The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: *doesn’t fight against Sephers at all and happily leans against him. However, she doesn’t feel like lying down on this couch. As she leans against him, she wraps her own arms about him. Her right hand circle around his neck so that she can kneed her fingers in the back of his head. Meanwhile, her left hand circles around the waist, and she begins to massage the middle of his back with that hand. Her grin widens as she hears Cloud’s protest, but she is more than happy to continue making out with Seph as long as he doesn’t stop*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem to notice Cloud at all. He moves his head back for a moment to breathe, his eyelids slowly opening as he does so. He loudly purrs, not knowing why Jenna is grinning just yet, and dips his head back down towards Jenna’s lips, resuming the kiss where he left off* *”Somebody is in a good mood this morning.”*

    Cloud: *walks out of the room again, utterly disgusted*


    Jenna: Hmmm… *doesn’t fight him as he goes back for a second round of kissing and happily obliges* ~I would say that the person in the good mood would be you by now.~ *presses herself against him and playfully creates a trill type of sound back at him in order to encourage him on*

    Yuffie: *walks into the room, wanting to get some breakfast. She stops dead as she hears the purring then stares at Jenna and Sephy* Eeek… *rushes away then tries to bring Aeris into the room so that she can tell them to stop* …And.. Sephy was purring as well.. That’s just strange..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: **purrs back at her and deepens the kiss despite the fact he is going to run out of air soon* *”Yes, I suppose it would be now…”* *uses his hands to massage her upper back* *”The only way to get this day off to a better start is to get some satifaction…”* *finally breaks off the kiss and leans back on the couch to catch his breath*

    Aeris: Sephy purrs…? *blinks* Like a cat? Man, I knew he was weird, but… *shakes her head* I’ve seen him do weird things, but that’s about the worst of it. *sighs* Maybe I should go in there and ask if he’s alright.


    Yuffie: Well, come on, Aeris. Someone’s gotta tell them to at least stop. *Continues trying to pull her into the living area* I mean, other people go in there as well.

    Jenna: *rests on top of Seph and grins at him* I see you enjoyed that immensely. Good morning, Seph. *gently kisses the tip of his nose. She then moves her hand to massage the back of his neck as she rests her head against his right shoulder*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems amused* Good morning to you as well… *purrs* I wonder if I should refer you to my previous statement about food, now. *smirks, then closes his eyes again as the back of his neck is massaged* If your intention is to send me back off to sleep, your’e on the way to succeeding.

    Aeris: *nods and follows along, easily moving along with the pulling* Right… how are we going to do that?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* I do wonder which you prefer, me or sleeping. *chuckles and continues to massage his neck, wanting to keep him happy* And we can get food later. For now, let’s just enjoy what peace we can get, hm?

    Yuffie: *Finally pulls Aeris all of the way into the living area then points at where Jenna and Sephy are*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *yelps at Sephy and Jenna* Hello… um. What are you doing in here? *sighs* It’s nice that you’re being affectionate and caring to each other like that, but… it’s not a good idea to do that in public. You should really go back into your room and share that stuff in private. Okay?

    Sephiroth: *grins at Jenna and nods, at least until Aeris speaks* I believe our peace is over… *snarls* Get lost, girl. We’re not dong anyone any harm.


    Jenna: *glances up at Aeris and rolls her eyes* We are barely doing anything that is unbecoming, uptight prude. We are not about to take off our clothing or anything else. *yawns then returns her attention to Seph. She moves her left hand to gently caress Seph’s abdomen* ~I still say that we can get plenty of peace if we just ignore them.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”At least, until they come closer and try to attack us. Or shove us away. Or whatever else they usually do to annoy people.”* *shrugs* *”I don’t know, I am not them.”* *shuffles back and sits up properly, mostly because of the fact Aeris is watching and because he doesn’t want to give her something to observe* Get lost. *growls*

    Aeris: I don’t care what you’re doing – go get a room and do that stuff in private. Normally people don’t kiss in public, or have it be any more than a peck on the cheek.


    Jenna: *stares at Aeris then scoffs at her. Meanwhile, she is forced to sit upright due to Seph’s movements* You clearly did not get the chance to go to many Earth cities. Heh, you probably barely paid attention to those around you in the Slums where you grew up, girl. Normal people DO kiss in public. *yawns* Anyway, other than you two idiots, the only other person who spotted us was Cloud. ~For the record, Seph, I do not appreciate you choosing your “image” over my comfort. I was quite comfortable.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It has nothing to do with the preservation of my image or reputation.”* *scowls* *”Aeris is somebody who will stare for hours. If you give her something to look at, you’re just fuelling this entire idiotic act she’s playing at right now.”*

    Aeris: No, I didn’t need to go many places on Earth. I know what common decency is. You should totally learn about it and adopt some. *folds her arms* Now do either of you want breakfast?


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at him, not liking his explanation at all. She then snorts in irritation and gets up to move to another part of the room* ~Very well, save yourself her mockery just to not have me around tonight, Seph.~ *looks at Aeris* I’d rather not eat anything you create, moron.

    Yuffie: *crosses her arms* I still say that I heard Sephy-butt purring, loud and clear..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”What are you talking about? I stop kissing you because we have company and now you don’t want to be around me this evening?”* *watches her leave, deeply scowling* *”I told you why I stopped. Why are you taking so much offense to this?”* *glares at Yuffie* Don’t ever refer to me by that name again!

    Aeris: Yeah, Sephy. What’s all this purring nonsense?


    Jenna: ~Choose which is more important to you, Seph. Avoiding their words, or keeping me pleased.~ *shakes her head at him. She then moves across the room and sits down in a different single-person seat. She closes her eyes, not even bothering to look at Seph at the moment* ~For now, you are choosing the wrong priority.~

    Yuffie: *sticks her tongue out at him* Whatever you say, Sephy-rot.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her* *”Don’t be like that. I was keeping you pleased. I just don’t want to give them a show and more ammo for their abuse against us. You don’t understand, do you?”* *quietly sighs and moves to his feet, then loudly snarls, stomping towards Yuffie* I’m going to hang you up by your entrails!

    Aeris: *loudly yelps* Calm down, Sephy! *whimpers* Yuffie, stop making him angry!


    Jenna: ~As I said, Seph. Choose your priorities. If their words are what are more important to you, then you can have their approval. Just don’t expect to have me at your side tonight.~ *snorts and looks to the side, not even interested in scolding Seph for his childish actions*

    Yuffie: *yelps and moves to hide behind Aeris*

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    Sephiroth: *”What do you mean? Where would you go?”* *glares at Yuffie, then Aeris, establishing eye contact with her for the brief moment he sends a telepathic signal to her* Idiots… *loudly snorts, then crosses the room, sitting down on the armrest of Jenna’s chair* Go away and leave us be now.

    Aeris: *sighs, seeming very worried. She lowers her head, then grabs Yuffie’s hand, trying to coax her from the room* Come on…


    Jenna: *snorts and turns her head away from Seph, still not interested in him after the way that he basically just changed his demeanor upon the arrival of Aeris*

    Yuffie: *yelps* Why do I have to leave? This is a public room! We should be able to come and stay in here as much as we like!

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *whispers to Yuffie* Sephy said Jenna is really mad at him right now. Do you want him to leave and have her be stuck with raising a baby all by herself? *pushes her towards the door* Come on, leave them alone. I think we’re in enough trouble as it is. We don’t want to break up a family and cause any more…

    Sephiroth: *reaches out to touch Jenna’s arm, lowering his head, frowning*


    Jenna: *glances at Seph’s arm then snorts and looks away again, still not overly interested in him at the moment* ~You choose your priority, Seph. Live with it. I’m sick and tired of making myself comfortable only for you to shift away at the first sign of someone who will scoff you.~

    Yuffie: *deeply frowns and stamps her foot on the ground* It’s not fair! *sticks her tongue out at Sephy and Jenna. Then, she dashes off toward the kitchen so that she can get some breakfast*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and slides off the seat, heading out of the room* *”Understood…”* *heads for the bridge and leaps down onto the ground, heading into the town the plane is parked near, which happens to be Mideel now* *”When you want to talk to me again, let me know.”*


    Jenna: ~When you are ready to admit that you were wrong in your actions, I might be willing to talk to you. As of now, just running away proves nothing but how stubborn you are.~ *loudly snorts then stands up and moves to pick up the mechanical book again. Given that she’s left alone, she’d become bored then pulls out several random sheets and begins using what little magic she still has left available, since her pregnancy seems to be muting her magical abilities, to create schematics that would actually modernize the Highwind*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stays away from the Highwind for most of the day, mostly staying to himself as he explores the town and generally keeps out of everyone’s way. He uses his illusionary ability to disguise himself when he buys lunch from a restaurant, not appearing back on the Highwind until early evening. When he approaches the ship, he quietly moves inside, not saying anything, scanning the area of the ship to look for Jenna and her current whereabouts*


    Jenna: *is still occupying herself with the various diagrams and blueprints that she’s creating with her magic. So, Jenna would be found in the living area. Also, the mechanical books have been tossed to the side, mostly out of disgust and boredom. If anyone were watching what she is doing, she would not care at all and continue playing around with the blue-prints*

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