Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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  • #29428
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I told you, I don’t approve of it. It was also scaring Seres, which you don’t want to happen. *frowns* Watch something more tame. *glances upwards* Centra, place on some children’s cartoons. Something that will appeal to a young male’s tastes.

    Cid: Yeah yeah, hold your fucking horses, man. *flies over the island again, looking for a clearing in which to land. Once that has been found, he casually lands the plane, then powers down the engines* Well, get movin’. *takes another cigarette out of the pack in his headband and lights up* I’ll be waitin’ here. So get your ass moving before I fly off out of boredom.


    Vincent: *shakes his head at Cid’s comments. He then moves out of the Highwind before leaking down onto the ground. Upon landing on the island’s grounds, he glances around, trying to find any glimpses of blond hair like he had seen from the ship*

    Dimitri: *continues to whine* Was not bad.. This is no fair. *he moves over to his bed and begins to melodramatically pout*

    Centra: As you command. Scanning available sources of media. *The screen lights up once more. Soon enough, it begins to flick with various images as Centra moves from channel to channel in an attempt to follow through with Sephiroth’s request*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hums in thought as he sees Centra flicks channels. When he sees an animated show featuring fighting superheroes, he raises his hand* Try that one. *glances down at Dimitri* Don’t give me that rubbish. I didn’t approve of you watching it.

    Aeris: *begins running towards the direction where she saw the Highwind land, yelling out ahead* Hey!! *waves her free arm, her other firmly holding Tyler*

    Cloud: *moves after Aeris, figuring she knows where to go*


    Vincent: *turns as he hears Aeris’s yelling. He then tilts his head as he spots the child. Blinking at the new addition with Aeris, he tries to determine why she would be holding it. Still, he remains silent about his thoughts. Instead, he just nods in his own form of greeting* So, I wasn’t seeing things.

    Dimitri: Wasn’t doing anything wrong. It no fair at all..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You were watching a show that I did not approve of. Now please, just sit and watch this one. I am sure it will be just as enjoyable as the other show. I doubt it was age-appropriate either. Seres was afraid of it, which is highly unusual… *moves out of the room again to check up on the girl*

    Cloud: No, you’re not. *reaches out to pat Vincent on the back* Hey, how are you? It’s been years, hasn’t it? I missed you guys so much. I really just want to get out of here and go home.

    Aeris: *grins* Hi Vincent! Want to meet my son? *cuddles her infant, proudly grinning* His name is Tyler. And he’s less than a month old.


    Vincent: *lowers his head so that his mouth is well concealed by the lapel of his cape. He then deeply frowns at Cloud and Aeris’s words* A few years..? I only saw you about a week ago, Cloud. *he shakes his head then turns his attention to Aeris* Your.. son?

    *As Vincent speaks to Cloud and Aeris, a large black dragon soars over their location. It flies directly toward the base, determined to enter the complex, so it pays no attention to the airship at all*

    Dimitri: *pouts even more. He then frowns at the show that Sephiroth left the tv on* Boring.

    Seres: *is still poking Jenna, still trying to figure out why she’s not being too reactive. She then looks up as Sephiroth enters the room again* Motha sick?

    Desiree: *comes downstairs with a new empty pack. She narrows her eyes as she spots Sephiroth. However, she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she moves into her room so that she can gather up more of her belongings*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Yep! *holds the infant up for Vincent to see, proudly grinning* Long unfortunate story, but he’s my baby. And what are you talking about? We were away from the island for years! *deeply frowns as she lowers her baby and cuddles him* Unless time passed differently on the other world? *glances to the side, thinking hard*

    Cloud: Yeah, years… it was hell. I wanted to come home. *moves towards Vincent* Is Cid nearby? We saw him fly overhead.

    Sephiroth: She’s hurt, and she’s resting. Leave her be, Seres. *crouches down to pick her up* Your mother needs rest. *watches Desiree* You know, if you just used your subspace compartment, you could move everything effortlessly in one trip.


    Desiree: Hmph, as if you would teach me how to do that.. *she walks into her room and begins to stuff her bag once more*

    Seres: *looks up at Sephiroth and slowly nods. She then just gently pats Jenna’s shoulder* Wan motha to be all betta. No can help her?

    Vincent: *looks over the baby for a few moments, frowning as he notices a few attirubtes of it. He then shakes his head before turning around toward the airship* Yes, it has only been a week or so. I may not have held perfect track of the time; however, it has not been years. *grunting, he moves ahead* Come. I’ll lead you to the Highwind.. You can tell me how this place appeared while we walk.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I would. I’ve shown you before. *frowns* So are you really going to just move out? *folds his arms* Where are you going to go? *sighs at Seres and shakes his head, not wanting to talk about it right now*

    Aeris: I don’t know much… I don’t even really know how they did it. I just know the island got moved from Earth to here. Sephy and Jenna did it, which was pretty skilled of them I must say.


    Desiree: *coldly* I found a room that does not stink in the second level. It is much better than the shit here. *She continues stuffing her belongings into her bag*

    Seres: *frowns at Seph’s lack of response. So, she just turns toward Jenna once more and continues to pat her shoulder* Feel betta, motha.

    Vincent: Sephy? *cocks his eyebrow* Sephiroth is here? *he frowns at that news. He then bangs on the Highwind’s door, trying to indicate that they need entrance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls and shakes his head* Goodbye, then. **leans back on the bed, picking up his journal again* She’ll be better soon, Seres. She just needs time to recover from her injuries.

    Aeris: Ah, yeah… he’s been on this island for years and years. But I wouldn’t worry about him too much, he’s usually too busy looking after his kids to bother with much else right now. Which is how it should be. Getting himself a lover and kids has mellowed him out.

    Cloud: *scowls, seeming pleased to reach the Highwind*

    Cid: *yells from the control deck upstairs and unlocks the door*


    Vincent: *stares at Aeris, trying to study her for any sign of lies or deception. He then slowly shakes his head* It seems that we have much to discuss. *he climbs up onto the ship. He then calls out* Cid, I believe it will be best if we all meet in the conference room.

    Desiree: *scowls at Sephiroth* You’re acting as if I’m moving hundreds of miles away. *snorts in irritation* I hate the smell down here. I am staying in the base. But fine, disown me because I don’t want to live in stench! I don’t care. You stopped caring the minute the bitch came back home anyway.

    Seres: *looks up at Sephiroth then nods* Ok, Fatha. Can I stay here?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in frustration* That’s not true, Desiree. I can ignore your pathetic attitude, but I refuse to stand by idly while you spew lies about me. *snarls* I’m not disowning you. I’m letting you do as you please. You would hate it if I held you down here against your will, now wouldn’t you?

    Aeris: Ohh… *seems dissapointed* You mean we aren’t going home? I don’t really want a conference…

    Cid: Yeah, alright. *stubs out his cigarette, grumbling to himself. He shuts the door behind them once they’re all inside and heads for the main room of the ship*


    Desiree: *loudly snorts* You used to tell me everything. You used to want to be by my side. You used to like having me sleeping by your side and keeping you company. You forgot all about me when she came back. She doesn’t deserve your attention. She never cared for you like I did! *she angrily stuffs a few shirts into her pack*

    Vincent: *glances at Aeris* I’m certain this won’t take long.. I just believe we need to get your full story. Both of yours. *he then walks to the conference room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: These things and having a romantic attachment towards me are quite different, Desiree. *grunts slightly* I used to tell you everything up to the point you ruined the harmony of this place and permanently changed some things around here. *scowls* You summoned demons for fun, and without thinking of any consequences. That event has changed things permenetly. How can I trust you after that?

    Aeris: I already told you most of it…


    Desiree: *hisses in annoyance* I didn’t summon them for that reason. It wasn’t like that at all. *she clenches her fists* They said that they were my friends. We spoke quite often. *She snorts* They betrayed me just as much they betrayed you. Stop using that against me! I fixed it, didn’t I? *She scowls* It doesn’t matter. No matter what you say, I still love you.

    Vincent: Cid did not hear your information. As for myself.. I have several more questions to ask you two.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’ll never be able to fix what happened. *scowls* You got rid of them, sure. But as I said, some things are altered permanently. Such as Dimitri and Seres. Aeris’s brat. *scowls further, growling now*

    Aeris: More questions? *takes a seat once in the main room, sighing* Well, OK…


    Desiree: What about Dimitri and Seres? Absolutely nothing happened to them while those beings were here. I did nothing to them. *hisses* Now you just want to blame everything bad that’s happened to you in the last few years on me. I took care of you unlike anyone else here ever did, Father. You know that!

    Vincent: *Grunts and nods to the child* Now, you said that you’ve been gone for years.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Because of those ridiculous demons, I was turned into a woman. *snarls* How could you so casually forget that? *grunts* Go on, get out of here. This obviously isn’t going to go anywhere.

    Aeris: *nods her head* Yeah… Jenna took me to her home planet because she needed a healer. I was gone for over 10 years.


    Desiree: *Firmly speaks* I had nothing to do with that part, Father. *she scowls at him* That happened before the first time he started talking to me at all. That one isn’t even a demon. He said that you brought him here. *she grips her fists* I told you, stop blaming me for everything that you don’t like!

    Vincent: Jenna? Who is this Jenna person. Jenova? *he frowns and glances at Cloud then Cid*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: No… it’s not Jenova. *shakes his head* She’s just a human woman. A really, really angry woman. She’s as bad as Sephiroth, if that’s even possible. She’s very quick to anger, she doesn’t listen to you and she’s selfish. I wonder why Sephiroth hasn’t killed her yet.

    Aeris: It’s not like that, Cloud! *sighs* She’s just…. well, OK, she is angry.

    Sephiroth: I’m not. But you still cannot deny that some events around here are because of your negligence. *scowls* And now you’ve attacked Jenna, for no reason other than you don’t like her.


    Desiree: Well, you attack Cloud because you don’t like him. Where’s the difference there? *she snorts then growls* If I don’t get rid of her now, she’ll wind up hurting you all over again. How can you forget all those years you spent in that little marble?!

    Vincent: *blinks at the news. He then sits down, figuring that this will not be finished with soon* She is just a normal human. However, you said she helped move this island earlier? *he shakes his head* I did not think that Lucrecia’s son cared much for normal humans either.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: She’s… not a normal human. There’s just something about her. She’s tapped into some strange energy source and you can see it in her eyes. She’s actually more powerful than Sephy. Do you remember that woman who killed him in the Northern crater all those years ago? Well… that was her. She did it to make us think Sephy was dead.

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* Get out.


    Vincent: *grunts at Aeris’s explanation* And we are to believe that this angry woman who is plausibly stronger than Sephiroth to be benign? *he glance sat Cloud again, trying to find any signs of guidance from their chosen leader*

    Desiree: *deeply frowns at Sephiroth* You prefer her over all of us.. *she snorts and finishes stuffing her pack. She then moves up stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I care for you children equally. I have no favourite, nor do I prefer one child over another. However… Jenna is my mate. You are failing to understand that, every time.

    Cloud: I don’t know what to do. She could be a threat to this planet… but then again, maybe not. It all depends how things play out…

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