of her head, in pain due to Seph’s prodding from before. She then glances at Seph and grumbles* I guess it happened again…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses* I know it did… *glares at Aeris* And she was utterly useless as well. *scowls* It was all entirely pointless. I don’t know how to go about dragging out your other personality, but it needs to be done so it can be locked away for good. *mutters* At least you know it exists, now…


    Jenna: *frowns at Seph then grumbles* I’m not insane though… *shakes her head then looks over at Aeris* So, you didn’t sense anything at all. Neither of you did?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I told you what I discovered. I just… never remember actually doing it. But it was created by me. I just wish I knew how… *scowls* It is a mystery to me. *shakes his head and sits back again on the bed to ponder the situation* I know how to make the personality come out…

    Aeris: *also shakes her head* I didn’t sense anything. It’s all you, I think.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Aeris* Hrmph… I’m still not insane.. *shakes her head, still disliking the entire situation. Not long after Seph sits down, she shuffles over so that she’s sitting next to him. She then tries to rest her head on his shoulder*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just sits there, not acknowledging Jenna’s presence for now. However, he doesn’t push her away. He narrows his eyes as he continues to ponder the situation, muttering to himself. He leans back before too long, determined to sit there for a while and think about the entire situation*


    Jenna: *reaches up behind Seph and gently rubs his back, choosing to leave him be. After a bit, she glances up at Aeris before snorting and looking away* I would imagine the family here is rather worked up. Why don’t you make yourself useful and talk to them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *shakes her head* I should really stay around here if I’m needed. As much as I’d like to go out there and console the poor people that lost their boy… *sighs* I’m really needed here a lot more. Sephy still hasn’t worked out what’s wrong with you. I’m a key in helping. If only it was easier to sense out… I didn’t get a good shot at it that time.

    Sephiroth: *purrs slightly as Jenna rubs his back, not protesting to her close proximity at all right now*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* From what Seph has indicated before hand, these “slips” don’t happen all of the time or that often. I think it is safe for you to get lost for a while. *Shakes her head* I’d rather be alone with Seph for a bit anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: And if it happens again when I’m not here? It was random, you know. *frowns* It could happen any time. Sephy triggered the last one. He could probably do it again. No, I need to stay here. As much as you want to be alone with Sephy, I’m sorry but I really need to stay here and help you out if needed.


    Jenna: *deeply scowls at Aeris. She then snorts and turns her attention to Sephiroth once more. She looks up to his face, wondering what is on his mind. Still, she doesn’t bother him for now*

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