Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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  • #29478
    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *glares slightly at Seferia, then picks up his dragon hatchling and moves for the hot springs, looking very insulted*

    Sephiroth: *grunts slightly* I’m not going to explain it to you. *scowls* Besides, you could probably just overpower me and steal the information from my mind anyway… *snorts* What makes you think that we do not have the information required to know how to raise it?


    Seferia: Simple humans will never properly raise a dragon. *She snorts in distaste* And I care not how you made it. I am not your friend. *she eyes Zach as he passes by. She then turns to leave* I shall return to discuss the fact that my queen and I are no meant to be not on Earth to that human companion of yours later. *she then heads up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Seferia as she departs, shaking his head, seeming pleased to see the back of her. He moves to sit back down on his side of the bed, sighing in irritation* I don’t see what could be so hard about it…

    Zach: *sets the dragon down at the water’s edge, then sits next to him, sighing* There you go.. you can play here if you want. *lowers his head, telepathically indicating for the dragon to play. He also seems sad as he does so*


    Dragon: *looks up at Zach, catching onto his mood. He then moves up against Zach’s side before pawing his leg. As he does this, he sends a wordless psychic message, requesting to know what’s wrong*

    Jenna: *softly groans as Seph’s weight settles down next to her. She then slowly opens her her eyes, though she is clearly not feeling great yet* Mmmm…?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: That weird cat lady just said I wouldn’t be able to raise you… *shakes his head* I don’t know what she’s saying that for. I’ll do a good job! I’ll try to do a good job… *sighs* Ah, you’re too young to understand. Just play in the water. You need to wash that egg junk residue off yourself anyway. *pulls off his shirt and pants, then moves into the water, crouching in the shallow part in an attempt to encourage the dragon in*

    Sephiroth: Oh, you’re awake? *grunts* That ridiculous feline came back here demanding you.


    Jenna: *grumbles* Don’t know.. *She then glances up at Seph* Guess I am.. *she reaches out for him, wanting comfort from him* Cat?

    Dragon: *tilts his head as he listens to Zach. He doesn’t really understand most of what the boy is saying. So, he just blankly stares at him for now. However, he releases a loud chirp as he’s set down into the water, mostly due to the fact that he’s startled at first. He then scurries to Zach’s side as he tries to figure out whether the water is good or not*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *moves his hands around the dragon, wanting to comfort him. He then begins to gently scoop up warm water, running it down along his scaled hide* Come on. It’s fun. *grins and very gently splashes his side*

    Sephiroth: Yes, cat. The arrogant one that walks on two legs. It was with the one you were fighting earlier and kept holding me back, not wanting me to assist you.


    Jenna: *blinks and blankly stares up at Seph. Her mind isn’t working with her enough for her to figure out who he is talking about. She then slowly shakes her head* If you say so.. *shivers slightly* Feel like shit..

    Dragon: *initially yelps as he’s splashed. He then watches the reflections on the water before reaching out in an attempt to bat one. Soon enough, he begins to energetically pounce at the various reflections in the water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I do. *sighs* She’ll be back later when you are feeling better, I’m sure. *scowls and shakes his head* I’d keep an eye out for her if I were you. I really don’t like that one… *growls* If she could stop me, that means she can do anything she damn feels like here.

    Zach: *chuckles and splashes him with more vigor, then moves to his feet to get some soap so he can begin washing the dragon* Just don’t go too far in, unless you can doggy paddle like every other quadruped that exists.


    Jenna: Mmm.. *Despite her response, she isn’t really listening to Seph at all. For the most part, she just can’t get her mind to focus on his words. So, she closes her eyes again* Can’t do anything to make pain go away?

    Dragon: *continues to pounce on the reflections, at least until Zach begins to scrub him down. He then looks up at Zach and chirps with renewed confusion*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I can find you a painkiller or a sedative if you really want. *frowns* Zach probably has something like that lying around. Or your medical bay has it. Do you want me to go looking?

    Zach: *just massages soap into the dragon’s scaley hide, gently washing him off. He splashes water over his wings and his back, being very gentle. When the dragon sends his confusion, Zach wordlessly indicates that he’s cleaning him*


    Jenna: *releases another groan. She then grumbles as she tries to focus on his words. Eventually, she just shakes her head* Want gone.. not numbed..

    Dragon: *blinks as he continues to watch Zach’s motions. he then bobs his head and leans in to lick Zach’s nearest thigh*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *loudly giggles at the sensation of the dragon’s tongue on his skin and yelps slightly, grinning* Hey, come on. *splashes his wings, then tries to grasp one, wanting to unfold it, wondering if he should wash them off properly as well*

    Sephiroth: Well I can’t make it magically dissapear.


    Jenna: *Softly mumbles* Take it all away… *she then shuffles about a bit and tries to curl up even more*

    Dragon: *looks up at Zach once more as the boy giggles. He then tilts his head* ~Clean…?~ *he then reaches out to gently paw Zach’s leg once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *nods his head* Yep. Clean. *grins* Oh, you want to clean me? *reaches out to pat him on the head* You learn fast… *crouches down towards him, curious* *”Are you a boy or a girl?”*

    Sephiroth: *sighs* I’m sorry that I cannot do that… *moves to his feet and leaves the room, headed for the infirmary now* Computer. Do you have anything in this base that will remove the sensation of pain?


    Jenna: *frowns as Seph leaves her. She then shakes her head and slowly gets to her feet. Wobbling, mostly because she doesn’t really feel well enough to do what she’s pushing her body to do, she stumbles toward the bathing room. Eventually, she makes it to the springs. However, she practically keels over as soon as she steps foot into the water*

    Dragon: *contently grins as Zach pats his head. He then leans his head upward so that he can lick the boy’s hand. When Zach asks his if he is boy or girl, he sends a confused emotion back at him, mostly because the concept is lost on him at the moment. He then yelps as Jenna’s body splashes into the water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: It doesn’t matter… *grins and tries to scratch the dragon under his chin, smiling down at him* I’m just glad you’re not in that egg any more. *telepathically sends the dragon pictures of the egg before he hatched, wordlessly curious to know what it was like inside. When Jenna falls into the water, he yelps and moves to his feet, wandering over to help her* Hey! Don’t drown. *frowns*


    Dragon: *is still worked up over a large body falling into the water. So, he doesn’t respond to Zach’s inquiries. Instead, he just dahses out of the water and moves to press himself up against the wall in a defensive maneuver*

    Jenna: *doesn’t respond to Zach. In fact, she barely moves at all. For now, she’s barely conscious, so she doesn’t seem to realize that she’s face-down into the water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *drags Jenna out onto the rocky shore, turning her onto her back* You’re an idiot… *sighs and makes sure her head is lying on the ground outside of the spring* Stay there. *moves back for the dragon, picking him up in his arms, cuddling onto him to try and calm him* Shh…


    Jenna: *doens’t fight against Zach at all. Instead, she just limply lays there once she’s turned on her back. However, she does pant slightly since she’s overheating due to her feverish state*

    Dragon: *nuzzles his snout against Zach as the boy picks him up. He then glances back at Jenna before looking up at Zach. He sends another curiosity-filled request to Zach’s mind*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *shrugs his shoulders, telepathically replying to the dragon that he doesn’t know very much about Jenna’s situation. He sighs annd moves over to the woman, crouching down in front of her* Mom? *frowns* What happened to you?


    Jenna: *the only response she gives Zach at this time is a soft groaning noise*

    Desiree: *returns back downstairs for yet another round of gathering up her items so that she can move them to her new room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Shit… I think she’s really hurt. *whimpers and quickly moves out of the room, still carrying his dragon. He spies Desiree and is quick to move over to her, not seeming to care in the slightest that he’s naked* Des… do you know what happened to mom?


    Desiree: *growls in irritation, not really wanting to chat any longer. She then coldly speaks out* Yea, she took a dip in that green junk. Hope she’s fucked over for life like she’s done to Father. *she then grabs several small trinkets that she’s kept since she was a kid. Most are “worthless” materia that her father had given to her as a kid. She then stuffs them into a pack*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What…? *frowns* What do you mean? *lowers his head* I just… who did that to her? *looks a little upset* And where are you going?

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