The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Sesshou: *growls as she hears the motors try to start. So, she spreads her wings and takes to the air. Thus, a loud flapping noise can be clearly heard by those inside the ship. She then opens up her jaws and begins charging a powerful blast, intending to completely eradicate the ship that is in between her and her quarry at the moment. If Sephiroth pays attention to what he can sense with his psychic abilities, he’d probably be able to feel the magnitude of the blast that’s being prepared*

    Yuffie: *runs back through the halls, rushing toward the bridge. She then loudly yelps as she sees all the slime* What is this??

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly snarls as the plane takes off, narrowing his eyes at the flapping sound. He promptly picks Jenna up, then glances out the window, eyes narrowed, prepared for teleporting out of the area. He keeps an eye on the situation, waiting for what he deems to be the right moment*

    Aeris: *loudly yelps and begins to run through the ship* Everybody jump out!! Land the plane again and jump out!!

    Cid: *yells back to Aeris* Are you crazy, woman?! I ain’t letting my plane be blown up!! *jerks back on the controls, causing the plane to soar higher. Then he kicks in the acceleration gear, trying to get the plane to rocket out of there*


    Jenna: *softly groans as Seph picks her up. However, she doesn’t quite wake up yet. Instead, she tries to curl up again while in Seph’s arms. She’d also cough and gurgle slightly due to a congested throat*

    Yuffie: *Stares at Aeris, her eyes widening with fear. She then rushes toward the closet where the parachutes are and grabs one for herself* I’m not about to doubt you now, Aeris… *runs toward the door and kicks it open before jumping out of the ship*

    Sesshou: *continues to power up her blast, having no problem in tracking the Highwind. She soars in order to keep up with the Highwind. Then, she lets out a full-out blast of all her available power. First, it hits the right engine, then it moves toward the center of the ship, aiming to completely atomize, if possible, the ship*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses and teleports everything in the room away from the ship as the right engine blows up, teleporting them far north into the protection of the Nothern Cave. When he reappears, the closet that was in the room bangs down onto the rocks around them, falling over*

    Aeris: *grabs up a parachute for herself and runs back into the living area to throw parachutes to everyone else* Come on, we need to get off! Now!!

    Cloud: What the hell…? *grabs a parachute and runs for the bridge* Everyone, MOVE OUT!

    Cid: *glares as Sesshou shoots the ship and growls* Motherfucker… *snatches up a parachute from under the control panels, then puts it on and jumps off the Hightwind*


    Vincent: *grunts as he hears the explosions then puts on the parachute that Aeris has given him. Soon enough, he jumps out of the ship as well*

    Yuffie: *looks up as she sees the ship blow up then cringes* Man… that’s… *Shakes her head and opens up her parachute*

    Jenna: *visibly shivers as Sephy takes her to the northern cave. She then tries to press herself up against Seph, whimpering*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sets her down and wraps her up in the blankets. He then picks up the essentials he will need from the area around him, teleporting the rest into his subspace. He then begins to walk through the area, looking for a smaller dry cave in the side of the crater* It’s either this or… get found again. *frowns and carries her into the massive cave network*

    Aeris: *pulls her parachute open, looking up, wanting to make sure everyone got out safely*


    Sesshou: *flaps her wings once more, though she remains hovering in place in the air for now. Her eyes narrow as she examines the wreckage of the ship. She then howls in annoyance as she realizes that the ones she was aiming for have escaped* Damnable creatures…

    Yuffie: *looks up at Sesshou then shivers* That thing again.. *looks around* Hey, where did Sephi-rot and his woman go?

    Jenna: *continues to press up against Sephers. As he moves her through the cave, she begins to cough once more, soon coughing up another bit of phlegm, though this time, she winds up coughing it up onto Seph’s chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: *sails to the ground on his parachute, then runs back for the wreckage, beginning to rummage through it* Damn monster… damn it all! *kicks a piece of the fuselage in an agressive manner, then begins to scream as string of obscenties at the rubble, the monster and in general*

    Sephiroth: *recoils slightly, but carries Jenna further into the cave system, trying to sense out where the warmer, higher, and driest caves would be*


    Jenna: *whimpers as she begins to stir, she then shivers once more. Slowly, she opens her eyes and looks up at Seph* What…? *groans and begins to loudly cough before she can get much more of her questions out*

    Yuffie: *stumbles on the ground as she lands. Soon after, the sheet of the parachute covers her, and she begins to struggle to get it off* Ack!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her, then carries her further into the caves still. He finally stops, then brings out the futon from subspace, setting it down on the ground and sets Jenna down ontop of it. He drags pillows out from his subspace, handing them to her* The ship we were in before has been blown up.


    Jenna: *blinks and stares up at Sephiroth* Blew up? *shakes her head and tries to push herself up. However, she soon stops and flops back down. Soon after, she mumbles out* I don’t think that medicine you gave me worked…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think it did, either… *finally wipes the mucus off his chest, flicking it away. He growls slightly and scans the area for a water source* We’ll move on again, soon. I just want to ensure that the snake is gone first.


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph’s words. She then curls up once more and tries to fall back asleep. She grips onto the blankets that are on the futon and wraps them around herself to stay warm*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mutters* This is not the best environment, but it’s the safest for now… *moves out into the open, then begins to rat through Cloud’s clothing closet. He finds a warm insulated snow jacket and carries it back into the cave, grunting to Jenna* Wear this. *tosses it down to her* I need to keep guard. You will need water, and we will need food before too long. If you don’t know how to survive here, you can die within days…


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph as he tosses the coat on her. Slowly, she pushes herself up and begins to put on the coat, she then mutters* Seph, I know you hate this thought, but I think you might need to get someone with actual medical training… *coughs once more* I don’t feel well at all..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That is a real possibility now, but *scowls* I don’t want to go back to Mideel so soon… *ponders* If you know of a planet, I can probably make a portal there. I don’t want to send us to Earth. They will ask questions.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph* That sort of travel wouldn’t be good at the moment, Seph… Could cause miscarriage or just make me feel worse. *coughs once more* We need to stop running…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head, frowning, deeply scowling at her news. He slowly nods his head in acceptance of the statement though, and quietly speaks* I will move you somewhere much warmer than this once I have confirmed that everything is going to be fine. We can’t go back to Mideel. Although they have the best medical center available, we were there before… and the snake attacked. It’s the last place we want to go. *scowls further as he thinks* How about Cosmo Canyon?


    Jenna: *deeply sighs at Seph’s words; however, this act triggers yet another wave of coughs. She groans once she’s done coughing, spitting out another bit of mucus to the side of the bed. She then looks up at Seph once more* Said stop running… I think you can beat her if you tried, Seph… *tries to give him a reassuring grin, though it winds up lop-sided* You are the great Sephiroth who brought a planet to it’s knees after all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns, pondering* Perhaps… it would need to be a very calculated and co-ordinated attack plan with a back door escape plan and a Plan B if needed… *paces across the cave, humming* Yes… something she’d never expect. I’m not sure if I could do that, though. My powers exist on the mental and spiritual sides of this existance. I can do nothing on the plane in which the snake exists.


    Jenna: *coughs once more then mutters* She comes fully to this side when feeding… *deeply frowns as she hears a Zombie Dragon’s roar then looks up at him* Why is this place considered safe by you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods downwards, towards the floor* The injury makes the planet very loud and clear here. It spends a lot of it’s time screaming. The smell will also put off most people. And finally, with the sheer amount of monsters and free energy floating around, it makes me very hard to detect and sense out.


    Jenna: *mutters* The monsters won’t hesitate to attack us though if they find us, Seph.. *slowly shakes her head* I don’t think you thought this through well enough..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I am at a much higher level of skill than them. They also wouldn’t be able to inflict much damage on me. I would say that I am fairly safe from harm. If they do attack… I’d easily be able to kill them.


    Jenna: *shakes her head then begins to hoarsely cough once more. She groans and curls up on the futon, quite cold and not liking Seph’s choice of location at all. She then mutters* If you don’t want the fetus and myself to die, I must see some sort of medically trained person.

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