Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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    Jenna: *her breathing is a bit irregular since she’s in pain due to the mako that’s still coating her body. She’s also shivering a slight bit. However, one would need to be observant to notice her shivering*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and places his hands on her, attempting to absorb the mako energy off her person. He also covers her with the bed blankets, wanting to keep her warm while she recovers* Damn girl…. so selfish. *growls*


    Jenna: *cracks open her eyes a bit after Sephiroth begins touching her to absorb the mako. She then manages a small grin* What.. *groans, closing her eyes as she tries to deal with the pain and feverish feeling assaulting her senses*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What happened? *scowls* Desiree attacked you, and you were thrown into the Lifestream. *lowers his head, deeply scowling at the predicament* I don’t know what to do.


    Jenna: Oh.. *She slowly nods at Seph’s words. She then tries to scoot even closer to him, seeking out comfort* Hurts.. How long?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits next to her, looking particularly bothered* How long until what, Jen? *frowns* How long ago did Desiree attack you? Do you remember it? *shakes his head* We were downstairs, inspecting the source of the noise. Then Desiree got angry and attacked you, and you hit your head. Then you fell into the lifestream. *rests a hand on his head* Now she’s moving out…


    Jenna: *Groans and shakes her head in an attempt to clear it. She then releases an annoyed sigh* No. That’s not- *she shakes her head again* How long was I under..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, I don’t know… *glances at the wall, thinking* An hour or two, perhaps? *frowns* Not much longer than that. Why do you ask? *moves to lie down beside her* You’re going to need a bath after that incident.


    Jenna: *Softly speaks* Feel like shit. *she closes her eyes* Even stomach area burns.. Must have swallowed some.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her, pondering what to do now* You should probably get up and force yourself to throw up. Unless you can absorb the energy content, it will end up poisoning you. *sighs* It shouldn’t be burning.


    Jenna: *slowly shakes her head* Can’t… *she tries to press herself up against Seph even more, still wanting additional comfort from him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to lean up against her, turning his attention up towards the ceiling, feeling positively miserable right now. He cuddles Jenna and closes his eyes, quietly sighing* You’ll work out what to do…


    Jenna: *closes her eyes and slowly nods. She then tries to drift back to sleep, hoping that will help her recover from her current “illness”. Meanwhile, her body continues to shiver from time to time*

    Seres: *rushes out of her room and toward Sephiroth a while after Jenna goes silent. She jumps up onto the bed then clings onto Sephiroth’s side* Mmmm…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just sits up and remains nearby while Jenna rests. He takes out his journal and begins a rather long unhappy entry, at least until Seres startles him* Oh, hello. *reaches down to pick her up, setting her in his lap* What’s wrong?


    Seres: *points to her room* ‘Mitri watchin’ scary thing on screen. *snuggles up against Sephy’s side* No like.

    Jenna: *softly groans at the noise. However, she remains asleep for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What ‘scary thing’ is he watching? *frowns* A movie? *moves an arm around her, wanting to keep her calm and feeling reassured. He lightly pats her back and uses his free arm to continue writing the entry in his diary*

    *meanwhile, Cid navigates the Highwind over the island, flying around it once to attract attention. Once that is done, he lands it down on the south side of the island and turns the engines off, soon climbing out. However, he just leans up against the plane and lights a cigarette while he waits for Vincent to show up*


    Seres: Mmm-hmm.. Was bad an’ scary. ‘Ad you in it.. buh no you, Fatha.. Was strange. No like. *She grins slightly as he wraps his arm around her. She then burries her head against his side* Protect me?

    Vincent: *was simply sitting on the cliff and meditating as he waited for Cid’s arrival. Upon hearing the turbines, he opens up his eyes then grunts. Soon enough, he strolls over to the highwind before simply jumping on board. He only gives Cid a small nod of approval as he passes by the pilot*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: Ah, there you are. You know, you’re a bastard for hanging up on me, man. *shakes his head* Don’t ever do that again. It’s fucking inconsiderate. *stamps his foot in his anger, and continues to puff the cigarette, not intending to move soon*

    Sephiroth: *sighs and closes his journal, moving his other arm around her* Alright… though it’s probably nothing to worry about.

    Aeris: *sees the plane overhead and begins running in the direction it flew, very excited*


    Vincent: *glances at Cid then releases a soft sigh* My appologies. I thought that our conversation was over. You had more that you wanted to discuss? *he turns toward Cid and crosses his arms, though he’s not fully impressed by the man’s outburst*

    Seres: Mmmm… Ok, Fatha. Buh can I stay wit you for now? No wanna see moovie any more. *She shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* Why would Dimitri watch something like that, anyway? *frowns in confusion, then sets Seres down on the bed, wanting to investigate* Stay there, alright? I’ll get to the bottom of this.

    Cid: It doesn’t matter whether or not we had more to discuss. You hung up on me! *stamps out his cigarette butt* Are you fucking insane? You want my help? Fine, just have the decency to say goodbye, or listen if the other dude on the phone is still talking. Fuck!


    Vincent: *Grunts once more and turns his head away, mostly because he is uncomfortable in his current situation. Finally, he speaks once more* I shall keep that in mind for next time. I have already appologized.. There is little more that can be done. *with that, he turns around* We are going to take off to that new island now, correct?

    Dimitri: *is sitting infront of the the holographic screen that functions as his television. At the moment, he’s watching a “new” movie that is based off the tales of Cloud Strife and his group. Hence, the movie has actors that are re-enacting the Meteor saga*

    Seres: *releases a faint whine as Seph moves away from her. However, she doesn’t put up much of a fight. Once on the bed, she looks over at Jenna. She then slides closer to her mother before poking at her* Mmm..

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: Yeah. I already flew over it. Didn’t see anything of interest. Dunno why you’re so desperate to go. But whatever. Let’s get onboard and get this baby back into the skies so we can have a proper look. *whacks the metal frame with his hand, then climbs back into the Highwind, heading for the controls so he can get it back in the air*

    Sephiroth: *moves in the doorway and raises an eyebrow as he sees Dimitri and the screen he’s watching. He stands there for a few minutes, then abruptly grunts* Turn that off.


    Dimitri: *flaps his wings as he’s surprised by Sephiroth’s sudden announcement. He then whines and looks over at Sephiroth* Why? No doin’ anything wrong.. Centra say new channel ok.

    Vincent: *nods* Thank you.. *he then slips into the ship. Soon enough, he moves into his regular position in the back of the command center. Crossing his arms, he silently waits for Cid to make it to the new island*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Centra is also an idiotic computer with no real mind and it’s only following guidelines. Anyway, I want you to turn that rubbish off. *scowls* It’s a waste of time and I don’t approve of you watching it. Besides, it was scaring your sister. Centra, turn the hologram screen off. Now.

    Cid: *fiddles with the controls, causing the plane to take off again. He flies it over the island again, hovering overhead* You sure you wanna explore this place? Sure as hell looks like nothing to me.


    Dimitri: *whines* Buh why?? It fun… *he flaps his wings, quite frustrated with Sephiroth’s decision. He then whimpers as the screen turns off* No fair. No fair. No do anything wrong.

    Vincent: *strolls over to the window as they approach the island. He then narrows his eyes as he looks at the island. Soon enough, he catches a glimpse of blonde hair* Hmph.. Land the ship, Cid. I think there is at least something to investigate…

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