The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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  • #21852
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and continues trying to push her off* I already showed you what I saw! *growls* Just because YOU didn’t perceive anything doesn’t mean it didn’t happen at all. Now GET OFF me! I don’t want to discuss this any more!


    Jenna: *continues to remain stubborn, wanting to stay put. She tightens her grip on Seph’s arms, wanting to stop him from pushing her. Since her hands are actually contained in mechanically-based gloves, she’d be able to tighten her grip to a strength that could rival Seph’s* Scan my mind then, Seph. Do whatever. But I am not leaving. Not this time. *begins to cough once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her, then narrows his eyes* How do I know you didn’t shut it out…? *moves back from her and hisses, then tries to scan her mind as asked. He is silent, then he turns away from her, snorting* Hmph….


    Jenna: *Slowly shakes her head at Seph* I just want you to trust me, Seph… *her memories would be exactly the same as what she had shown him before. It might seem that there’s a slight momentarily jar in how things occur, but one could assume that it was caused by her having her eyes closed for a bit. However, if Sephiroth were to dig deeply into her mind, he’d find that there indications of something that’s deeply buried away and blocked off*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *skims her mind, not seeming terribly interested in probing deeper due to the fact he wants to trust her words. He loudly sighs and finally lets his guard down, allowing her to sit back down in his lap if she wants to* I couldn’t have imagined it…


    Jenna: *moves to lean against Seph’s shoulder, once again trying to suppress a cough* ~It’s alright, Seph… I just don’t know why you keep on saying that I say things or do things that I would most certainly never think of you, let alone say or do…~ *Shakes her head* ~I do mean it when I tell you that I love you..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her, seeming troubled now* *”Because I see them, that’s why…”* *frowns* *”Do you think I am imagining them…?”* *seems frustrated, but doesn’t push her away now* *”I don’t know what to think any more.”* *scowls* *”I just know you should be in bed.”*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph, finally giving in and coughing once more* I’m not going back to bed as long as you’re out here… *softly groans* And I’m not certain what to think about your claims, Seph.. The things that you claim sound more like things that you’re afraid that I’d eventually do to you…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Fine, if I go back into the bedroom, would you come to the bed yourself? *shakes his head and tries to nudge her off himself* *”The only thing I am really afraid of is you leaving me.”* *grunts* *”Now come on. Back to bed with you.”*


    Jenna: *groans and looks at him* Perhaps… but I really don’t feel like walking even that far… *is reluctant to get off him, mostly because she’s tired and comfortable where she is. She then frowns as she coughs once more, bringing up some more phlegm*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her* You really should get back to bed. Or at least that room. I provided a means for you to easily take care of that. *nudges her shoulder again* Come on… I don’t want to direct you around like a child.


    Jenna: *turns her head to spit out the mucus out of her mouth, not liking the taste. Once she recovers, she looks up at Sephers* Heh, and here I thought that you enjoyed ordering people about… *sighs and shakes her head* I still don’t feel much like moving.. I didn’t particularly feel like moving when I came in here… but you didn’t give me much choice.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *steps away from the mucus as Jenna spits onto the floor, then grunts at her and attempts to pick her up, ignoring any protesting he may get from doing so* You are coming with me now. Whether you like it or not, we are heading back to the other room.


    Jenna: *softly mumbles* I’m not about to fight against you, Seph… *rests her head against his upper arm and closes her eyes, quite tired out*

    Yuffie: *moves into the living area not long after Sephiroth heads toward his room. She then cringes and sticks her tongue out as she finds the mucus on the floor* Ewww… gross!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *carries Jenna back out of the room, carrying her back into the bedroom. He sets her back down on their futon bed and draws the curtains shut, placing the covers over her* I will be nearby. Get some rest. Don’t claw my face off again.


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at him and looks up at him* I thought we’ve already been through this.. I didn’t claw your face at all. *shakes her head and mutters under her breath* I want you to stay with me… *begins to drift to sleep due to exhaustion*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I am staying with you. *moves to sit down beside her, then picks up the romance novel he had hurled away before, skimming through it* Go to sleep. I’ll be here. *sighs, leaning his back to the wall*


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Seph and gives him a small smile* Thank you, Seph.. *coughs again then turns to sleep on her right side. Soon enough, she fully drifts to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs as Jenna drifts off to sleep, pondering to himself that he is in more or less the exact same predicament he was in before, already becoming bored. He leans his back to the wall and settles in, intending to sit there for hours and read the book*


    Yuffie: *grumbles as she finds no one to shove the job of cleaning the coughed-up mucus onto. So, she loudly whines and complains as she cleans up the mess* Oh, this is soo gross… *throws away the cleaning supplies once she’s done then storms over to Sephy’s room and loudly knocks on the door* Did one of you two make a mess in the living area again??

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at the door, then moves to his feet, quietly opening it. He frowns over at Yuffie and shakes his head* Keep the noise down. *nods back to Jenna, whom is asleep* She is sick. *frowns* What do you want? Nobody here made a mess. At any point thus far.


    Yuffie: *frowns and sets her hands on her hips* Someone sure did leave a big glob of mucus on the floor! Next time, you should clean up after your woman, you freak. Hmph, both of you are being freebooters.

    *meanwhile, something quite large slams into the front of the Highwind. This would be evident by a loud boom and a tremor-like rattle which shakes the ship*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at her* If that is all you came to tell me about, then please just leave me alone. I told you what happened. If you do not want to believe me words, that is not my problem. *snorts* And it would not be the first time. *shuts the door again, loudly snarling as he hears the loud boom shortly after, flinging the door open* What the hell was that?

    Cid: *Yells and rushes onto the bridge, grabbing up his Viper Halberd lance*


    Yuffie: *yelps and stumbles all about before falling down on her butt. She yelps as she lands on her tush then shakes her head* Probably a friend of yours, Sephi-rot. *jumps back up to her feet then rushes to her room so that she can get her Conformer*

    *A large tail slams into the bridge as Cid runs in. The tail would leave quite a bit of oil-like slime behind after it moves back out of the ship. Then a loud voice calls out from outside the ship* Do not thing this metal contraption will protect you two, thieves!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* I have no friends. You are already wrong. *teleports his sword to his hand, scanning out the area, not moving anywhere jsut yet, as he does not want to leave Jenna behind and in possible danger*

    Cid: *yells and stumbles off his feet as the tail slams into the side of the plane. He jumps for the controls and goes through the starting process of the plane, revving the engines up* Come on baby… *hisses and begins launching the plane*

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