The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *tiredly mumbles as Seph moves away, seeming to ask for him to come back. However, since she’s still deep asleep and not projecting her voice that much, the words that she is saying are unknown*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *searches through the ship, soon finding Aeris. He drags her into the bedroom, loudly hissing* See for yourself! She was a little bit sick last night. Now it’s progressively worse. *hisses* I knew this would happen…

    Aeris: *crouches down infront of Jenna, reaching out to touch her forehead. She closes her eyes and tries to scan her, sighing* I can see it now… *places her hands on Jenna’s belly, placing her healing powers over the unborn baby* I think it’s just the flu, but you can never be too sure…


    Jenna: *Softly groans as she’s touched and tries to shift away from the touch. Soon after, she begins to cough. Once the coughing fit is over, she releases a discontent, tired noise. Still, she remains asleep for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Scowls* This is my fault… *sits down next to Jenna, thinking hard* What am I supposed to do? *grunts* Something needs to happen. *begins to shake Jenna’s shoulder lightly, wanting to wake her up* You – *glares at Aeris* – go get some medication. This ship has a first aid kit.


    Jenna: *loudly groans then coughs as Seph shakes her. She then slowly opens up her eyes, but it’s clear that she’s quite wiped out and wants to sleep more* What are you doing…? Stop it, Seph. *tries to shuffle out of his grip, not wanting to be shaken any more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Jenna – *sighs* – wake up, sit up, and take some medicine. You’re sick. *scowls* If you take something to ease the fever, you will feel better much sooner. *ponders for a moment* Oh yes, and drink something as well. You will need to keep yourself hydrated.

    Aeris: *returns to the bedroom carrying a first aid kit and a glass of water* Here you go! *sits down near Jenna, then hands the glass to Sephy to hold. She fumbles through the kit, taking out some pain relief capsules, handing them to Sephy as well* Wake up, Jenna lady…


    Jenna: *groans once more and slowly shakes her head* I’m tired, Seph… Can’t this wait til later? *tries to turn away from him, more interested in going back to sleep than drinking any water or taking any medicine*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grasps her shoulder with his free hand, then tries to forcefully get her to sit up* You will take this medicine, or I will teleport it into your stomach. *scowls at her* You can go back to sleep after you do it. Is that understood?


    Jenna: *groans once more as Seph forces her to sit upright then frowns at him* Wouldn’t teleporting something into my stomach be potentially fatal… especially since it’s been shifted from where it normally is.. *glances at the medicine that Aeris is offering her and mutters* That’s only pain medicine, Seph. I’m not injured.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* It’s for fever as well. Haven’t you ever heard of acetaminophen? It is a widely used over-the-counter medication which is used for relieving pain, reducing fever, and relieving the symptoms of allergies, cold, cough, and the flu. In other words, it’s exactly what you would need to take. *tilts his head in slight curiousity* What do you mean, your stomach has been shifted from where it normally is? *”Are you finally agreeing to the claims I was telling you earlier?”*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph and grumbles* Fine… I’ll take that stuff. *slowly moves her hand over to the glass of water. Her movements are sluggish since she is quite tired and wants to go back to sleep* And you need to read that book again.. Uterus expands and other organs shift position to make room…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ll have take your word on the shifting of organs as I don’t remember reading that in the books. However, it doesn’t seem wrong. *hands her two of the capsules* I’m assuming you know how to take these things properly, right?

    Aeris: *grins* You guys are reading up on this baby stuff and taking it seriously?


    Jenna: *grumbles* I know the basic idea… put it in mouth.. drink liquid… swallow. *glances at Aeris* Seph was reading a book and left it behind. I was bored. *looks at the capsules then puts them into her mouth. Soon after, she attempts the drinking and swallowing bit, but she half-chokes on it, even though it goes down, because she is unfamiliar with the feeling*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems satisfied with Jenna’s actions and sits up properly again, glaring at Aeris* I don’t want to hear any stupid comments from you about how ‘cute’ the idea of us being parents is going to be. Now go away and leave us. *snorts and picks up the bottle of medicine, stuffing it into his coat pocket* I shall call again if I need your assistance.

    Aeris: *sighs quietly, but nods* I just wish you were more friendly sometimes, Sephy. *gets to her feet and leaves the room again, taking the first aid kit with her*


    Jenna: *frowns in thought then looks up at Aeris, speaking up as loudly as she can* Wait… Seph is under the belief that I am not human.. *frowns and shakes her head* You’ve scanned my internals as well, certainly you would know whether I am human or not.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *stops in the doorway and shakes her head* It’s almost impossible to tell that stuff. I don’t know how good you think my powers are, but I can’t really see inside of your body. I can just know if things are alright or not. Sephy’s body in it’s OK state would feel no different to that of a regular human who is in the same state of feeling OK. Ontop of that, you have the flu… that would cloud over anything.


    Jenna: Hmph… *dismisses Aeris with a wave of her hand* Very well then, let me sleep in peace and get lost. *coughs once more then tries to lean back onto the bed. She’d most likely lean back against Seph instead though*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *reaches down to stroke the side of her face, not seeming to care about Aeris’s prescence near by. He lowers his head down to purr near her ear, sighing* I don’t know how this happened. You said you normally don’t get sick.

    Aeris: *quietly leaves, slipping out of the room unnoticed*


    Jenna: *grumbles* I normally have insulated armor instead of weak cloth that absorbs water like a sponge… I also normally don’t go searching for wayward males for next to two and a half hours in the pouring rain. *allows herself a small grin as Seph strokes her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I wasn’t that far away… and I would have come back. *shuffles down into a lying position, lying down next to her, once again offering his body heat* How long does that illness normally last for…? You would not enjoy being stuck in bed all day for more than half a week, I know.


    Jenna: *Sighs at Seph* I don’t think it’s that severe, Seph.. I just need rest. *frowns at him* And I told you before, I asked for you to return before hand, you refused. There was no point in asking for you to return again from afar. Even when I got there, you told me to “go away”. *snorts, but soon afterwards, she begins to loudly cough*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves a hand over her mouth to cover it* Shh. I’m here now, aren’t I? And it’s in the past. Just sleep for now… you’ll be well again later. The medicine and the water should help things up quite a bit.


    Jenna: *Sighs and slowly nods* Just don’t say that I didn’t need to go out to find you.. Knowing how stubborn you are, you probably would have waited two more days before even considering returning.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh, not that long. I would have come back much sooner than that. *moves his arms around her and draws her in close* Be quiet now. Go back to sleep. We can discuss these issues once you are rested and well again.


    Jenna: *tiredly mumbles* I would have been still asleep if you hadn’t rudely woke me up… The medicine could have waited. *yawns then closes her eyes. She snuggles up against Seph. Soon after, though, she begins to cough once more*

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