The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Yuffie’s words and trails behind them, following them to Mideel despite the fact that he is very tired out himself*

    Cid: *yells back to Yuffie* I’m alright, you silly woman! I’m just… *coughs, trying to shake Sesshou’s mixture of oils and dirt off himself*


    Yuffie: Hmph, well, you could still have a concussion or something. You went down for the count for a bit back there! I saw it. *shakes her head and continues on toward Mideel*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: Damn rubbish… *kicks it off himself, then leaves the area, wanting to salvage any of the Highwind’s wreckage that he can*

    Sephiroth: *glares at the back of Yuffie’s head as he makes the slow walk behind them to Mideel. When he approaches the town, he removes his levitational effect powers off Red XIII’s body and makes the rest of the way to the hospital himself, wanting to check up on Jenna*


    Jenna: *is currently laying on the bed where the doctors had placed her. She frowns as she examines the bottle of antibiotics that have been given to her, disliking the size of them. Still, she has taken at least her first dosage. She sighs with boredom then looks up at the ceiling, not knowing that Seph is almost back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls as he moves through the hospital, ignoring questions from others in the area. He pushes the door open to Jenna’s room, having known where she was by following her life energy signal. He appears in the doorway, then silently moves into the room, sitting down on the visitor’s chair in the room, loudly sighing*


    Jenna: *turns her head as she hears Sephiroth enter the room. She does her best to give him a reassuring smile then nods at him* Hello, Seph. I assume that you managed to actually get rid of the snake for now. *turns her head and begins to cough*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* She tried to kill me, but… I turned that to my advantage and blew myself up. *mumbles* Though that didn’t really work… *sighs* She’s not on this planet any more though. She’s on this planet back in your dimension.


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph’s words* Well, I suppose I’m glad that you succeeded at some level. *turns her head to look back at him then reaches over to rub the side of his face* You look wiped out, though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* That monster… I gave it more or less everything I had. *leans back in the chair, sighing as he relaxes* But it’s nice to sit down. It’s over now. The snake isn’t dead, but we’re safe here.


    Jenna: *nods at Seph’s words* Being safe is all that matters to me.. I always like it when I have peace, even for a moment. *moves her hand up to gently massage the top of his head* They said they want to keep me here for a few days for observation. Will you be alright with that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns, closing his eyes* The question really is… would you be alright with that…? What are they going to do to you here? *sniffs the air and scowls* It smells like cleaning fluid. You shouldn’t have to put up with this. Are they even feeding you properly?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph’s words* I have not even been here long enough to be fed, Seph. You should know that. *turns her head and coughs. She then grips onto the bottle of antibiotics that were given to her and tries to hand them to him* So far, they did a bunch of exams, took some of my blood, and gave me this… *Shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts as he takes the bottle, reading the label before handing them back* Useless things… if they’re not strong enough, they don’t do a scrap of good. *scowls and closes his eyes, wanting to rest in the chair. He speaks quietly, his tone much more gentle than before* Are you at least going to be OK here?


    Jenna: *gives Seph a lop-sided grin* I’m not afraid of doctors and this sort of enviroment, if that’s what you mean, Seph. I’ll be fine. *covers her mouth as she coughs once more* Do you want me to ask them for a bed to be brought in so you can rest…?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, that’s alright. This is a solo room anyway. Also… *shakes his head* I’m not a patient. I will sleep outside if they kick me out. Or in this chair. On on the floor. *rubs at his head, scowling* I think I overdid it…


    Jenna: *pats the spot next to her on the bed that she’s lying on* You can rest your head here, if you’d like then, Seph. *Shrugs* It is the least that I can do for you. Heh, not much that I can do in my condition and from here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You can stand up and leave… I would do that in your position. *frowns, not leaving his chair* You stay there. I don’t need the bed to be comfortable and happy. *mumbles* I am just glad that you are going to be alright…


    Jenna: *grumbles* Perhaps, but I don’t have full access to my magic at the moment, Seph.. *shakes her head* They’d try to stop me insisting that I stay and be watched over since I am sick. I don’t doubt it. *coughs once more* And resting your head on the bed isn’t taking it away from me, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mumbles* I still prefer my chair… *closes his eyes, wanting to drift off to sleep* I will also need to pick up new clothes when I have a chance. *points to his coat, which appears to be bedraggled and damaged quite badly*


    Jenna: *looks him over then slowly nods* Well, we know where to find additional copies of your uniform, if you wanted to keep it. *grins at him* You did always look quite sexy in it. *frowns* But I can definitely see the damage.. It’s too far gone for any my spells to repair it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ll go buy some more clothing when I have the energy to… *settles down into a comfortable resting position, then curls up on the chair, wanting to sleep now* Wake me up if you need anything… *yawns and soon drifts off to sleep, exhausted*


    Jenna: *nods at Seph’s request. She then yawns with boredom and relaxes, intending to get some rest as well. After a few hours, one of the nurses comes in with the blood test results. The nurse looks around the room before nudging Sephiroth, intending to inform him of the results first*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls a bit as the nurse pokes Sephiroth, causing him to stir awake. He glances up at the lady and yawns, rubbing at his eyes as she thrusts a piece of paper under his nose to read* ….hmmm…?

    Nurse: These are the test results from your wife’s blood culture. She has a treatable bacterial infection, which we’re now treating with broad spectrum antibiotics. She’s also pregnant, congratulations sir. The baby hasn’t been affected by the illness and is doing fine. We found some strange foreign particles in her blood, but the doctor is still doing the lab work. It won’t be done until later today. *places the papers on his lap and leaves*

    Sephiroth: *yawns* What…? Wife…?


    Jenna: *chortles slightly as she sleeps, temporarily encountering a large blockage in her windpipe. Soon after, she begins to loudly cough, which eventually forces her awake again. She groans as she wakes up and mutters* I hate this…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns and sits up again, glancing over at Jenna* You hate what…? *sighs at her* Oh, the infection thing. It’s treatable. You will be fine, do not worry. Me on the other hand… the doctors think that you are my wife. Why would they say that…?

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