The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Sesshou: Hmph, not very intelligent at all, little thieving mortal. You cannot destroy a god with such attacks. I, on the other hand- *the ground shakes before a large spike-shaped rock rises up from under Sephiroth’s stomach, trying to impale him as well as elevate him several feet into the air* -command all. *with that, she seems to leave Sephiroth be for now. Several of the AVALANCHE members would feel a static-like tingling as Seshou moves past them. She examines her captives, trying to determine which will provide the largest snack*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his eyes widen as the large spike impales him through the stomach, growling as he holds onto it while it rises into the air. He begins to cough with immense discomfort, then lowers his head and teleports away*

    Aeris: *loudly cries as she watches the scene with Sephiroth, loudly whimpering* Why is this happening to us…?! Help!

    Red XIII: *roars loudly at Sesshou* Don’t paint us all with the same brush, you menace! *manages to get a couple of feet, then crouches down, his belly sticking to the ooze*


    Sesshou: *her presence hangs over Red, since he gained her attention with his words. Soon after, the ooze completely retreats from the lion. However, as soon as it leaves, an unseen tentacle wraps around Red* Oh, on the contrary. All you mortals are quite the same to me. Useless piles of flesh and bones which should have never been allowed to be created. Your kind only knows chaos. You are disgraces. *her energy body becomes visible as she starts to suck on Red’s life-force. It would look more or less like her preferred physical body. However, it is composed of a web of light blue energy threads. Also, there’s a golden core in the midst of her chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Red XIII: *loudly roars and tries to bite into the tentacle as it comes over him, struggling as it raises him up off the ground. He makes a loud crying noise in pain as Sesshou begins to literally suck the life out of him, soon going quite limp and lifeless*

    Aeris: *cries out* Red!!! *struggles further in the ooze, wanting to get out even more now* STOP THAT!!

    Sephiroth: *reappears high over Sesshou, his lower half paralyzed due to being punctured through the spine. His lower half profusely bleeds, but he doesn’t seem to care very much. He simply pants slightly in pain as he remains levitating in the air, then closes his eyes and concentrates a large amount of energy around himself, spending several moments doing so. The the very air around him seems to crackle and glow near the end of his charging period, and then he flies sharply downwards, detonating himself and his entire charge within feet of Sesshou’s energy form*


    Sesshou: *blinks and looks up at Sephiroth as she senses him charge up. She tilts her head before grinning* Wait your turn, thief. You shall be erradi- *her eyes widen as he dives down toward her, not having expected for a rational creature to attempt sacrificing himself. She then releases a loud screech as Sephiroth explodes at her feet, which disrupts quite a bit of her structure. She stumbles back, letting go of Red, who would still have enough life in him to survive, before toppling over slightly. Since she is not accustomed to pain, she remains motionless and vulnerable for the moment, for she is attempting to come up with a logical path of what to do now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *loudly yelps at the turn of events, cowering and covering her head when Sephiroth detonates. She loudly yelps out to the group once Sesshou has let go of Red XIII* Get her! Get her with anything you have! *uses her equipped Materia stock to cast Ultima on Sesshou while she’s motionless*

    Red XIII: *tumbles into a lifeless heap on the ground, emitting a very weak groan from his throat*


    Sesshou: *hisses in irritation as the Ultima spell slams into her. She then narrows her eyes, glaring directly at Aeris* Insolent mortal creature. You shall pay for that. *She tries to stand up, however, she has been weakened by the hit that Sephiroth gave her. Since she’s distracted by the pain, the various puddles of oil-like ooze that had been attacking the other AVALANCHE members would fall apart and become motionless*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *moves to her feet again, finding it easy now. She rushes across the area to Red XIII, wanting to make sure if he’s going to be OK* What are you all doing!? Don’t just stand around, attack her, or get out of here!

    Cloud: Right… *calls back to Yuffie* You take Red and run. Cid, Vincent? Stay here and keep an eye on this thing, we might still have a battle yet… *tries to shake the ooze off himself, then picks up his sword and shakes it, trying to get it clean*


    Sesshou: *scowls in irritation, her attention on Aeris for now. She narrows her glowing red eyes then vanishes for a split second. Just before Aeris reaches Red, Sesshou would rematerializes, latching the maw-part of her upper right tentacle on Aeris’s throat then lift her up* You are irritating. *begins trying to feed once more, this time using Aeris as her target*

    Yuffie: *slowly nods and runs toward Red. However, she stops dead as Sesshou appears over the area where Red is situated and skids to a stop. Then, she stares, wide-eyed, as the creature attacks Aeris* Hey, leave her alone!

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *squeals as she’s lifted up off the ground and away from Red XIII, looking back at Sesshou, frightened* Go away! What more do you want…?

    Cloud: *yells* Aeris!! *charges across the area to her, leaping up, bringing the sword down on the tentacle, braver limit-break style*


    Sesshou: *spots Cloud’s movements out of the corner of her eye. She then whips out another of her tentacles and tries to whack him away* Foolish human. Your puny weapons are of no worth. *turns her head to look at Aeris once more and begins to actively feed off her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *the blown up pieces of scorched earth and burned flesh on the ground that made up his body before begin to twitch, slowly moving together. They begin to form and shift about, soon forming themselves back into the shape and form of Sephiroth himself. He begins to cough and growl once he becomes aware, weakly sitting up. He makes a loud growling noise at Sesshou and springs to his feet, rushing at her, concentrating a large energy ‘wall’ in front of himself to slam her with when he flies at her*


    Sesshou: *turns her head to look over at Sephiroth as he slams into her. Scowling at him, she moves to swat him with her left hand. Since his attack had nothing that would actually disrupt the energy patterns that she’s made of, Sesshou was not overly affected by it. As she tries to swat Sephiroth away, she tightens her grip on Aeris, still wanting to feast*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses as he is smacked away again, correcting his flight by levitating against it, flipping a few times before coming to a halt in the air. He disintergrates the wall and hurls a shockwave of raw destructive energy at her, hoping to acheive anything useful at all*


    Sesshou: *hisses in pain as the wave smacks into her. She then stumbles back once more, dropping Aeris as she spasms and freezes due to the pain that Sephiroth had just inflicted on her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls and rises up, concentrating a sharp ‘spearhead’ of destructive crackling energy to fire directly at her, trying to both injure her and draw her further away from the group, and Mideel itself*


    Sesshou: *Screeches in annoyance as she’s struck again. However, she doesn’t move for now since she’s trying to recover from the pain. Her form ripples and seems to experience micro-explosions as the destructive energy compromises her structure for now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls, once again charging a similar energy attack up, holding onto the energy within his person for the time being. He growls and forms a portal underneath the deity and rises up, attempting to slam the energy down at her, trying to use it to shove her into the portal. The other end of the portal would pop out near the sun that is the central part of the solar system in which Sephy’s planet exists in Jenna’s universe*


    Sesshou: *her eyes widen as the portal forms above her and she attempts to take to the air. However, the energy slams into her back and shoves her through. So, within seconds, Sesshou would leave completely*

    Yuffie: *stares at the fight then shakes her head* Man… *frowns then runs over to Aeris* Hey, Aer, you ok?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *immediately breaks the portal once Sesshou has gone through, causing it to disintergrate. He promptly lands again, then stumbles to his knees, seeming to be exhausted from the entire event*

    Aeris: *makes a weak groan and whimpers* ….was trying to kill me…


    Yuffie: Yea… It was trying to kill us all. *turns her head to look at Sephy* And.. Sephy-butt is really strange. I swear I saw him blown up to tiny Sephy-bits. But he’s standing there. *deeply frowns then looks at Cloud* Hey, Aeris needs help, Cloud!

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: It’s a good thing we’re near a medical center… *runs across the area to grab up Aeris, running towards Mideel* Go check the others! I’ll take her into Mideel now… *hugs Aeris as he runs* Just hold in there…

    Sephiroth: *grunts at Yuffie’s statement* It’s…. called immortality… *scowls*


    Yuffie: Uh-huh… Right.. *nods at Sephy then rushes over to Red. She then grunts and tries to pick up the large feline* Dang, you need to loose some weight, Red.

    Vincent: *Sighs at Yuffie then moves over to Red. He scoops up the feline then begins to carry him to Mideel as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts at Yuffie’s attitude and forces himself to his feet again, using his levitational powers to hold Red XIII up for both her and Vincent, to make the feline much lighter* Hmph… *mutters* Ungrateful idiots…


    Yuffie: *glances back toward Tifa then calls out to her* Can you help out Cid? I think he got knocked out by that thing’s tail at some point… *frowns at Sephy’s words and sticks her tongue out at him* You probably did that just so you can destroy the planet all on your own. Why should we be grateful to a monster like you?

    Vincent: *grunts* That is enough, Yuffie. Leave him be.

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