The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph’s words* Whatever you say, Seph.. *continues to shiver and sneezes once more* To most other creatures other than me, I’m more than certain that you’d be a full-on asshole.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her* Please don’t tell me you’re catching a cold… *Scowls and continues to move ahead, his pace quickening* Come on. We need to get out of this rain. *after another few steps, he levitates up off the ground, plucking her up in his arms, and flies back towards the Highwind, landing on the bridge a short time later*


    Jenna: *grumbles* I’m fine, Seph. It’s just cold out here.. *despite her words, she doesn’t fight against him as he picks her up and moves to snuggle up against him* You’re warm…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not that warm. *grunts and caries her into the ship, heading for the bedroom. He sets her down on the floor near the bed and sharply grunts* Stay there. I’m going to get towels and dry you off. Then you are going to bed. *quickly dissapears out the door again*


    Jenna: *frowns at Seph. She then slowly sits upright and shakes her head at him* I’m fine, Seph. I’ve slept too much already. *shivers as her body begins to warm up due to the heat in the room. Still, her clothing remains wet, so she feels even colder than she was before*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *returns a few moments later holding a bunch of folded towels. He shuts and locks the door, then dumps the towels onto the ground near Jenna* Strip down and get out of that rubbish. Don’t worry, the door is locked now. *picks up one of the towels and moves behind her to begin drying her hair*


    Jenna: *mutters* You’re wet as well, Seph. Go ahead and take care of yourself.. *shakes her head then begins to strip out of her wet clothing. As she strips, she tosses the clothing to the side. Once she’s nude, she reaches over to grab onto a towel so that she can dry herself off*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I will deal with that later. *places another towel over her shoulders, then covers her with some of the others* Once you are dry enough, spend some time under the covers of the bed. You will be warm before no time.


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at Seph* Please, just take care of yourself, Seph. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be perfectly fine. *continues to rub herself dry with the towel that she had grabbed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her and crouches down behind her so he can rub her back dry with the towel* Let me confirm that for myself before anything further happens, Jenna. *grunts and just sits there for the time being, rubbing her dry*


    Jenna: *slowly shakes her head at him* You are quite the stubborn male.. *releases another deep sigh, but this time around, she resigns to allowing him to dry her off* I’m not tired though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You are more stubborn than I am in many situations. And it’s not about being tired. It’s about being warm. *scowls and rubs off her arms, then resumes drying her hair while she dries off the rest of herself*


    Jenna: *softly chuckles at Seph* Well, I can’t say that I’m going to deny being stubborn. *frowns at him* However, I’m not that cold..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You were shivering before. *glares at her* Just shut up and accept the fact that I’m trying to help you. Is that understood? *grunts and resumes drying her off. Once he figures she is dry enough, he picks up the bed blanket, wrapping that around her*


    Jenna: Hmph… You can help me without demeaning me or commanding me about like one of your underlings. *once he pulls away from her, she gets up and moves to put on some dry clothing. As she searches through the pile of clothing, she grumbles over the selection not being to her tastes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls slightly as Jenna grumbles, then shakes his head in irritation* Phh… if you’re going to be irritatingly stubborn, then of course I’m going to order you around. *glares* Now, are you alright and taken care of?


    Jenna: *frowns at him* I told you from the start to take care of yourself first, Seph. You need not worry about me. *wrinkles her nose slightly then turns her head to sneeze once more. Once that is done with, she shakes her head then begins to pull on the dry clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and moves to his feet* Very well. Stay warm. You do not want to end up sick. *moves out of the room to head into the bathroom, locking the door. He spends nearly half an hour in there, both washing himself off, warming up, and drying off again. He finally exits the shower, quickly heading back into the bedroom, covered in towels, his wet clothing under one arm*


    Jenna: *Shakes her head at Seph* I’m not about to get sick. *sighs and gets up not long after Seph leaves the room, wanting to get anything to entertain herself. She’d grab a few random books from the living area then return to the room they’ve been staying in. Then, she flips through the books, but she is not overly impressed. From time to time, she’d sniffle*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *peers inside the bedroom doorway, glancing down at Jenna before moving back inside. He sits on the edge of the bed and rubs his hair dry, not bothering with any clothing right now as he does not have anything else to change into due to the fact that his only set of clothing is soaked through with rain* What are you reading? Also, why aren’t you trying to get warm under the bedcovers as I instructed?


    Jenna: *looks up from the book to Seph and shrugs* Some pathetic fictional book that was on their bookshelf. I imagine one of the females that use this ship left it there… *mutters* It’s not very interesting. *shakes her head* And I’m fine, Seph. *softly sniffles once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes the book cover, which has a painted glossy picture of a semi naked couple in a romantic pose. He reaches out and attempts to steal the book from Jenna, smirking* If this is what I think it is… you don’t want to read this.


    Jenna: *glances up at Seph and indifferently shrugs* It was horridly written anyway. Read it if you wish, Seph. *glances at the other books that she had grabbed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to flip through the fictional book, smirking in amusement as he flips through the book pages, then begins to read from one part aloud* “Ethan purred as his hands glided down over the form of his new found lover, savouring her every curve, his hands moving to cup the snowy perfection of her breasts. He loved her soft skin and all the small groaning sounds that she made. Tracy moaned with immense pleasure, her skin feeling ignited like fire undder his touch. She arched her back ever so slightly just to meet him, murmuring sweet intangible sentences to her lover. Oh how she had missed this.” *reads through more of the chapter, then makes a loud amused snort, smothering a laugh* “Ethan’s fingers worked deeper with each slow, stretching drive of his fingers. He lowered his head to bite at her neck and sucked hard at her pale throat. “You like that?” he breathed, and dragged teeth over more sweat-savoury skin.” *hurls the book into the corner of the room* Who the hell reads that crap?


    Jenna: If you wish for me to guess the owner of that book… I’d say the one with fake breasts. *shrugs* I was only browsing through it out of boredom.. *turns her head to sneeze once more then smirks at Seph* Though, hearing your voice say such words was quite interesting.

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