The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Cloud as he speaks then snorts at him* One could ask the same of you, Spike-head. *shakes her head* Shouldn’t you be with the one with fake breasts? She is the one who actually loves you. *glances over at Aeris, examining her progress*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *for now, she is lying still on the bed, and resting. She seems aware of the people in the room, but she keeps her eyes closed, finding it easier to rest and not intervene with the current conversation*

    Cloud: Tifa hates me. She already told me. *glares* Get out of here. Aeris doesn’t want you around.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Cloud then looks over at Sephers. After a moment, she begins sending him instructions via telepathy on things to do so that Aeris would heal faster. However, half of them involve converting energy from electrons in the air into the type of energy needed to rejuvenate a soul*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I can’t do that. What do you think I am, a power converter? I make my own energy. I can’t alter the form of other energies.

    Cloud: What are you talking about? *moves to Aeris’s side, wanting to protect her* You’re not zapping her with electricity, or any other kind of weird energy! I’m not going to let you. Get any closer and you and I are going to have a fight, Sephiroth.


    Jenna: *groans at Seph’s statements* ~You were given the ability to cast magic. Thus, that statement isn’t completely true any more, Seph..~ *Shakes her head then closes her eyes. She then tries to use what little magic she has to perform the technique that she had indicated to Seph, wanting to get Aeris to heal faster*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns and tries to copy what Jenna is doing, spending several minutes casting the spell indicated to him. While he does manage to convert the energies in the air, he doesn’t really do anything else with them and they hang in the room* Now what?

    Cloud: *looks back and forth from Jenna to Sephiroth, then at Aeris* What the heck are you doing?


    Jenna: *glares at Cloud* We’re trying to help the woman so that she can do what Seph wants her to do. *tries to shove past Cloud. She soon moves in on Aeris and gently nudges her, wanting to know if any of her attempts have helped the girl*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *makes a weak groan and shakes her head, having heard everything going on in the room. She sends a weak telepathic signal to Jenna, which crackles and shorts out a lot* *”Tell… Cloud…. not to worry…. and…”* *her signal abruptly ends before she begins another* *”…not to be so… angry towards you…”*

    Cloud: Hey! *tries to keep himself in the way between Aeris and Jenna* Leave her alone, she needs to rest!


    Jenna: *continues to ignore Cloud and just looks over Aeris once more. She then scowls and tries even harder to use what techniques she knows to help the girl heal up. Since she is more determined, they would work a bit better than the last time around*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *whimpers in pain and forces her eyes open* Thanks… *tries to sit up, turning her attention towards Cloud. She sounds fed up as well as tired* Cloud…. come on, stop it, okay…? *coughs* Go get some water…

    Cloud: *nods his head and leaves the room*


    Jenna: *grumbles as she crosses her arms* Think nothing of it, girl. Seriously… *glances at Seph* He’s the one who wanted you to do things. I don’t feel like waiting forever in a place that thinks that my blood is dragon blood…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: We will be gone soon enough… *scowls at the doorway, then back at the bed* I don’t want them to come either. They will get angry for your departure.

    Aeris: Pardon me…? *looks over at Jenna* Wanted me to do things…? What does Sephy want me to do? I don’t think I understand.


    Jenna: *Scowls at Aeris and looks down at her* Why are you asking me when you should be asking Seph? It is not my place to speak for him. *mutters* Not that I don’t know what he wants to ask, but still.. *Snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Jenna, then sighs* We… *pauses* I would like you to perform something similar to a sonic ultrasound scan on the unborn child. I… it would be best if abnormalities were known. And if the pregnancy is fine. In short, it would be desirable to have a healthy child with no abnormalities that would hinder it’s development or ability to function properly in life.

    Aeris: *listens closely to Sephiroth, then nods* I can do it… just not right now.


    Jenna: *her right eye twitches then she glares at Sephiroth* That is completely not why he dragged me all the way over here. *Snorts* Seph thinks that there’s something “very wrong” with me. You’ve already looked at the fetus earlier too. *scowls at Seph*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Something very wrong with you…? Like what…? *sits up properly to get a better look at Jenna, blinking* I don’t see anything wrong… are you sure you’re not just doing this because of some argument or something? I know you guys fight. A lot. *sighs and leans back on the bed* Anyway, if it’s spiritual, I can’t do it right now…


    Jenna: *scowls at Aeris* I told you already, it is something that Seph wants to have searched out and researched. Talk to him about the details, not me. *shakes her head* He’s the one who keeps on seeing and hearing things such as me scratching his face… *Shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sepihroth: *growls* She thinks it doesn’t happen. I don’t know what the hell it is, but… something keeps robbing her of concious thought and taking over. Like a form of posession or something similar to that. I don’t like it. It keeps on occuring and Jenna has no awareness of the fact. She thinks I am making it up.

    Aeris: *blinks, then turns her head away, not saying anything*


    Jenna: *frowns at Seph and then mutters* Well, there was absolutely no blood the one time you said that I slashed your face, Seph. What would you think if you were in my position. *notices Aeris’s look then snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Sephy’s not lying… I… Yuffie and I saw it too. We were going to talk to Sephy about it, but. *grips at her bedsheets* We never worked out how to do it. Then that horrible mean monster attacked and we were distracted. *sighs* But, yes. I know of it. I don’t know how to fix it. But I know it’s there. I’m afraid to scan and find out what it is…


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Aeris’s words. She then snorts and moves toward the back of the room, not feeling like talking at the moment any longer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at Jenna* Didn’t you want to find out about it? *scowls* *”Or are you angry that you are wrong? This is serious, Jenna. We need to find out what’s going on. Properly.”* *turns his attention back to Aeris* Can it be cured? I don’t want Jenna to shift back and forth across personalities, or souls, and not have control over herself. That is not very good for anyone.

    Aeris: It needs to happen again before can I scan it and tell you what it is. I wouldn’t say it’s another soul, though…


    Jenna: *frowns at Sephiroth’s words. She then snorts and looks over to the side* ~What do you want me to do, Seph? Hrmph, by the sounds of it, we need to keep her nearby until she has the chance to find something. For now, there’s nothing to be done.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It would seem that way, yes…”* *glances over at Aeris, then back at Jenna. He seems rather troubled, then inhales, deeply sighing afterwards* *”My thoughts are to bring her back with us to the Chocobo farm. What do you think about that?”*


    Jenna: ~That would ultimately be up to her, Seph. Not that she has enough power to fight against either of us if we just take her and bring her with us.~ *turns around to face Seph and nods at him* ~However, yes, that probably will be the best idea…~ *frowns at a passing thought* I’ll also need someone who will know how to deliver infants in time.

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