Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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  • #29378
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly hisses in anger as Desiree knocks Jenna into the lifestream* Oh, and I suppose that was an accident too?! *shoves Desiree angrily, then dives into the lifestream after Jenna, wanting to grab her and get her out as fast as possible*


    Desiree: *coldly* No, that one wasn’t… *She snorts, not seeming to care much that Jenna might not come back from what she did. Instead, she just walks away from the area. Soon enough, she returns to her room and begins to examine her items before gathering them up*

    Jenna: *is out cold, so she doesn’t fight it as the lifestream drags her down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just dives down through the liquid, ignoring the faint feeling he is getting in his head. He hisses in complaint but continues onwards, wanting to reach Jenna. Once he finally does, he grabs her by the arm and swims up as hard as he can, gasping for air once he reaches the surface again* Damn it.. *hauls her onto the ground, crouching down beside her, coughing*


    Jenna: *has some lifestream up her nose and in her throat. So, at the moment, she isn’t even breathing. However, she is not doomed to death either*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems rather concerned when he discovers that she is not breathing and begins mouth-to-mouth resuscitation* Damn it… *just continues with it, wanting her to live*


    Jenna: *after another few moments, she suddenly begins to cough. She then groans. However, she doesn’t return to full consciousness tanks to her head injury. Instead, she just groggily looks up at Seph for a moment then closes her eyes again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses as he sits beside her, shaking his head* Idiot, idiot girl… *picks Jenna up, carrying her out of the area* What am I going to do now…? *has great difficulty hauling Jenna up the maintenance shaft, but manages it anyway. Once back in the springs area, he carries Jenna to her bed and lays her out on it, scowling*


    Desiree: *has pulled out a bag and is now actively stuffing it with her belongings. She is being a bit hasty, so she’s making quite a bit of noise*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hears the noises in the next room and scowls, moving to stand in the doorway of Desiree’s room, wanting to get a look at what she’s up to. When he sees her packing a bag, a deep scowl forms on his face and he snarls at her* Are you really planning to just leave?


    Desiree: *glances at Sephiroth and narrows her eyes* The smell is horrible. I’m going to find another room. *She grabs more of her clothing and stuffs it into her bag. She doesn’t care much whether Sephiroth is angry at her or not* You don’t want me here anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s not that I don’t want you here, it’s that your attitude is terrible, and there is not very much I can do about it. You’re ignorant, selfish, bull-headed, you’re blind and you only care about what you see in front of you. Ontop of that you don’t give a damn about anyone else. You only do things to benefit you, and you don’t care what you have to do to get it. *growls* Your attitude stinks.


    Desiree: *coldly states* Well, you raised me. Not that you care about doing that any longer either. *She frowns as her bag becomes completely stuffed. However, she still has a substantial amount of items that need to be packed* Damn..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at her* No. If I didn’t care about you any longer, I wouldn’t be caring about what you did at all. I’ve already tried talking to you, numerous times. But that has done NO good at all. *growls at her* I don’t know how else to get through to you. I’m not your enemy, Desiree. But if you continue down this path of rebellion and ignorance, you are going to make an enemy out of me.


    Desiree: You don’t talk. Not at all.. You just make demands. *She scowls at him* You don’t listen when I tell you things. You only listen to Jenna, the bitch. *She snorts* I deserve to be listened to as well.. *shaking her head, she then grabs her bag* I’ll find a new room now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* Well go ahead, talk now. *folds his arms* You want to say something? Go ahead, I am listening.


    Desiree: *Stops then looks at Sephiroth. She takes a deep breath then firmly speaks* I love you, Father. Mother does not. She proved that several years ago. I’ve always been loyal to you though. I deserve you much more than that bitch does.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What do you mean, you deserve me more than that bitch does? In what way do you think you deserve me? I’ve always been there for you.


    Desiree: *hisses in annoyance. She then stomps over to Sephiroth. Soon enough, she firmly grips onto him before trying to give him a kiss on the lips*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is quick to react by pulling his head back, not wanting to be kissed in such a manner by his own biological daughter* No. *grunts slightly* What’s wrong with you? I’m your father. It’s wrong for you to have any romantic attachment towards me. *scowls* Didn’t you learn anything in biology?


    Desiree: *frowns at him* That only matters if it’s a long-line of such things happening, Father. I’ved told you several times. I love you. I’ve loved you for years, but you’ll only look at Mother. The bitch doesn’t deserve you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls and shakes his head* I never raised you to engage in, or encouraged you to engage in incestous relationships, Desiree. I don’t know how the hell you got it into your head, but the answer is no. I never felt that way about you and I never will. I cannot approve of such a thing. Now please, stop with those ridiculous illusions. You’re not gaining anything doing it. You’re only further harming your reputation. *scowls* I honestly can’t trust you any more, and that really pains me to come to terms with… *slowly shakes his head* How did you get like this, Desiree? What the hell did I do wrong? I never raised you to be like this.


    Desiree: *hisses, not liking the rejection at all. She then silently steps away from Sephiroth then goes over to her bag. Soon enough, she pick it up before coldly stating* I’ll be looking for my new room now.. *Then, she tries to shove past Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves aside for her, scowling* Who is the one not talking now? *shakes his head, annoyed* Goodbye.


    Desiree: Making accusations and commands is not talking.. *She snorts* It stinks in here. I told you before. *She then moves up the stairs, fully intending to find a new room away from the stench of the lifestream*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head at her and moves back to the bed to check up on Jenna, very angry and sour over the events that are occuring* Self centered little moron.. *growls*

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