The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* If you enjoyed listening to such ridiculous drivel, then be my guest. *points to the book* It’s still there – go read it and enjoy. *folds his arms, glaring at the book, pondering setting fire to it* What other kinds of books did you get from the shelf?


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph; however, there’s a bit of congestion evident in the noise* I said that listening to you read those sort of words was interesting. *scoots over closer to him* Your smooth, deep, dark voice. So very sexy. *snuggles up against him* As for the other books, they’re just… *looks at the current one in her hand* random fact books.. *Shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You enjoy the listening to sound of my voice in general? Or you liks listening to the sound of my voice whilst I am reading ridiculous fictional sex scenes? That book is the equivalent of written pornography. *snorts, then narrows his eyes at her* Hrmph. You are getting sick. I knew it.


    Jenna: *mutters and shakes her head at Seph’s last sentence* I’m fine, Seph. *makes herself comfortable as she continues to snuggle up against him then rests her head on his shoulder* And of course I like listening to your voice in general. If I didn’t like the sound of your voice, I’d be telling you to stop talking quite often, now wouldn’t I? However, hearing you say such “dirty” things… *smirks* All the more fun.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *purrs at her* Don’t get too comfortable just yet. I need to hang up my clothing and dry it off somehow. I don’t want to spend the rest of the day wearing nothing but bath towels. *picks up his coat, then uses his levitational abilities to pick the other clothing up, hanging it up over the door of the closet. As he does so, the door opens, revealing some of Cloud’s everyday attire inside* Hmph… *narrows his eyes at the clothing, seeming to be thinking*


    Jenna: *glances at the closet then at Seph, noticing his expression. She then slowly shakes her head* You’re taller than him, Seph. There’s no way those clothes would fit. *moves her right hand to massage his back* Why didn’t you pick up some new clothing for yourself during these last few months, anyway?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* I could find nothing that I liked… *sighs in irritation* I suppose I shall spend some time away buying more clothing soon enough. I do not think I will be able to get away with one set of clothing for terribly much longer anyway.


    Jenna: *gives Seph a devilish grin and licks her lips* Hmm… I could be perfectly content to watch you for days without any clothing at all. *softly chuckles once more, however, this time around, she stops with an abrupt series of coughs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: As much as I am sure that you would like that, it simply wouldn’t do at all. I would get a lot of comments from the Cetra and her idiotic group of friends. *scowls* You also forget that I am a modest person. *picks up the towel and wraps it around himself once more*


    Jenna: *Rolls her eyes at him and pokes his chest* Just lock the door for now. You don’t need to be modest around me, Seph. I should think that you would have realized that by the time that I caught you masturbating. *shakes her head at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s the only time you ever caught me doing anything of the sort… *snorts in disgust and picks the towel up again, wrapping it around himself once more, then sits back down beside her* Are you getting a cold? *reaches out to touch her forehead with his hand, wanting to feel her temperature*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* Well, that’s mostly because you come to me to give you that special form of relaxation now of days, Seph. Not that I would overly care if you did continue to masturbate. *indifferently shrugs then frowns at his question* I’m fine. *despite her words, she’d feel a bit warm*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her. He tries to move her onto the bed properly, then tries to push her down into a lying position* Come on. *scowls* Don’t make this difficult. I’ll lie down with you if it will make things easier.


    Jenna: *grumbles under her breath as Seph begins trying to move her* Fine, I’ll humor you.. But I’m fine, Seph. *shakes her head. Still, she doesn’t feel enough like fighting against him, so she’d lean back onto the bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves down with her, then grabs at part of the cover, pulling some over himself as well. He grabs at the towel around his waist and pulls it off once he is satisfied with the blanket covering him up properly* You’ll appreciate it soon enough. *grunts* Just don’t throw up on me, or the bed.


    Jenna: *frowns at him* I keep on telling you, Seph. I’m fine. *Shakes her head at him* I’m not about to throw up at all. *shuffles over to snuggle up against him once more then closes her eyes, figuring that she might as well rest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *softly purrs as she snuggles up against him, and moves an arm around her, using his telekinetic powers to turn off the overhead light. He lowers his head, cuddling her, then closes his eyes* See, isn’t that so much better now?


    Jenna: Mmm… Actually, it’s just about the same as it was before. *shrugs* But if it’s better for you, then it’s better. *yawns, but stops mid-way to cough*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves his hand over her mouth to cover it, frowning* Don’t cough on me. I do not want your illness. *moves his hand back over her and presses himself up against her, wanting to share his body warmth with her* Keep in mind of the fact that I am not wearing any clothes. If somebody should barge the door open, do not fling the covers off me. *grunts sharply* I am more than sure Aeris would like to laugh at the size of my genitals, if it were her that barged in and such occured.


    Jenna: *frowns and looks up at Seph* Oh, be silent. You don’t get sick all that easily… *snorts* And I’m fine. You’ll see in the morning that I’ll be perfectly fine. *moves her right hand over to lightly tickle his left side* And if you want to avoid having people look at your genetelia, lock the door.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmph… that would be the logical thing to do. *glances up at the door again, prying at it with his telekinetic abilities. After a few moments, the door makes a loud ‘click’ as the locking mechanism is switched on* There.


    Jenna: *chuckles* Good, now you can finally calm down. *pats Seph’s shoulder then closes her eyes. After a few moments, she completely relaxes and begins to fall asleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gently hums to her, not falling asleep initially. He lies awake and ponders quietly, thinking about all that has happened so far, then sighs, slowly drifting off to sleep himself. He remains asleep for a good number of hours, and when he wakes again, he remains lying there, not wanting to move right now*


    Jenna: *would still be asleep when Seph wakes up. However, she is quite clamy and shivering due to a fever. Her breathing would be quite noticibly strained and congested. Still, she is deep asleep for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits up a bit, frowning at Jenna’s breathing. He sits up properly and covers her up with the cover, moving over to his clothing so he can change into them* Damn it… I knew this was going to happen. *hisses and unlocks the door, moving out of the room in search of Aeris*

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