The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: I’m sorry for the hassle, miss Jenna. But please, try to put up with it. This won’t take long. *tries to grasp Jenna’s arm again so she can place the torniquet properly* I might be able to discuss your early discharge with the doctor.


    Jenna: *hisses in irritation. She then snorts, which causes her to cough once more. Since she is distracted by the coughing, the nurse will have an open opportunity to grab onto Jenna’s arm and take another blood sample*

    Kat Aclysm

    Nurse: *grasps her arm firmly, pulling the torniquet strap tight. She inserts a needle into one of Jenna’s arm veins and removes the torniquet, filling the needle with blood. After she has enough, she removes the needle, covering the needlestick injury with a piece of cotton wool* Hold that down for two to five minutes. *presses it down, then grasps her other hand to guide it to the site of the injury, then she slips out of the room again*

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”I know you don’t want to be here, but I don’t think they want to allow us to leave…”*


    Jenna: *scowls at the nurse as she notices the woman taking her blood without permission. She then snorts and holds onto her arm as instructed, mostly because it does hurt a bit. She then frowns at Seph* ~As I said before, you’re the Great Sephiroth. Do you really think a bunch of doctors would be able to stop you if you want something done?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Are they going to do anything else to you besides test your blood again and feed you the medicine pills? If not, I will get the both of us out of here. I just don’t have much of an idea on where to go.”*


    Jenna: *grumbles* You wanted to have that Sonogram thing done… We might as well stay nearby. But there is no reason for me to stay in this room. *shakes her head* I’m pretty certain that there’s a number of empty buildings in the area thanks to an earth-quake like thing. That is, if I recall your planet’s quirks correctly.

    Yuffie: *moves into Aeris’s room, wanting to check up on her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *is lying quite still right now, currently hooked up to an IV line to keep her hydrated. She is still quite drained of energy, so she doesn’t move much right now*

    Sephiroth: You’d have to stay in here while you are a patient of this hospital. But once all of that testing is over, yes, I could fly you out of here if I am sure that there is going to be no more risk involved.


    Jenna: *snorts at Seph’s words, still tired of staying here in the hospital. Soon after, she begins sliding off the bed, intending to just walk out* I do not need to stay in this room, Seph. There are such things as- *coughs once more, shaking her head as she recovers* -scheduled appointments. *begins heading toward the door, clearly sluggish and drowsy*

    Yuffie: *deeply frowns at Aeris’s condition. She shakes her head then backs out of the room. Biting her lip, she walks away from the room so that she can wait elsewhere*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Jenna and moves to his feet, grabbing at her arm* You’re not going anywhere while you are like that. You can go back to bed and recover properly. If you remember correctly, you asked to come here. Now be quiet and put up with it. You can leave when you’re better.


    Jenna: *Snarls at him* I asked to come here for medicine. <coughs then holds up the bottle of pills* They've given me that. I can do the resting bit elsewhere. *tries to pull away from him* They just want to keep me here for tests… That is not why I came. *mutters* And I suppose you were right about the dragon bit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* We’d better get out of here, then. Before they discover the results from the test they’re doing… *moves to pick her up, then teleports her medicine bottle into his subspace. He teleports the pair of them out of the facility, reappearing near the Chocobo Farm* How’s this for out of the way, and warm? Nobody would ever come here.


    Jenna: *blinks and looks around. She then looks up at Seph and shrugs* I thought you wanted me to actually do that Sonograph thing though.. I only wanted to get out of that damn hospital. The bed way not comfortable at all. *snorts at the thought of the cot that she had been sleeping on. However, she coughs once more since the snorting disturbs her lungs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *carries Jenna into the Chocobo Farm, heading for the house. He knocks on the door and moves inside* We need a room. *scowls* Any will do. I don’t care how much it will cost. *carries Jenna into the visitor’s room, setting her down on one of the soft beds in there*


    Jenna: *releases a deep sigh of relief as Seph sets her down on the bed. She then grins at him and nods* Thank you, Seph. I do appreciate everything you do for me. *allows herself a small smirk* I know that you wouldn’t do it for many if any at all. *yawns then pats the area next to her, wanting Seph to be next to her*

    GLaDOS: *has been monitoring transmissions from the planet and reporting on ones concerning Sephiroth or any other test-worthy subject to Hojo. She recently received the data on the blood tests done on Jenna, so she sends the data to a printer* Specimen data has been recovered.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits down on the bed, relaxing* Now that is much better. I can tolerate this. This bed is far more comfortable than the one in the hospital. *yawns and lies down beside her, purring softly* Do you want to sleep? I do…

    Hojo: *has been spending his time in the dark corners of his lab, working away on his projects. He moves to the printer to check the readouts as GLaDOS speaks, smirking* What interesting information! No wonder that woman was so weird… *heads back to the cloning tanks to observe*


    Jenna: *nods at Seph’s question, soon yawning* Yes, I should sleep quite a bit to get rid of this infection.. *moves in to cuddle with Sephiroth* That, fluids, and the medicine.. I should be good enough to keep you entertained again in a few days, I hope. *closes her eyes, intending to rest* I do love my pillow as well. *Smirks*

    GLaDOS: The data will prove quite useful for tests. There will be plenty of science to be done if the subject returns. *observes Hojo’s current position* The growing specimens will be aged enough to be released within a month. I have adjusted the settings so that they will develop faster than before.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Entertained..? I can entertain myself. Don’t worry yourself about it. *yawns* It’s not your obligation to keep me occupied. Now be quiet and get some rest.

    Hojo: Tch… fine. Do the science on the woman. As for the specimens… don’t let them grow too fast. I don’t want them to end up stupid, or retarded in any manner, shape, or form. I want perfect powerful clones, got that?


    Jenna: *continues to smirk at Seph* As you wish, my sexy, big, buff pillow. *Softly chuckles before yawning. Then, she wraps her arms about his waist and begins to drift off to sleep*

    GLaDOS: All imperfections shall be eliminated, sir. *pauses* And I was given the command to allow you to do all science. I shall only observe and assist.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Entertained..? I can entertain myself. Don’t worry yourself about it. *yawns* It’s not your obligation to keep me occupied. Now be quiet and get some rest.

    Hojo: Tch… fine. Do the science on the woman. As for the specimens… don’t let them grow too fast. I don’t want them to end up stupid, or retarded in any manner, shape, or form. I want perfect powerful clones, got that?


    Jenna: *continues to smirk at Seph* As you wish, my sexy, big, buff pillow. *Softly chuckles before yawning. Then, she wraps her arms about his waist and begins to drift off to sleep*

    GLaDOS: All imperfections shall be eliminated, sir. *pauses* And I was given the command to allow you to do all science. I shall only observe and assist.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That is the first time I have ever been referred to as sexy and pillow all in the same sentence. *seems amused by her comment, but slowly shakes his head. He closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep himself*

    Hojo: Good… *glances at his clones* They need names. Good names. Names with meaning.


    GLaDOS: It is not part of my functions to provide names. However, I can have a cake readied for when they wake up, sir. It will be a great achievement which should be calibrated.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: You… want to feed cake to my clones? *scowls at the idea* They need nutrition, not rubbish. They will not be fed cake for as long as I am around. *growls* No. I want you to research names. Names from legend, nobles, anything you can come up with. I want to name these clones after something great…


    GLaDOS: *seems to get snotty in her tone* No, that is not my function. Go do it yourself. I am built to do science and collect data, not research human names.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sleeps for a number of hours, sleeping well into the hours of the night. When he wakes up again, it is early morning, before sun has come up properly. He gets to his feet and heads outside to survey the area, also watching the dawn and the sunrise. He walks to the door of the Chocobo shed, scanning the area to count just how many life energies are around him*

    Hojo: *hisses and leaves her alone to resume working*

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