The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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    Jenna: ~I personally don’t care for them, Seph. They don’t feel as good.~ *glares at Aeris* ~The bitch keeps on insisting that she’s spoken to you on more delicate matters than your sex life, too. She won’t listen to me when I tell her that it’s not her place to discuss condoms.~ Seph says he wouldn’t listen to you as well. So, do not even bother with whatever advice you have planned in your brain, girl. Go back to smelling flowers and helping them pollinate or whatever.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”We can discuss it in our own time, hm?”* *pays for the goods, then steps out of the shop again, not seeming to notice that people are concerned about his appearance and current clothing* *”Just tell her to go away. It’s none of her business. I don’t advise feigning illness or death though, you’d make her bother you more.”*

    Aeris: *frowns* Sephy would listen to me… *moves to her feet again* I’ll wait til he comes back. Then we can have a proper talk, hm?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* ~There’s nothing to discuss, Seph. Condoms are uncomfortable for both parties. It’s not near as much fun with them in the picture. So, I believe that we should just stay with things as is.~ *narrows her eyes at Aeris* You are quite annoying, bitch… *her eyes temporarily shift to blood red in coloration* Perhaps I should hang you like a fish and slowly strip off your flesh bit by bit. *grins* Then, I’ll feed your flesh to you while you’re still alive…

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *loudly whimpers and quickly backs away for the door* I’m really sorry! *ducks her head as if to protect herself, then backs up towards the doorway* It was just a suggestion to save you problems… you don’t want lots of children, do you…?

    Sephiroth: *”Very well then. I’ll drop the subject.”*


    Jenna: *her eyes return to their normal color. She blinks as she realizes that Aeris has changed position without her noticing. She then shrugs and snorts* I don’t care what you think you’re saving me. This time was probably just a fluke. *shakes her head* ~I don’t see why there is much reason to hold onto it.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *doesn’t say anything more and gets to her feet properly, pushing her way out the door, closing it behind her*

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not. I thought perhaps you wanted to discuss it. I suppose not.”* *pauses* *”I am taking a short detour before going back there. I desire to find myself a proper meal. If you really want the clothing now, I can teleport it all to you. You don’t have to wear all of it immediately. The person behind the desk said some was for later stages of pregnancy. But at least you are covered for some time now.”*


    Jenna: ~I’ll be fine for now, Seph. Just take your time and get something that you’ll enjoy. You need not worry about me.~ *yawns then relaxes back on the bed, After a few minutes, she drifts into a light sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *spends a number of hours away from the Highwind. He fills up on good food at a restaurant and spends some time around Midgar, hoping to observe Hojo, or at least something strange happening in his lab. He finally returns near nightfall, walking back into the ship without saying a word to anyone as he passes by them*


    Jenna: *had woken up a bit before Seph returned to the ship. For now, she’s flipping through the book that Seph left behind again. She frowns at some of the details. Still, she doesn’t put aside and continues to read, wanting to be aware of what to expect. Also, she’s particularly bored. When Seph returns, she looks at him then softly speaks* Welcome back.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to sit down, nodding at her* Hello. You seem to have made yourself comfortable. *smirks at her* And now you are enjoying that book? Somebody is bound to notice it missing sooner or later. I took it from the bookcase in their main room.


    Jenna: *Frowns then stares at the book* The fuck? Why the hell would any of Cloud’s group need this idiotic book? *Shakes her head then looks up at Seph* And yes, I suppose I am comfortable. Aeris started acting strange then left me alone. That was quite good.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Whatever you did, you should do it to her more often. *smirks in amusement, then leans back, moving an arm around her* Comfortable? *grins* If you were before, you would be even moreso now. *peers over her shoulder to try and get a look at the book* I found only a few things interesting in that.


    Jenna: *indifferently shrugs then hands the book over to Seph* It’s boring. I was only reading it because there wasn’t much else that was present. *glances over at him then scoots over to kiss him on the lips* I did miss you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly purrs and lowers his head to move into the kiss, wanting to return and add to it* *”I missed you too. But I also needed food. If I had sat around for the rest of the evening, I would have ended up having to scrounge a meal from these idiots. They’re already tired of my prescence as it is.”*


    Jenna: ~Hmm.. I suppose I can forgive you this time around.~ *breaks off the kiss then reaches up to playfully mess up his bangs* However, I might not return your coat right away just to teach you a lesson. *winks at Sephers*

    Yuffie: *walks up to Aeris and nudges her* Hey. You ok, Aer?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: And what lesson is that? I brought your clothes. I did everything you asked me to. I also did things you didn’t ask me to – such as bringing you food and keeping you safe. Those things are pretty much a given. *frowns as his hair is messed up, but doesn’t do too much about it*

    Aeris: *blinks* Huh? Yeah, I’m alright… Jenna got mean with me though. *shrugs* It’s nothing.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes and moves her hand down to caress the side of Sephy’s face* You most certainly have a lot to learn about what is a joke and what is not, Seph. *shakes her head at him. She then leans in to kiss him once more, once she breaks off the kiss, she whispers* Anyway, maybe I like looking at you when you’re half-naked. *smirks at him*

    Yuffie: Oh, what did she do now? *looks over Aeris* Doesn’t look like she kicked you like she has done to Cloud…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It depends on the tone you are using. I hardly want to get myself into trouble, thank you very much. You have to be out of your mind.

    Aeris: *shakes her head* She just got creepy sounding and mean. Told me she was going to hang me like a fish and slowly strip off my flesh. Then feed it to me. It was really creepy…. and evil. I really fear for that baby…


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph then gently pokes his chest* If I were angry with you, Seph, you’d have no doubts about it. For starters, you’d probably be bleeding. *snuggles up against him* As it is, I am not angry at you at all, and you are not in trouble.

    Yuffie: *screws up her face as she listens to Aeris* Eww… Can that even be accomplished? That just sounds gross… *frowns* Should you even tell Sephy-rot what she said? He’d probably just say he’d help..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Bleeding? *frowns at her jab* Should I be wondering where from? *looks down at her, then puts an arm around her again, seeming amused* I doubt I would be in trouble – at least for today. Considering the hassle and inconvenience I went through for you today, I at least think I am exempt from being in trouble for a while.

    Aeris: *shakes her head* Sephy wouldn’t help her… I know that for a fact. He’s mad all the time, but he respects me. He would probably ask what’s wrong with her…


    Jenna: *grins and playfully makes a half-way trilling, half-way purring noise at him* You presume so much, Seph. Maybe you’re overconfident. *chuckles* Anyway, no matter what, I shouldn’t give you back your coat until you give me some clothing to wear.. Unless you’d rather I be naked for your pleasure?

    Yuffie: *scratches the side of her head* Do you even think he knows that she’d say things like that? Maybe he’s attracted to her because of that sort of thing? *Shrugs* I know I saw him re-enter the ship not too long before I came to talk to you, Aeris.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I already bought you the clothing. I already offered to give it to you. What more could you possibly want or need to add to this conversation? *grins* And as much as I’d like to see you naked… perhaps here isn’t the best place. We can’t really do anything while we’re here….

    Aeris: Oh, he’s back…? *sighs* I don’t know what he does about her. Maybe he figures because he’s so psychotic, he can put up with somebody else who is as bad as him. I don’t know… *glances back at the hallway, then shakes her head* I don’t want to go back so soon.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Well, you haven’t exactly given me the clothing to me yet, now have you? *gently scratches the underside of his chin* Then again, your coat smells like you do. Maybe I’ll just keep it. *winks at him* Oh, and I don’t care if the idiots here here anything. Remember what we did the first night we were here, hm?

    Yuffie: *Shrugs* I’d just get it over, Aeris. You’ve been so down since you came out of that room. It’s not like you. *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You mean ‘what you did’ during our first night here. All I did was lie back and enjoy it. *loudly purrs* I still don’t know what posessed you to… well… *shrugs. He glances away from her, then drags the clothing out of his subspace, dumping it in a pile infront of them on the bed* Go through it and wear what you like.

    Aeris: I’ll be alright, Yuffie. I’m just worried, that’s all. You know?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* It’s called oral sex or a blow job, Seph. I thought you’d enjoy it. And by your comments, I’d say you did. *eyes the clothes that Seph drops onto the ground. After releasing a deep sigh, she takes off his coat then hands it to him. Soon enough, she begins to sort through the clothing for something worthwhile to wear*

    Yuffie: Fine, Aeris. But if you’re still like this in an hour, I’ll drag you to that room. *wags her finger at Aeris then shrugs and goes to find something else to occupy herself with*

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