The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her* We’d have to go back to Mideel then… *scowls* Do you want to risk encountering the snake again? Is it really that bad? *scowls further, then begins to teleport the stuff back to his subspace, packing up so they can leave again*


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph’s question* I’m certain you can take care of her if something happens, Seph.. I trust in your abilities. *grins at him before coughing again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans* I’m glad you think so… because all the other times I tried before, I didn’t even make a dent on her. Not one attack did any good at any point. *scowls* Not very good odds. *moves over to her and picks her up, teleporting the futon out from under her. He then teleports the both of them to the door of the Medical Center in Mideel and steps inside*


    Jenna: *curls up in Seph’s arms as he picks her up then presses herself up against him. She does her best to stifle another wave of coughs then closes her eyes so that she can relax while they teleport. Once they arrive at Mideel, she deeply frowns due to the difference in temperature, which makes the coat she’s wearing quite unbearable. Still, she doesn’t complain* As I said.. she’s most vulnerable while eating… If you hadn’t woken her up the one time when we were on her planet after I freed you, I could have done severe damage to her. *Shakes her head. She then begins to psychicly transmit to Sephiroth the types of attacks that she knows that would cause injury to Sesshou. Most are pure destructive or chaotic spectrums of energy that would strike through several planes of existence at once*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You are forgetting that I am not a mage. I don’t carry high levels of power in that regard. *grunts* Forgive me for what I am about to do. *kicks open the door, growling to the people inside* We need help over here! I have a pregnant woman with breathing problems!

    *several of the medical staff rush to the area, one wheeling out a bed. The other staff take Jenna from Sephy, then quickly wheel her away*


    Jenna: *her eyes widen as she hears Seph’s statement then she slowly shakes her head. However, she begins coughing once more as the staff takes her away from Sephiroth* ~You could have done it in a less dramatic manner, Seph..~ *frowns, not enjoying the treatment that she’s getting*

    Sesshou: *has landed down near the crash of the Highwind, mostly since Cid has irritated her. She hisses at the man and spreads her wings, preparing to lash out at the humans who had been harboring her quarry*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *remains in the lobby for now* *”If I hadn’t done it like that, you would have waited hours before they took you into care.”* *stays in the area for now, wanting to make sure everything is going to be OK. He moves to the door and keeps an eye on Sesshou’s life energy in the distance, hoping that he won’t be noticed*

    *the doctors and nurses set Jenna up in a solo room, and then begin to fuss over her. A doctor soon arrives and begins trying to check her blood pressure, her chest, and breathing, and etc*


    Yuffie: *Stares up at Sesshou, cringing at the texture of her “skin”* Man, why do we always have to fight against the uglies of the planet?? *whines* Why can’t any of them at least smell good or something!

    Shesshou: *swishes her tail as she continues to eye the humans. She then tries to grip onto Cloud with one of the tentacles on her right side as she slashes out at Red with her left hand*

    Jenna: *scowls at all the fussing, still not fully enjoying the attention. She then softly speaks* I want my mate, Seph. *begins to cough once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Red XIII: *roars and springs back, then lowers his head, using the materia in his wrist circlets to cast Fire3 on Sesshou’s clawed hand as it comes near him* Cloud, duck! Or something… *roars* Just get out of there!

    Cid: *leaps up, bringing his spear down on Sesshou, trying to plunge it into her*

    Cloud: *becomes rather alarmed as he’s picked up and slashes his ultima weapon at Sesshou’s tentacles, not seeming to care if he would fall if he cut the one off that is wrapped around him*


    Sesshou: *all the attacks would seem to be supper-effective on her at first. For, her body would easily fall apart and has little to actually fortify it. So, Cid’s lance would pierce her hide with ease and would possibly just slide in completely if Cid tries. However, after it plunges a few feet into Sesshou, the material that makes her “shell” would shift and begin rising up in an attempt to completely “swallow” him and hence suffocate her attacker. Meanwhile, her paw would bubble and pop as the fire spell is cast on it. However, the structure remains. Finally, Cloud would be dropped back onto the ground as he slashes through her tentacle, but, like all other bits, her body would quickly reform itself.

    Meanwhile, Sesshou releases a deep, rumbling laugh* Fools. *Shakes her head then lunges forward in an attempt to “chomp down on Vincent, who jumps back and fires his Death Penalty at the creature* You all deserve death for harboring those thieves.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: *loudly yells and lets go of his lance, kicking off the side of Sesshou to land some distance away before he can be consumed in the sludgey goop* Damn you, monster! I didn’t let those idiots come on my ship! You’re going to f***ing PAY for what you did to my baby, you hear me!? PAY!! *casts Ice3 on the area of Sesshou where his lance got stuck, wanting to freeze the area, or at least try and get the lance back*

    Red XIII: *growls and steps further back* Keep it up! It looks like it’s failing, but… I don’t know what’s going on….

    Cloud: *lands on the ground with a sharp thump and shakes himself off. He then charges Sesshou again, trying to the nearest parts of her up with the blade*


    Sesshou: *moves to smash her tail against Cid, irritated at his yelling* I care not for your pile of metal and scrap. It was in my way. *turns her head toward Cloud as his sword slashes into her leg. Then, she tries to engulf that weapon into her “body” as well, wanting to deny him of the ability to properly attack her. Meanwhile, the frozen oil that is hit by the Ice 3 spell would fall all of the way through Sesshou, partially proving that she has no organs. As it falls onto the ground, the material shatters and frees the lance to the air*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: *hollers a string of obscenities in pain as he is slammed down, hitting the ground hard, lying still afterwards, knocked out*

    Cloud: *tries to yank the sword out again, growling. He then jams it in further then leaps high into the air, Climhazzard style*

    Red XIII: *roars out to the group* Nothing seems to be working! Do we retreat and regroup? Anyone, try to do anything to it!

    Sephiroth: *stands on the steps of the hospital center, narrowing his eyes as he senses the commotion in the distance. For the time being he stands there doing not much, but ponders the situation, wanting to make sure Jenna is OK first before he leaves* *”Are they doing anything useful to you yet, Jen?”*


    Sesshou: *scowls in irritation as Cloud slashes upward through her body, stumbling as her leg is compromised. She spreads her wings to keep her balance as her leg reseals itself. Then, she lunges forward in an attempt to chomp down on Cloud. Meanwhile, she whips out a tentacle on her left side toward Aeris*

    Yuffie: *had thrown her conformer at Sesshou and frowns as it plunges into the creature’s hide and begins to just sink down into it* Man… Hey! Give that back!

    Vincent: *moves to Red’s side, still firing at Sesshou* Hmm.. It seems you are right. I do not think this is something natural or made by Hojo’s experiments on living creatures.

    Jenna: *frowns as she looks over at the doctor who is listening to her breathing and sighs* ~I’m not quite certain… I suppose they’ll start doing useful things soon enough.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *is still rising upwards as he is chomped down on. He flinches heavily under the bite pressure of Sesshou’s jaws and panics, dropping the sword in the process* Let go of me! And get off our planet! We didn’t do anything to you!

    Aeris: *loudly yelps and promptly ducks, hitting the dirt as the tentacle comes near her. She remains where she is on the back line of defense, looking up again for anyone who might be injured and need healing*

    Sephiroth: *”Good. Stay there, then…”* *Steps outside, then springs into the air, flying off towards the sound of the noise. He soon flies overhead, growling down at Sesshou* What the hell are you doing, wasting your time with those idiots??


    Sesshou: *continues trying to squeeze down on Cloud, not actually for the sake of eating him. On the other hand, she just wants to rend him in two. However, she stops when she hears Sephiroth’s voice and looks up at him. Then, she seems to speak without moving her mouth at all* Ah, so the thief stops running. Humorous. *twists her head to throw Cloud to the side then spreads her wings in an attempt to appear more menacing*

    Yuffie: *backs up since she is now weapon-less and darts over toward where Aeris is* Hey, you doing ok? I think we’re getting our buts kick- *looks up as she hears Sephiroth speak* Great, what does he want?

    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* ~I don’t think they’ll let me leave even if I wanted to Seph.. Just stay safe.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *levitates downwards towards Sesshou, glaring at her* I repeat, what are you doing wasting your time with those idiots? *rises upwards again, pretending that he’s about to make a run for it* *”I’ll see what I can do. I have a plan.”*

    Aeris: *gets to her feet again and dusts herself off again* I’m all right… just dirty now. *coughs slightly, then looks up when she hears Sephiroth speak also* I don’t know, but… I don’t think this is going to turn out very well.


    Sesshou: Your little shields here hid you. *narrows her eyes as she keeps her attention on Sephiroth* They deserve to die along with you, thief. *with that, her body completely falls apart. Soon enough, the physical structure would be nothing more than a large puddle of oil on the ground*

    Yuffie: *nods at Aeris* Well, dirty is better than being hurt. *looks at her armor and begins thinking over what materia she has at the moment. However, she jumps as she sees Sesshou just fall apart* What the?? He talks to that thing, and he defeats it?? How does that work?!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *remains high in the air, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as the creature practically disintergrates. He makes a loud snort but remains in the air, keeping an eye on the situation, not trusting Sesshou to be actually gone* Damn… *lowers himself down a bit, but doesn’t land* Everybody, dispurse. You don’t know what is going to happen. *scowls*

    Aeris: *has to laugh a bit at Yuffie’s logic* I don’t think she’s been defeated. She just left.


    Yuffie: Right, left… That’s still more than what we could make it do and he just talked to.. *her eyes widen as she sees the slime on the ground suddenly split into separate bits. Soon after, she yelps as one of the bits of oil rushes under her feet before beginning to engulf her with a series of tentacles that it sprouts. The other masses of oil attempt to do likewise with the other AVALANCHE members* Hey! Eww.. Get off… *tries to cast a fire 3 spell on the oil, whimpering as it continues to cover her body*

    Sesshou: *her voice seems to resonate from all around Sephiroth, laughing at him* Damn? Hmm… yes, I suppose you are damned, thief. *her energy particles become solid as she moves in to slam Sephiroth onto the ground*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly hisses as he watches the slime reform itself, then snarls and dives in, swooping downwards, practically tackling Yuffie with the speed he’s flying at, attempting to snatch her from the ooze and fly away somewhere safe with her. At least, until he is slammed onto the ground*


    Sesshou: *hisses in irritation, seething over the fact that Sephiroth had dared defy her and her plans for Jenna. So, soon after Sephiroth hits the ground, he’d feel as if an invisible large foot was pressing down against his back and trying to shove him deeper into the ground* It will bring me great pleasure to break you, little thief.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *loudly squeals in fear, then tries to run through the ooze, trying to get out of it* Help!

    Red XIII: *roars and tries to leap, but the ooze is severely limiting the movement in his back legs*

    Sephiroth: *loudly hisses as he’s crunched into the ground, narrowing his eyes* You’re not going to break me… *growls* Get off! *tries to attack anything around him with a sharp destructive energy pulse*


    Sesshou: Hmph, not a very good study, are you little thief? How exactly did you figure out something so complex as how to steal my precious little key from me? Hmph, no matter. I’ll rip your body apart. And once you regenerate, I’ll do it again. Then, when you can no longer take the pain, I’ll tear apart your very soul.. *seems to step on his head* Oh, but I’ll need a little snack to refuel my energy before putting in so much effort on you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly growls, gritting his teeth both in pain and anger. He snarls at Sesshou’s words, not replying this time. He sends another sharp destructive energy pulse in every direction around him, which is also driving him further into the dirt as the attack flings mounds of it up into the air*

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